Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums

Meanwhile, on Monstergirl Sup Forums...

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ITT: Furfags in denial

That's pretty much sums up Sup Forums

What is this meme


>Everytime i see this thread

The lands of the ones who have lain with one of the damned will be purged in a sea of holy fire.

What's your favorite monstergirl?

the necromancer girl from MGQ

>tfw government sanctioned abstinence

My balls haven't been more blue

don't bully monstergirls
or theyll bully you

Dark Matter

I'm not usually one for sneks but Alice is literally perfect

>like slime girls
>f-f-fur fag

They are probably posting the same "Meanwhile, on Human Sup Forums..." threads they post every day

It's no mistake Monster Girls gained niche popularity among 20-something introvert men. The fetish appeals to their tastes specifically, and not because of their exotic nature.

It's because of femdom. The monster girl fetish is centered around a girl approaching you, taking the lead in courtship, and relieving you of that responsibility. It is the shy man's wet dream.

The most popular monster girl stories and situations are overwhelmingly vanilla, almost exclusively displaying monogamous, romantic relationships. But, almost every time, it is a case of a woman coming on to a man, either through rape or through seduction. And the fans eat this up. They wish so badly it would happen to them, because it is a complete fantasy in real life. Women just don't do this.

I think the same thing can be said of the amazon woman fetish, and indeed, there is some overlap with monster girls, such as oni girls and orcs.

Imagine if women were romantically or sexually assertive in real life. The monster girl fetish-- at least, the one where they are voracious, near predatorial sexual assertives-- would not exist.

But what if I like Monstergirl Futa on Futa Catfighting?

dude what

I said I like Monstergirls that are futas fighting each other then the victor screwing the other

That's uh
An interesting predilection you have there


Nailed it. I want tio to ask me to marry her!

Is MGQ actually worth reading? I just played it for the faps.



It's a charming little story, porn aside. Though porn is definitely the main reason to play it.


What is the best monstergirl species, and why is it scorpion girls?

Go ahead, try to force the furry label on slimegirls, succubi and dullahans and then try to justify said label.

You can't.

>luka go kill monstergirl because i hate them and they cant work with humans
>wtf monstergirl and humans can live together i was lied to
>oh i lied they actually can i just hate them now kill the snake for eternal fuck
It really isn't worth playing through at all and only has about 3 or 4 scenes that are actually worth jerking to. I really don't understand how this game actually got popular with anyone at all with how bad it is

Mein negro.

That' not how you spell amblypygis.

Amblypygis are just mere imitators of the superior animal/monstergirl.

Source is required

[obmas] Onegai! Onigami-sama

[Nakamura Regura] Kuu Ai


Many thanks. I always enjoy a good almost-murder session that turns into sex.

What has science done?

Look, monstergirls are perfectly normal and not abominations of God. Imagine if you were human and got ostracized by other humans for no reason but because you look weird and others of your kind happen to be murder rapists. Stop holding this stereotype of monstergirls.

>another tsundere paladin

When will they start being honest?

Absolutely nothing wrong.


wew, this guy has a thing for onis
also pretty good art

Which monster grill you want but doesnt exist/have art?

>Which monster grill you want but doesnt exist
All of them.


I want burgers to fucking leave


>yfw paladinfags are all actually just monstergirls in disguise

Nigger im not going to draw them all.

post art

never ever

Bless you, user.

>mfw at how absolutely butt-devastated 8ch's /monster/ is about the addition of a monster boy trap in Monster Girl Island

>ywn meet, date, and marry a succubus

Stupid reality.

Fuck that, you tried to pull a funny and it was lame, you dont deserve it.

>implying im the same user
post your art

All Paladins should aspire to purify monster girls with their holy seed. It is the only path to God. We need to bring these lost souls into the light.

>a succubus will never steal Boco's soul and make it so he stops fucking posting


The goes my smile.

>tfw to intelligent too like monster girls

Or suck out all my lifeforce.

Either one works.


Shit I forgot those fucking Leaves are the ones responsible for these shitty threads.

I hope you took the right decision, battle brother

>tfw to intelligent two knot like monstergirls

I want Pharaoh to wake me up with morning 69 paizuri. Then we can play Rome 2 Total War and play as the Egyptians. Then she can rage when she realizes that the Ptolemaic dynasty wasn't Egyptian.


>liking MGE

>monster girl island
Don't kid yourself now.


t. brainlet

t. Photoshoop user who reversed the entire photo to suit his needs.

>Monster Homo Island

MGE is shit lad.

Ur a shit. Tender loving femdom a best.

>posting a monstergirl that is inferior to all of its components


Should not want.

But then how will I know I didn't deserve it. It's most likely that your art was subpar unless you give me proof to the contrary.

I don't really like her that much either. Just making a point about femdom.
Are for face sitting, so they can force you to inhale the sweet scent of their tails.
But you do.

Wow this listing is kinda accur-
>Monster Girl Island
fuck off

>no dog girl


>No Lilim
>No Baphomet
>No Pharaoh
Kinda sucks.

it's a straw poll nigger, you want me to add a hundred options?

just choose cat girl, it's basically the same thing

>no scorpiongirl

MGQ is based on MGE, though.


You. I like you.

MGQ is MGE except actually decently written.

How does this work biologically? Is the purpose of the tail to absorb semen? If not, what's it for?

And if it is for semen, where does it go? From the picture, it looks like it's attached to her head. So the semen would go straight to her brain?

>you want me to add a hundred options
No I want you add every species and subspecies of animals with -girl as a suffix along with every mythological/ paranormal/fantasy creature with -girl as a suffix as an option

They are part of my ideal harem. Along with a dragon girl. The ultimate power doms for the ultimate sub.
The semen is ingested via magic. It's used as a tool for the manticore to adapt her pussy to the shape of her ideal husband. But she has to dom him with her tail a lot first. Make him beg for it. It's attached to her spine, kind of like most animals.

>decently written
wew lad

It's still fucking shakespeare compared to MGE.

>They are part of my ideal harem. Along with a dragon girl.
You must be a bitchboy to surpass all bitchboys.

Yes. Yes I am. I mean, outside of a relationship I'm pretty aggressive with others. But honestly with women I just want to be their husband/sex toy.

Updated poll.