Mikus new DLC is out

>Mikus new DLC is out
>nobody is talking about it

Is Miku officially dead?

Guess the miku fad is over

it's not monday yet! Others have been talking about it since it came out in grorious nippon.

But it's out in the west now.

True. All I'm saying is it's been talked about before in previous threads.

I just thought we could talk about something not persona today. I guess I was wrong.

You're welcome to do so. I don't really care about the only post Miku on mondays thing. I've still yet to buy the DLC since I'm broke. Funnily enough one of the reasons I got the game was one of the DLC songs (Age Age Again). I should've listened to that one user shortly before the game came out. I asked if I should get FT or get anew job. I was told if I got future tone there would be no new job and to this day there's no new job.

>our overlord miku making her game our job to do
>not even paid minimum wage

miku is such a hard slave driver

I can't escape. Money is starting to run out and internet bills don't pay themselves.

i went with getting a job but i really do feel like getting a ps4 and buy dem miku games but muh budget and family needs restricts me from doing so

how much would i spend if i were to get these now? im getting my first pay this coming friday and im really new to chicago

I really wanted Hand in Hand in Future Tone but it ended up in X

I wish miku was some kinda platform already and you could just buy every game as DLC for it, kinda like the song packs for FT. Just imagine being able to buy all songs and having them in one game.

You can get a ps4 for about $250 cheaper if used, Both main game packs for FT for for about $50 plus another $25 if you get the 3 DLC pack bundle. If you want to get X I think it was $45 at release, yoy might be able to find it for cheaper or on sale if you look.

It is though, as DLC.

I meant around $50 for both main game packs combines.

Ho do I fug a holographic robit?


I never said which robit, plus they sexualize themselves. +Impaled, Soap Lagoon, LUVORATORRRRRY, Kurumi ponchio, and Pomp and Circumstance are just a few examples.

already have x on muh vita. thanks for the cost breakdown, now i just gotta plan it out and also grab a tv since i don't even have one

In gaming, probably not.

I wish you luck user and beware of the slippery slope.

>want to buy a fig or two
>too scared of the slippery slope

Too late, Once you start, you don't stop.

Yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night.

You're going to buy figurines and you're going to love it

I want a cheap takoluka plushie, is amazon a good place to buy those?

Only reason I don't want to at the moment is because not enough money.

You'll never have enough money to own everything miku you want.

Nigga wait till Monday. I don't even have my Migu folder with me today.

But it's already monday.

1925 sucks huge dick. Worst song.

>not enough money

Money is only needed for Miku, everything else is just luxury, silly

Would it be a bad idea to buy a Miku plush off Ebay? I only ask cause I've seen people talking down various sites related to figurines and stufff so I thought I'd ask

Depends if you want one and are willing to pay for it. Prices can be ass raping just for a plushie.

I bought this Rin figure because I thought it was cute. I'm happy with it.