ITT games only you played

games only you played

I rented it. I didn't like it.

>hudsons adventure island

I remember the mandatory arcade shit drove me insane. I don't know if I was just awful at it or if it was legit retardedly difficult.

i playing it on dolphin. The game is meh collectaton but pretty polished.

games only you played

my first fap


Played this. It's really, really bad.

wtf a game jimmy neutron game? that must have horrible. wtf was thq thinking?



One of the only games my dad would play with me. Other than that he wasn't really into games until recently where he'd play betting site games

I played the PC version of this game.
>tfw you never have nostalgia for good games, only this shit

Basically Unpolished Xcom for GBA

I vaguely remember seeing this game advertised a little bit, alongside some candy-themed RPG game.

This was way better than it had any right to be

it was an okay metroidvainia


they said curse words in it

I was beginning to think i made this game up in my head

Don't judge me

It was better than Twisted Metal desu

i have that
i got up to the playground with the blue twonkie


I had the PC version too. I played it multiple times despite not liking it.

>get dragged to a shitty bowling alley every friday because my mom was on some bowling team
>this, a Cabelas shooter game, and some golf game, were the only sources of entertainment

This is probably the least obscure game in this thread but I've never seen anyone else mention or discuss it here.

It was good tho

that game was awesome
hard as shit though


It wasn't that bad as a game, even if it's a weak port according to friends with xboxes

But why were most of the missions escort ones?

>Bowling video game at bowling alley

>last update was in 2010

Haven't played the wii one, but the gist of the original is escorting survivors.

i still dont know why my dad bought this for me when i was a kid but i played the shit out of it

Purple: The Game

most disappointing game I have ever played.



40 Winks

Never heard anyone talk about it before and going back to play it again, man the controls were floaty as hell

That game was so cool, I playd it until I went blind.

I still cannot figure out if Champloo was good or not. The show, that is.

>Mighty Max was just Polly Pocket for boys
>That time my stoner friend swallowed the Max figure whole just to see if it would come out
>It ended up getting embedded in his stomach wall and caused an ulcer to burst

The show itself was garbage but the OST is nice.

It was great

That game was made by Grasshopper studio so it is 10/10

Suda is the best

Bustin Out in my case. Were the DS version of them any good


I find it very unlikely that there is a game that "only you" played unless it's one you made yourself. Even the least well known games have been played by hundreds or thousands of people.

good times

>>Mighty Max was just Polly Pocket for boys
the toys were good at least. but I was really hoping the game was more traditional than whatever mess we got.


Never met anyone in my life who played this .

OneyPlays did a whole video on it



The game itself is pretty meh, but the sheer amount of effort is interesting.

bretty good, just got done playing it for a while

Literally only me

I got an original DS for my 12th birthday and it came with The Urbz.. it was weird as hell because it was story-driven and had missions and shit.
I got to the last "level" where you have to go to a mad scientist's island but the game froze and I couldn't progress any more. never found out how it ended

I used to love this game. It wasn't the best in the world but I loved the concept of skills leveling up only if you used them. Far too few games do this.

Shit, son. My favorite part was when you could hijack an enemy robot's body and id pick fights to be able to run with a dismembered pair of legs and then fucking jump into the pit of lava to make the reactor blow up or whatever. Good times.

I recently did that bit..Only "hard" part was the asteroids game
>Mfw all you had to do was spin around and shoot...

The thing, pretty much every survivor is a escort mission.

The difference is that in the Xbox's version, it is an open world, there's a timer and escorting survivors is optional.

Since the Wii version opted for a mission system instead, the player is pretty much forced into doing the survivor missions.

Best thing FromSoftware ever did

Man, I loved the little gadgets on that game, but figuring out all the possibilities was a pain.

Nostalgia or not, I feel like it was a fine game.


and me. game is fuckin rad

I played it. Still have it right here in my room

Dayum I remember this one. I remember the first world really creeping me out. Struggled with the game at first but then got the hang of it.

I remembering enjoying it.


I've only played the NES version but I liked that one a lot.

That and the part where you end up controlling the final boss to make the spaceship explode were god tier parts.

I loved the hijack weapon and ally grenades in general, you could pull a ton of shit with that.

I think the part i liked the most was the initial "fight" against the final boss, that unkillable giant, in the arena. I thought the way you have to use the wrench to play dead and make the enemy take you outside was really clever, and made me legitimately terrified at the thought of having to face the giant again.

That limb system...that final fight...fuck, the entire game was a blast.

Fuck the zombies though.

> throwing the ally grenade on the zombies
> mfw it has no effect

Are u me user?
Btw Columns was amazing...

Awesome game, though I used to get really confused as to the directions after a battle.

Never seen this game mentioned at all in these threads. It has five levels and each level is a "campaign" filled with missions/objectives. You're supposed to carry out your objectives while making sure you don't get destroyed, run out of fuel, or run out of ammo. First level is pretty straightforward. Have not gotten past the second level because it felt like it was impossible to complete your objectives before you run out of ammo/fuel.

Anyone else play it?

holy FUCK i remember renting this and hating it
because it hurt my child brain's feelings

My niggers.

Looks cool, gonna dl. Thanks user

Might as well post another. I know there was a sequel, but i have no idea how popular it actually was.

That mission where you can't kill anyone had me stumped as a kid.

holy FUCK all of the strike games were fucking great

I own that game. It's so fucking easy to score goals in it, all you have to do is run into the goalie and press b.

Think my top score was like 80 - 0 or something crazy.

I've never met anyone else who's played this who didn't borrow it from me as a kid.

I have this game

Now I want to replay it.


i mained psymon

>not Kaori

Shit taste, user.




>bots transform into gliders and walkers mid race
>hit certain objects to transform the track, creating ramps, mountains and lakes instantly
>get bonus stars for hitting soccer balls and scoring goals, and plowing through bowling pins
>a mode that was a racing/poker mashup

It was very exciting

Still have the box and everything

probably the best action RPG honestly.


I played typing of the dead, it's pretty good.

I'm still mad that HotD 4 is only on PS3 and will never get a Wii/Wii U port like HotD 2 & 3.

Played through again other day. Lovely, strange game.

Does the wii ports play like the arcades? I mean, I know that you can use light guns on a LCD tv but does it works well with the wiimote? How it compares to the light gun

Fucking yes! I remember being immersed as fuck as a kid and when I finished the game I bawled my eyes out, because I was so moved. I still love the game.

wonder 3

I played this as a kid I could never get enough tokens to get to the final boss though. I also let a friend borrow my game and he fucking moved away with it.