>Phantom Thieves were basically dumbasses until Makoto joined
>Investigation Team were dumbasses until Naoto joined
Is S.E.E.S. still the greatest? They had their shit together from the start.
>Phantom Thieves were basically dumbasses until Makoto joined
>Investigation Team were dumbasses until Naoto joined
Is S.E.E.S. still the greatest? They had their shit together from the start.
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That's because S.E.E.S was studying the tower long before the MC ass showed up.
It's all relative to time.
In 4 and 5 Scooby doo and Lupin started the investigation.
Linkin Park/Evanescence over there already had people looking into it long before the main character showed up.
this. S.E.E.S also had funding from the school. Relatively, I would say the Investigation Team got the most shit accomplished, especially given their circumstances.
>P4 has a group of Teenagers solving a murder mystery with tons of wacky misadventures
>P5 involves a group of Teenagers stealing from the Rich and Corrupt with tons of wacky misdventures
>P3 involves a group of selected high-schoolers desperately fighting shadows everynight to prevent widespread murder and chaos, causing massive physical and mental Tramua
Golly gee the stacks are really high! Don't want the mean gym teacher to expel us!
Naoto was a fucking idiot.
She was about as retarded as Sae in 5
Watch it asshole
S.E.E.S were basically dumbasses without Mitsuru
And spineless without the main character.
>>P4 has a group of Teenagers solving a murder mystery with tons of wacky misadventures
Naoto was a bigger dumbass than Chie though
>Doesn't bother to set up a camera to catch the killer
>Just parrots the Protag like Yosuke
If P5 is Harry Potter, which girl is Luna Lovegood?
Naoto was useless as fuck talk about the biggest Captain obvious.
>dude lmao i'm gonna use myself as bait for the killer
>dude lmao lets not actually set any kind of trap for him
There wasn't really much of a mystery after Sheer Heart Attack. It was more or less just "Dumbasses don't think to use hermit purple or the joestar family wealth and connections to catch one obvious guy": The story arc.
>Investigation Team were dumbasses until Naoto joined
Naoto did jack shit for the entire game
>They had their shit together from the start.
The caused the fucking Fall in the first place. They didn't bother to learn anything about Ikutsuki. They had access to basically unlimited money and resources yet still forced MC to pay for everything, still kept fucking up and two members of their group died.
SEES was the most incompetent group, especially if we count Shadow Ops's "achievments"
I want to make her wear feminine clothes and mating press her
Naoto was a moron who couldn't detect her way out of a paper bag.
It's funny, how P5 is darker than P3 when its theme is death
ryuji is the biggest fucking timesink
>morgana explains something that's clearly evident
>durrrrr FOR REAL?!??! i dont get it, please explain further for the next 10 minutes
>finally get a day off from being forced to do shit
>hey whatcha up to?? lets hang out and run again for the 50th time
>hey i need to force you to do this thing tomorrow that you could accomplish on your own but this way it'll eat up your whole day
fuck that guy
If you don't want to be his friend you could just ignore him
Yeah I wonder why didn't they used the senile guy who couldn't even get a picture of his son when he tried.
I usually like the first party member guy friend in Persona games, but Ryuji is kind of whatever desu.
>They had their shit together from the start.
They let a meme man in a peacoat ruse them, got their strongest member killed by an anorexic shirtless Jesus, and the world would have been fucked if the MC didn't sacrifice himself at the very last minute.
10 years of research and all they needed was some kid to talk to a bunch of people to save the day.
he makes up for his low iq with his best bro qualities
for the one instance, for the others I have no choice.
>Is S.E.E.S. still the greatest? They had their shit together from the start.
If we want to ignore the fact that they almost ended the world because of some pun spewing shithead with video editing software.
Or the multi billion dollar company they have in their pocket.
>This guy
Just like real life you can choose to ignore people. Are you only hanging out with him to be nice?
You're not social are you, EVERYBODY has that bro tier friend who is dumb as fuck but are such bros that they always have your back and you theirs.
I want a doujin where she goes in to the hospital for a breast reduction and MC fudges the paperwork and gets her implants.
>Most competent team
The investigation team and phantom thieves were two small group's of high school students try to solve a murder case and break into weird palaces but no funding.
Plus S.E.E.S had best girl in charge right from the start.
Kira had a literal face lift and Joseph was using every ounce of his inner strength not to shit in his incontinence diaper.
Fuck off. If it weren't for chie ,naoto would be worst girl by far. Only faggots like naoto or chie.
They don't use use normal humans because Stand Users can easily kill them and the joestars hate casualties.
No excuse for Joseph, or even using Crazy Diamond on the fingernails.
Hey guys, do you get less exp from battles if you talk to the enemy and request an item/ money, instead of just all out attacking and killing them
P3 was Linkin Park the JRPG.
>Knows that she's being targeted by the culprit
>Doesn't keep a recorder or hidden cameras around her even though she was kidnapped right at her house
There is a prequel to Persona 3?
I hated Yosuke but Ryuji is a top tier bro despite being an idiot.
>I'm going to bait this killer, he totally kidnapped me and I trained myself to not get totally dicked by chloroform.
>What do you mean why didn't I set up a camera?
Wasn't Naoto the first to realise the killer because she caught on the slip-up he said?
Yeah, Nah, Bullshit. The Speedwagon foundation helped out Jotaro with some shit in Stardust Crusade. They did next to nothing other than drive a fucking boat that Old man Joseph was on.
They had plenty they could have done.
Fuck. Meant for
No, that was after Yu said it's Adachi.
that's why if you don't pick the correct optoin, they don't catch him
Ryuji is far more interesting for not being so "MUH GIRL"
Stop this meme
Because P3 isn't really relatable. You just have a full team of heroes out to stop evil where it may be, which ties into themes of hopelessness and death, which manifests itself into a physical form and is defeated. P4 is absolutely relatable beyond how fun everything tends to be every day, considering the entire mission was to work with your friends to help stop a single bad man, though there were supernatural elements to it. P5 is even more relatable, which is at its cruelest when you have all of the suicides, rapes, blackmail, etc. in the plot, and the only things capable of stopping these monsters from doing whatever they want are a group of mystery thieves who apparently sneak into the hearts of bad guys to stop them from doing evil. Not to mention you spend most of the game fighting inner demons, not ancient gods that have decided to plague mankind. Just some slick Yakuza asshole's desire to gather money, or a frisky Gym Teacher's desire to bang his female students in exchange for promises he won't keep.
Of course. But (Yu) only said his name and Naoto adds up to why.
>Is S.E.E.S. still the greatest?
It never was.
and if he doesn't say his name, she never notices anything and Adachi gets away with everything
You get xp for the enemy you talked to and nothing for the others.
>have access to nearly limitless funds at the expense of giant corporation
>make random orphan pay for their weapons and medical supplies
>nearly ended the world by being tricked by some old weirdo with a shit sense of humor
S.E.E.S is shit
> "Let's battle the manifestations of internalized-conflict through J-pop and the power of FRIENDSHIP! Whoops, I fell in love again!!!"
What about Persona 1 and 2?
When you pick Adachi, Yu clearly figures out most things on his own. That's why he even brings it up instead of just thinking that it's dumb. Like come on, do you really think if he wouldn't put it together if he wasn't mute?
Scooby gang did have to figure everything out from scratch. Teddie barely knew anything compared to Morgana.
>posting the man who got outrused due to pancakes
there is also futaba whos almost too good at her job
I'd say it's because P5 seems more realistic in its problems than P3 is.
But I still think P3 was quite dark in presentation while P5 still has this eccentric vibe about it, although not as much as P4.
What's the best party in P5?
normally newer party members are a bit stronger but I just use them until they run out of SP and then swap them with someone who has SP. boss fights are more situational
and then you max out star confidant and switch out whenever
>hantom Thieves were basically dumbasses until Makoto joined
i mean, it was basically Ryuji weighing the team down, if it wasn't for him, the protag-kun could've done it all by himself.
Ive personally been using Yusuke Makoto Ryuji
>Good balance of elements
>everyone has a mix of Magic and Physical attacks
>Makoto is my waifu
Still only on 3rd dungeon but yeah that sounds nice
The protag can't do things alone. He got his ass whipped by Kamoshida and it took Ryuji to gain his Persona to save him and Mona.
>that feel when havent even started Hifumi
That explains it. Sometimes killing everyone didn't give more xp than robbing them.
No, P5 Team is literally the most competent team because everything is planned. Groo betraying everyone was obvious from the start to them which is why they didn't stop him from being raped by spicy food
>IS crew recreated the world.
>EP crew saved it again.
>IS crew's actions got rid of most of the actual demons and left the world filled with shadows instead of actual demons.
>EP crew fucked up Cthulhu and friends and Nyarly a second time.
They did the most. It's not Tatsuya's fault he fucled up so bad, he was just such a giant loser before that he didn't want to lose his friends. Sort of like us, but if we had really great buddies who'd fight demons with us and if we got a really cute waifu like Maya. He didn't get the chance to make a bunch of social links to escape loneliness or crippling depression or disillusionment with life.
I blame Ryuji, Ann and Yusuke for being dumbasses. Honestly without the MC and Morgana, the Phantom Theft is fucked at least until Makoto joined. Yosuke and Yukiko was competent enough for themselves with P4 MC guiding them along. Seriously I surprised they didn't get caught with someone like Ryuji is in the team, that guy literally can't STFU for a minute or cause a scene.
When will shit get real? Fucking gym teacher, fraud artist, and now I'm on a mafia boss apparently out of nowhere. This is like peanuts man. I guess mob is a step up but still. It feels aimless so far.
Also where is Hifumi? Does the game introduce her? Never seen her yet.
You get a in game event about a pretty female shogi player in a church. I think it around 6/25 or 6/26. That when you met her. You need a rank 3 charm to start her Confidant.
That fight was bullshit and you know it.
Will the west ever get both P2s on the same platform?
Persona 2 EP had the most competent cast of them all, also entirely adult.
I liked Morgana but this little bitch fit he's throwing about not feeling useful feels so forced. Like why did he even leave?
You can thank Ryuji for that
Yeah ryuji is a dumb ass but morgana is being a baby.
Why does it have to take so fucking long to make social stats go up even one goddamn rank? I'm trying to max charm so I can fuck Makoto but holy shit, it feels like no matter how many points I get it's never enough.
I get charm out the ass from the sun and devil links. Knowledge is the real grind.
Teddie did pretty much the same thing, and Morgana is just Teddie 2.0. I'm surprised they didn't give him a bishie human form and put him in a dress too.
What's Harry's official name?
Akira Kurusu
Plus i just wanna do the dungeon. No we have to go there and fight no monsters and then leave. We have to look at photos to recognize a Girl we've seen like three times. We have to stake out momentos. And I still can't do things at night even with the cat gone.
S.E.E.S. is the greatest by virtue of including a cute robot girl.
You're forgetting that the Phantom Thieves and Investigation Team were just groups of clueless teenagers figuring things out as they went along, while SEES was a private organization funded by a massive corporate conglomerate.
S.E.E.S. literally almost caused the end of the entire fucking world because they blindly did what Ikutsuki told them to and awakened Death.
>S.E.E.S. literally almost caused the end of the entire fucking world because they blindly did what Ikutsuki told them to and awakened Death.
I think you mean Japan.
I just finished the Madarame arc, how soon until I get Makoto?
is there really a difference?
Yusuke is not a dumbass, he just thinks in a different kind of way.
Pretty sure Nyx was going to waste the entire world, not just one country. Especially considering Ryoji says the world will end multiple times and won't stop hammering you with that fact before you get the choice of whether or not you kill him.
Elizabeth > lolis > Margaret > Theo
Debate me, fucks.