Has an AAA video game ever been forgotten as quickly as this one?
Has an AAA video game ever been forgotten as quickly as this one?
Other urls found in this thread:
>an triple A
he probably did it so people wouldn't say "quad a"
All of them.
>Horizon sjw Dawn
Even quicker senpai
Is this a "Oh yeah, that game exists" thread?
Mirrors edge 2
I tried the prison DLC couple of weeks ago. God it was awful. Go play Escape from Butcher Bay instead if you want a good prison escape game.
>years upon years of people asking for a mirrors edge sequel
>it comes out
>literally no one plays or talks about it
I thought of this one too
>It was a prequel
tends to happen with single player games which dont take 60+ hours to complete
I love the fact that game consumers are learning to not accept brainless sequels that might as well have been expansions for the original game
>dozen threads per weak about how this game is forgotten
Both Watch Dogs games were forgotten like 2 weeks after release.
>It was a prequel
>It was also Open World
>And it removed all aspects of Control to try to appease to casual
Fucking EA and Dice
Sad too, it was one of my favorite games last year. Just didn't do enough different from HR to gather interest, plus the marketing was awful.
>an ey ey ey!
It was instantly forgettable in every way, shit story, worse combat, open world with 1 direct route and 1 route that takes you far fuck away from anywhere your trying to be, it was just a mess.
You forgot
>it was a prequel
>but the technology was more advanced
>it had skillpoints
>for running and jumping
>and a grappling hook
It's not forgotten yet, else you wouldn't have been able to make this thread.
>Mass Effect Andromeda
>Fallout 4
Assassin's Creed Syndicate was forgotten within like half an hour of its launch.
Assassin's Creed in general seems to be completely forgotten by Sup Forums. Every now and then a thread pops up that gets maybe 200 replies and it's all the same shit.
>"Hey what game's best? I think AC2 was best"
>"AC2 and Brotherhood was best"
>"Am I the only one who liked Revelations?"
>"Is Black Flag worth getting?"
That isn't trople A
Hey guys Remember me?
I remember dat ass
It's been nearly 3 years since Unity and that was the only one that people even remember, mostly because of it's absolutely smooth launch.
The last time Sup Forums was bombarded with Ass Creed threads was when Black Flag came out.
One of the shittiest names for a video game ever.
Speaking of shitty video game titles, the worst I've ever seen was "And Yet It Moves".
>Hey bro, what are you playing?
>Oh, I'm playing "And Yet It Moves".
>Sounds fucking gay bro, kill yourself
Try saying it. It sounds fucking stupid. What kind of stupid fucking name is that? Stupid fucking devs lol
Internet shit tornado
Internet shit tornado 2: Electric boogaloo
What happened?
The best AC game is obviously Shadow of Mordor.
>incorrect opinoions: the post
>an AHHH game
> Two of last year's best games, Dishonored 2 being arguably GOTY
> Forgotten
You don't see people talking about them a lot here because they couldn't pirate them.
Fuck Square Enix.
Their failure to make this game great has put the franchise on hold YET AGAIN. Now who the fuck knows how long we're going to have to wait for another fucking sequel to this game. We already had to wait almost 6 years for a sequel to human revolution, and that game had great reviews and sold well.
Square killed it with their retarded push to split this game into multiple parts, with an unfinished main story, and a stupid pointless "Breach" mode that no one plays because it's shit and pointless.
I guess because Fallout 3 was completely different from 1 and 2, and New Vegas was absolutely fucking amazing but had problems at launch. Whereas Fallout 4 was only groundbreaking in that it found new lengths to dumb down story and gameplay. So it was pretty quickly forgotten.
They were, as usual, just another one of my Harmful Opinions.
In all seriousness, is Black Flag worth getting?
Did you forget that people were literally begging for an open world mirror's edge game for years?
Don't lie, even I was one of those people that said I wanted an open world Mirror's edge game, but we were wrong. The reason Mirror's edge was such a great game was because it was relatively linear.
Also, Mirror's Edge still is one of the best looking games aesthetically I've ever played.
>tfw have 1013 hours in FO4
It's the only game I can make proper good muscle waifus... I just wish it didn't suck.
If you really like pirates, why not.
Otherwise it's a pass. Get Shadow of Mordor if you want a simplistic combat map icon hunting open world game.
What's gotten into him lately?
Reminder that pointing out errors in grammar on the internet doesn't make you smart.
didn't play the new one but is it really that bad?
from videos it just seemed more of the same
If he wasn't smart, don't you think he would have made a grammatical error?
Jesus. I don't even have 1000 hours in TF2, and I used to play that almost every day years ago.
There's a Mirrors Edge 2?
Far Cry Primal definitely takes that cake.
My life is an empty shell.
The first one was kept alive by talks about how disappointing it is when compared to the E3 footage.
Watch Dogs 2 just fell off the face of Earth.
Uncontested champion
Was The Last Guardian trip A?
He's not claiming to be smart, he's pointing out how much of a dumbass OP is, like yourself
>tfw I pre-ordered this garbage
Last game I ever pre-ordered in my life. I think I maybe played it about 2 hours before I called it quits.
Some people probably still don't know that this was released
does people not even being aware it was released count?
>that e3 reveal trailer
>that crowd reaction
>that hype
What went wrong?
Came to post this
>last year's best games
Not a compliment
I didn't think the game was bad, per se, but it really left a lot to be desired and could have actually been a really interesting concept if they had done a few things different.
Mirror's Edge mind. Considering all the E3 hype, i expected more reaction on release, be it good or bad. I ended learning about is release a couple of months after the fact
Holy shit yeah. That came out last year didn't it?
biggest JUST ever tbqh
I like how you fags made sure to try and punctuate properly in response to this. You should've had this down by 8th grade. But again it's the internet not your homework. Nobody cares about grammar except when they want to feel smarter than the original post. Hell I've been guilty of trolling internet grammar myself then I remember how much of a faggot it makes you look like. But please feel free to correct me essay here. Oh and kill yourselves too.
Didn't read
I thought it was pretty fun.
But I pirated it.
>Can't read that much without forgetting the first sentence.
Probably would have helped if that game didn't suck a monkey's asshole
holy shit it was released nearly a year ago too
lots of AAA games have been quickly swept under the rug recently actually, is the industry getting saturated or are people just tired of mediocre games?
A little from column A, a little from column B
It's a combination probably
I actually liked men division but it had a lot of flaws
>stealth was too easy with new abilities
>the Trans humanism subject shifted from philosophical sci-fi to a debate on ethics
>having one city made the game feel small as fuck, deus ex should be worldwide
>story abruptly ended and barely had any mysteries to unravel
>weapon mods were nice, but needed new guns
It looked pretty at least. If they spend the same development time with their completed engine, instead of building one again, and open up the story, the sequel could be good. Too bad it's not happening
get better friends you child
That was a simulated conversation, you moron.
It's both, it doesn't matter how absolutely great or shitty the games are, they just get forgotten.
Like look at Zelda, I personally don't see anything about it really despite being so hot and all.
Games have become very disposable. Very few masterpieces are made.
It will probably get another round of media attention if the rumored Vulkan version turns out to be real since it will likely include a benchmark mode like the recent Mad Max Vulkan update.
Though that attention may be limited to the Linux community since the company who is likely to do the Vulkan work is primarily a Linux based business.
Like Syndicate, most of my friends didn't even know Catalyst came out.
From the sounds of it, open world actually hurt the game. Shame because it sounds like a lot of people wanted that.
>origin exclusive
I didnt even know it had been released until it came up in a buyers remorse thread last week
Power of a singleplayer game being Origin exclusive with Denuvo
What were they thinking?
This game was shit for many reasons
This came out already?
Anything that EA releases onto Origin. Who even uses that shit lol.
Got the Steelbox Edition for 11 bucks today, what am I in for?
I can finally post this
A good game for $11. End sets up dlc or a sequel. Didn't get the dlc myself.
It's actually a very satisfying action game. Enjoyed 8 or so hours with it
I will forever remember that ass.
A sequel. I think both of the DLC's take place before the events of Mankind Divided.
okay that makes sense I remember something about Alaska before the game starts. So you probably do something in Alaska after the oil rig incident in human revolution.
I liked the going back in time parts that was cool should of had more of that.