DOMINATED! I cherish these moments we spend together

DOMINATED! I cherish these moments we spend together.


GO TO HELL! And tell the devil i'm coming for him next!

Who is not pooshing the kart! I vant names!



Valve should've kept the reconciliatory Soldier/Demo kill lines. They're really cute.



You were loud and ugly and now your dead Amen


Pyros, Spies and Snipers are the classes that try the hardest without actually contributing much to the team

>We have the eye of a tiger, the heart of a lion, the wings of an eagle, the big muscular arms of a pantherman, and the silent majesty of a kraken!

All will fear my giant new MEDIC !

What is this? Online class based shooter with adequate art style that actually tried to be a good game instead of blinding target audience with fanservice? I dont believe any of this!

nice picture

That was a mercy kill you live in a .. camper van

Mess with the pocket, get a rocket!

If any man comes at me airborne, I am turning him into a meat cloud

>try spy in a few games
>everyones checking their backs pretty often and spychecking the teammates
>all i'm really doing is just deleting snipers and occasionally harassing engie nests
>just decide to appear in random places and fire ambassadors
In hindsight I could just be a scout for that sort of mindset, but bullying engies and their toys helps the team.

That's my whole annoyance with spy I could be getting picks and taking out sentry's but snipers and demomen do that better while also actually being able to kill more often.

You can't carry a team as a spy but you can as pretty much any-other class. Only using the stock revolver and just gunning down people is fun though


Just bought two tickets to the gun show, but I'm not giving them to ya, I'm going with MEEEEDDDIIIIIIIIICCCC

It must take a special type of autism to create this post
Have a (you)

The problem with spy also is playing a more stealthy position, but anyone who's played the game for more than a few hours will know to check and keep looking around in case someone sneaks up, whether its a spy or another flanker like a scout.

Once you're caught with your pants down trying to get the stab, its all or nothing because you're not as good as direct combat as others and there's no reason why the enemy would not keep their eyes on you in a fight. Much more dependent on distractions from your team to do the job and that's not a good skill to have.

DOMINATED! But you're still me best mate, heh.

Here lies ze Scout
He ran fast, and died a virgin.

Not so smart with ya brains outside ya head, are ya?

>you will never suck demomans dick

Anybody wanna play a round of dustbowl?

No but I'll play hydro

Why is it always shitty maps? Why can't we play some fucking badwater or process or something?


>no class-specific domination lines for Heavy

Sowing paranoia in an enemy team helps considerably. I can't tell you how many heavies and soldiers I've goaded into running into the basement on 2fort just by decloaking and shooting them once. Throw in the actual duties of sapping and sniper removal and they can contribute quite a bit.

t. spyfag main

>2. Med
I can't even begin to fathom how wrong this is

The biggest advantage of playing spy is how braindead easy it is to destroy teleporters. On many maps if all you do all game is destroy teleporters, you may have only gotten 5-6 points, but you won the game for your team. Bonus points for using the cloak and dagger and shooting people once in the back as they start the long walk to the objective and then hiding so they waste even more time looking for you.



Last one alive, lock the door!

>Off to visit your mother

pain is weakness leaving the body


You're a very strange man. I am shit at spy, won't deny that and it's not like i can practice when every pub has 4 of those on your team already so you can't even train your stealhan skills but i find 2fort way too small. Also fuckload of choke points with explosions from both sides.

Maybe because we just liked familiarity but me and my friends always played there when we were kids. 2fort gives a lot of corners and little nooks in which you can duck away from. My favorite strategy was decloaking and running in a direction, only to backpedal and watch people run after where they think I went.

I know a lot of people despise 2fort for pretty valid reasons, but for me that's how I remember TF2, and it's some of the most fun I've ever had in a multiplayer game.

>Cloaking and running in a direction

Whoops typo

>kk med
What's wrong with you

>get ubered as pyro on Nem's payload
>wipe out the team on the cart
>uber ends just as i reach an overhealed brass beast heavy and his pocket medic
>shotgun him twice with mini-crits, and then swing the axe as he starts eating my HP
>crit him
>both him and his uber-ready medic disintigrate

i knew using the proton axe or whatever would pay off for me one day lads

God the new voice lines are embarrassing

Third degree, a direct upgrade.
Gott say it's fun to sneak around and hit a medic, killing his pocket and other medics that he had.

I don't mind 2fort either. I meant that i find it very difficult to play as a spy.

Best i can do is chill at enemy spawn with stock revolver and DR, shoot some people and run around praying they start chasing me while my team has to deal with less enemies which doesn't work on 2fort as good for me, whenever i play there's shit going on everywhere so there's nowhere to lead them away to.

They need to update old maps item spawns or something.

With TF2 being the multiplayer game I have the most hours in, and at least 90% of them spent as spy I learned a bunch of tricks. I don't think I was ever as good at playing another multiplayer game as I was at TF2 spy. I was just a huge fan of having an actual stealthy class done well in multiplayer. 2Fort becomes easy for spy when you get upstairs, then you have free reign if you know how to pick targets.

>mfw that spoiler
No idea what i was going for there.

To add to that i don't usually use Dead Ringer. Always going for stock for better learning and those ammo box sprints but if enemy is too paranoid and what not that's when i go DR and start annoying people with revolver shots.

Just hope i'll get semi-decent some time soon. Interesting playstyle but so far, when i need something reliable i either go combat class or engineer to make those forward bases on attack so my soldiers can kamikaze rush without stopping.

Just lay your weapons down and place a dispenser here

Dead ringer is better for maps where getting behind enemy lines is easier like in payload. Dead ringer isn't worth it at all on CTF as half the base can generally hear you decloak. The vanilla build was always my favorite but the diamondback is fun if you're on top of sapping and stabbing. If you're doing well you can have a bunch of "get out of jail free" crits.

I think the most important thing to remember as spy is EVERYONE WANTS YOU DEAD. So basically if you wiggle your ass at anyone and run away they will generally go out of their way to kill you.

One fun trick is to get someone to chase you from the main spawn in 2fort, run down the spiral staircase and press your back to a corner. They'll keep running down towards the intel room and you can decloak and stab them in the back or just run back up to the spawn. Though it should be noted that sometimes they bump into you or shoot the corners. It's a gamble but evading detection by the skin of your teeth is what makes spy fun.

What sensitivity do you guys play with as spy, or other classes?
I use 1600dpi and 0.61 sens
Great for revolver, but not so good for trick stabs

Krispy Kreme

Why won't they just delete Sniper? He's a cancer class that doesn't belong in this kind of game.

800 DPI and 2 sens like every sensible person should be using.

>get a new monitor
>want to try it out with TF2
>tf2 doesn't launch anymore
>tried everything and it still doesnt work

Sniper is fine, he just needs some tweaks and his cancerous unlocks put in the garbage bin.

Hello highlander scrub

Still playing who can protect there aimboting sniper the best still?

>doesn't belong in this type of game
Explain further

>reading comprehension

It's the only Axe I use.

>Still playing who can protect there aimboting sniper the best still?
You wot m8

A lot of the time there is no interaction between the Sniper and his target.

It's not like Scout vs Heavy where the Scout will try to confuse and outmaneuver the Heavy, or Pyro vs Soldier where Pyro will attempt to predict rockets and reflect them.

Sniper just kills you from across the map, sometimes before you can even see him. He's terrible design.

To be fair, that is the current highlander meta.
If there's any class that doesn't belong in this game though, it's Pyro. He's got no clear cut role, and I'm glad they're reworking him. I just hope they turn his flamethrower into a plasma gun like weapon
Against any Heavy with halfway decent aim Scout loses every time as long as the heavy is fully revved up.

>I don't know who highlander works


The only people who think the razorback is cancer are HL shitters


Fuck I miss when tf2 was good. The current "dev team" has constantly shit the bed over the lest two years, screwing with testing that never needed to be screwed with. Fuck valve and their shitty wheeled-desk business model, all your employees will just go to where the money is and leave everything else to die. I would kill for a revision that being us back to either full stock, or to a point at which each class has their update weapon pack and maybe one community choice weapon, and just scrap everything else. Best game I ever played was an hour long bout on 5cp granary when the item server kicked it and put everyone on stock.

If I even cash out of tf2, the one item I will always keep is my strange pro-ks third degree. Fuck my aus shit, fuck my festive shit (except my strange festive shotty and smg), fuck my unusuals, that axe is my baby.


That's the point of an sniper, to stay on the back and kill people from far away.
He has multiple options to engage in close quarters, and also the huntsman to be in middle distance and with the team in push.

>The only people who think the razorback is cancer are HL shitters
>An unlock that removes sniper's hard counter isn't cancer
I take it you think the DDS is a great weapon too?

>I want to counter spy
>the most useless class in the game

Even pyro is more effective most of the time, and spy take 3 times as long to deal with the sniper then any other class

Also tf2 has no hard counters, you dipshit

>removes hard counter
>Spy decloaks and two shots a sniper from close range with the Amby

Razorback is a crutch.

>Oh no, a sniper is using a backshield!.How can i counter it, i wish i had some kind of gun that could kill him pretty easy and having extra bonus for shooting, well i guess i'd just go with my 10 diamondback crits.

>not using piss gun + stock smg for short range pee-shooting sprees
It's the only way to play man

Tough Break and Gun Mettle were good updates for their balance changes though. The skins were an awful idea, but the balance changes were actually great. Meet Your Match has fucked everything up, both balance wise and with Casual still being horrific to play.
At this point, Spy is just a less effective sniper now who pops people with the Ambassador.

MYM is what drove most of the people I played with away for good. I still play casual or do server raids with friends every now and then, but it was definitely the update that brake the camels back for a lot of people.

>the most useless class in the game
Gee maybe that's because he can't kill the class he's supposed to counter?

>Also tf2 has no hard counters, you dipshit
>what is engineer and scout
>what is sniper and heavy
>what is demo and engineer

>Stand next to sentry
>Stand next to team
>Have overheals
Or my favorite, just spin around and headshot him.

Amby only works against shit snipers who stand a mile away from their team and never unscope.

I still don't know what they were thinking... making it so hard to get into a game and you can't even join friends in the middle. Matchmaking like this is killing casual multiplayer games.

retard signifiers?

>That's the point of an sniper
Yeah it is, doesn't mean he's good game design though. I'm pretty sure he was just shoehorned in to cater to ebin snoipah qscope kiddies.

>stab a snipers razorback
>he doesn't notice
>backstab him
>his teammate: Come on dude...

Funny, I kill my hard counters all the time

That makes them SOFT counters you fucking retard

Overcuck has hard counters, in tf2 you can win if you are just the better player, it is just an uphill battle

And you are also countering the spy using his gun with a teammate

That is some f the worst theory crafting I have ever seen and you might as well assume there are 2 spies and everything you said is now void

You fucktard

Even Quake is suffering from this cancer.

New game sucks dicks btw

He's useless because at most, against a competent team, he can get one MAYBE two kills before the rest of the team turns around and rapes his ass. That's what happens to spies who use their knife. So what's the only solution for spies then? They have to use the ambassador and pop people in the head from the backlines, so basically a shittier sniper. His problems don't stem from not being able to kill Snipers, he can easily shoot them 2-3 times with any revolver and kill him. His problem is that he has no way to get out after killing somebody, and the 10% speed boost buff didn't help. He needs his speed reverted to what it was before, and he needs a natural speed buff whenever he backstabs someone (I'd say 15%), so he can either get out or try and go for a chain with the increased maneuverability.

>not using sandman + cleaver
Probably a complete meme but it's fun to shred heavies before they know what even happened
Most of that image is just whining over weapons. The only one I actually have an issue with is the black box because a good box soldier paired with a medic is near immortal

You've got blood on my sui-I do believe I'm on fire

Many things changed for the worse.
>You are no longer autobalanced, leading to unfair team balance
>Conection is shit
>Map rotation that doesn't work
And also who in his fucking senses thought it would be a good idea for pyro to decrease medigun's healing rate when directly attacking someone, worth nothing that is buggy and affects more than it should,.
Salty medic if you didn't guess.


Are there any trade fags in here?

If there are post how much progress you made with trading and your tips and tricks for success.

I abuse the ever loving fuck out of buy orders on the market and I key swap a lot

That last bit sounds like you're talking about the big earner

>"Hey boys it's a *BRAAAAP*"


Why would someone who's bad at the game pick the inarguably worst and most useless class? They would just get stomped harder.

Jesus christ I miss autobalance so much. Fucking Redditors complaining about it got it removed.
Exactly, the Big Earner is a great example of how to make Spy better. Higher risk, higher reward.

Does the DR need a nerf?

I think it's fucking retarded that the watch gives you damage reduction, a fucking speed boost and ON TOP of that fire invulneravility, but everyone I talk about regarding it says the DR is balanced. It's braindead

Am I in the wrong here?

Should put vaccinator pocket medic at the top, what's that you wanted to have fun? Too bad

>Overcuck has hard counters
Oh well by your definition it doesn't, I kill reapers all the time as winston, mccrees as pharah, and genjis as bastion.

There is no FPS game with 100% hard counters, you just don't have an actual argument so you have to use semantics.

The thing is that shitters don't like to admit pyro is a shit class played by shit players