No one likes Zelda. Why do these games keep getting made? They are filled with nothing but plot holes and stereotypical...

No one likes Zelda. Why do these games keep getting made? They are filled with nothing but plot holes and stereotypical, dull characters.

Nothing in Zelda is as iconic as learning that Samus Aran is a woman.

Other urls found in this thread:

Cant wait to mansplain out of this one. wew that comic really makes the noggin joggin.


Why is she eating popcorn and criticizing the story as if it was a movie? It is a video game and its focus is gameplay, just as Mario is.

>Judging the characterization of a character by the gameplay



>stereotypical, dull characters

If you're talking about stereotypical, Samus was just another generic space machine in the original game until people figured out how to beat the game fast enough to learn there was a hot blonde chick underneath the power armor.

That's why they still make Zelda games while Metroid was thrown into the garbage right?
Metroid is a trash series.

At least she suck and swallow instead of forever teasing you and get blue balls and Zelda try to make Link eat a frog. Zelda a stuck up princess bitch

You made this same exact thread yesterday begging for attention.
Neck yourself faggot.

BotW Zelda is a decently flushed out character with strengths, weaknesses, challenges, and struggles.

A superconfident princess who never struggles and succeeds at everything they do is just as much of a flat character as a princess who sits in a tower and does nothing but need rescuing.

She's not waiting to be rescued. She's battling Ganon on her own while waiting for backup. She may not be the most amazing characterization ever, but calling her another princess who needs to be rescued is stupid.

>Last two words are in bold for no reason.

>metroid fans

You don't know shit about the metroid universe do you?

Didn't care for anything beyond the NES and SNES games

>playing Zelda for the characters or the story


>five minutes
Nice exaggeration, retard. Also good job proving you never played the fucking game. She cries for all of like 20 seconds before the scene ends.

Also, your points about video games supposed to be drawing you in is just an opinion, they aren't ALL supposed to be about just that. If it's a story driven game, then it's meant to attract you with the plot as well.

Enjoy being wrong, kiddo.

I hate how feminists and women have latched onto Samus.

I also hate Metroid fans, some of the most autistic and insufferable fucks out there.

>complaining about characters crying in the face of adversity and loss


Why are Metroid and Mega Man fans such whiny, spoiled cocksuckers?


nice buzzword user

>We will never get another metroid game
Feels good


>random word I don't like is a buzzword

Yea, no.

holy shit this spooky dark forest area is cool


No one likes pastas. Why do these threads keep getting made?

Feminists criticizing Zelda are pure cancer

How the fuck is she holding that bowl like that?

>Zelda is so awesome guys! She holds up le evil monster for so long, she's so brave and witty
>which is why we need to have her break down and cry like a 5 year old every other cutscene

BOTW is the Metroid: Other M of Zelda. get your emotions and feelings out of my video games.

She's at a table.

It's just poorly drawn and looks like it's oddly shaped.

(You) weren't even alive when people learned Samus Aran was a woman.

She's cries TWICE, and barely for even a minute. Nice shitpost, bucko.

Its a buzzword to him because he probably hears thar word directed at him a lot.

Nigga thats the floor not a table.

She has her elbow on it, idiot. It's clearly meant to be a table, but it's shittily drawn.

link is intersex though

>No one likes zelda
>Literally in every game


Does it conform to her body or something? Theres no edge.

That's two times more than she should be crying. If you want emotions shoved in everywhere, go watch Steven Universe.

>No one likes Zelda

>Tropes are the devil: the post

I just said it's poorly drawn, most people can't draw characters at tables well.

The new Zelda was a movie game.

It had cutscenes with voice acting, it's not a real video game.


Maybe for you, but not for everyone. Also, the emotional bits are fitting to her character, unlike the garbage in your shit show where it's done every other time a character talks.


It's hardly a movie game when the majority of cutscenes are few and far between.

>no one likes Zelda

>the emotional bits are fitting to her character
Again, I'm not playing a video game for MUH EMOTIONAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. If your game can't survive without that, then it's not a game. It's a movie.

>b-but there's alot of gameplay
So the emotional crap isn't necessary, is it? So why is it in there in the first place?

Thank goodness Japan is largely immune to US social politics.

>If your game can't survive without that, then it's not a game. It's a movie.
And guess what, the game the does survive because it's not relying solely on the cutscenes despite your shitty implications. It's not a movie game because the cutscenes are not that numerous. They add to the story, and that's all. How about you actually play the game instead of shitposting about it?

>actually trying to reason with ACfag

To make a lot of people happy and few (including you) angry.

Metroid would have sold tens of millions of copies if it went open world.

Zelda was outperformed by HORIZON. Talk about pathetic.

Fine, go and screech like a monkey because you think it's a boogeyman.

>It's not a movie game because the cutscenes are not that numerous.
Not an argument when you have a worse cutscene to gameplay ratio than something like Dragon Age: Inquisition, which we can all agree is movie garbage with that extra bioware touch of shame.

These threads are starting to make me hate Metroid

No one likes this thread. Why does this thread keep getting made? It is filled with nothing but empty arguments and OP being a fag.

Nothing in this thread is as iconic as learning that user is into tile floors.


I can't agree. I never played DA:I. I also do not agree with you movie game classification.

Not an argument when you don't even know how many cutscenes there are, much less their "ratio", or that having them does not a movie game make.

>mfw I found my target had 2 switches and I managed to snag one but I have finals next week so it's just sitting there.

What, you didn't start hating them after the petition to cancel Federation Force?

>Again, I'm not playing a video game for MUH EMOTIONAL CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT

I got more enjoyment out of stasis tree surfing than the cutscenes but zelda getting Link to talk (offscreen) was a big deal. Also despite her constant protests this game is the most proactive we've seen zelda in a core game.

The only good Metroid is a 2D Metroid

Prime was okay but 2D was better

Why should someone hate the game because of autistic fans?

If you had so much fun with the game itself, then you would agree that we should remove all of the story, as it's a cancer holding back the gameplay.

If you do NOT agree, then you are arguing that the game is terrible on its own and needs a crutch like the plot to keep it moving.

The fanbase.
Games are fine, I don't know why you would hate the games because of that comic.

Nigga, total cutscene time was like few then 10 minutes.

Compare that to MGS4 that has like 2+ hours of cutscenes.

I think a healthy combination of gameplay and story is very good, and if a proper balance is achieved, removing either would only worsen the experience.

>a game on a console owned by 60 million people with a shitton marketing did better than a game on a console only owned by less than a 20th of that with more marketing for the console than the game

not counting Wii U sales either

I don't hate the games, though.

>I think a healthy combination of gameplay and story is very good,
In a video GAME, a healthy of combination of gameplay and story is 100 to 1. The story has no right to ask for any more representation. And even that's pushing it.

And since I can rush to ganon and kill him within 1 hour, the maximum amount of cutscenes that the game should be allowed is about 1 minute, max.

>If you do NOT agree, then you are arguing that the game is terrible on its own and needs a crutch like the plot to keep it moving.

No, a game can be fun on its own and have some fun story elements. It's not using it as a crutch whatsoever.

>In a video GAME, a healthy of combination of gameplay and story is 100 to 1
It is a very interesting opinion, but it differs a lot from mine.

>In a video GAME, a healthy of combination of gameplay and story is 100 to 1.
Nice bullshit.

Well the Zelda brand is more iconic than metros. So it was crazy you found out samus was a girl. Omg, that was so cool back in the early 90's. Now what you got?

Last I recall, you don't PLAY a cutscene. You watch it. and in a video game, time spent watching something does not add to the time spent PLAYING something.

If I can get all of the emotion fee-fees from your game by just watching a youtube video of it, then you've failed at it. You've essentially made let's player bait in the same vein of Five Nights at Freddy's, or Slender Man.

>No, a game can be fun on its own and have some fun story elements
If it's fun on its own, it doesn't need those story elements.


well Prime did alright for itself plotwise without shitting the bed like Other M did. At least Retro understood minimalism.

We've had this same fucking shitty thread three times at this point.
This is why buttblasted Metroidfags are the worst fanbase in existence. Just accept that your franchise is dead and it's never coming back. You honestly sicken me beyond words.

It's called an archetype and it's an archetype for a reason.

I bet this faggot artist praises mass effect.

>>Last I recall, you don't PLAY a cutscene. You watch it. and in a video game, time spent watching something does not add to the time spent PLAYING something.
>If I can get all of the emotion fee-fees from your game by just watching a youtube video of it, then you've failed at it. You've essentially made let's player bait in the same vein of Five Nights at Freddy's, or Slender Man.
I don't see why you're responding to me. Are you trying to imply that your bogus 1:100 rule is something more than you opinion?

>Metroid would have sold tens of millions of copies if it went open world.

Are you fucking kidding me

Are you the guy from a thread a while back complaining that super metroid had too much in the way of cutscenes?

Good lord you are one autistic fuck. We get it, you don't like cutscenes, but guess what? Other people do, learn to deal with it. They don't take away from the game for most people, and if you can't handle that, tough shit.

I hate people that give Zelda a 10/10 even though I liked the game.... You people make me mad AF.

>this shit has been posted 15 times already

Wow, a new copypasta for stupid people to reply to.

>Last I recall, you don't PLAY a cutscene.
Looks like you've never played Half-Life 2 then

Because sometimes putting something good with something extra that is also good makes the thing better. No way right?

It's my opinion, but it's backed up by citations and countless examples. The general trend we've seen in the industry is thusly: the more story your game has, the worse a game that it is.

>you don't like cutscenes, but guess what? Other people do
Hey, that's fine by me, you can like them if you want. I'm just saying, you have plenty of websites you can go to, like tumblr or neogaf, if you want cinematic experiences. It seems odd discussing them on Sup Forums, which is for VIDEO GAMES. Same reason why I'm always puzzled by the countless Metal Gear threads.

As innovative as Half Life 2 was, the story was not among the innovations. I'd rather just have a dedicated skip button.

>Because sometimes putting something good with something extra that is also good makes the thing better
Oh, I agree. So why isn't Zelda gameplay, followed by MORE gameplay? In this medium, the only good thing is actual interaction. A story by default cannot be good because it conflicts with the very heart and soul of the medium, which is actual interactivity between the product and the player.

Holy shit, you're the same fucking guy that keeps throwing the same autistic fit over cutscenes from all the previous threads, are you not?
What the fuck are you even trying to prove or accomplish by screeching at people?
Newsflash fuckaroo, there are some that greatly enjoy cutscenes, if done right you can net your fucking ass they can improve a game greatly.
That's the entire point of having a story. You can't just tell a good story with game play alone.
Just fuck off for good already.

I liked BoTW Zelda.

Everyone does that with shitty webcomics.

Well even going by your autistic ratio of gameplay to cutscenes, it seems like a lot of people are getting well over 100 hours worth of BotW gameplay, and only 10 minutes of cutscenes.

It's 100 to >1.

Your opinion is not backed by anything. It's a bogus rule you came up with by yourself.

It is time to ignore ACFag.

>It seems odd discussing them on Sup Forums
Except it isn't. How fucking new are you to think that nobody discusses story-driven games here? Fucking hell, we have at least ONE Planescape Torment thread each month, and that game is more known for its story than its shoddy gameplay.

I did, too.