>username taken
Username taken
>username taken
>last activity: Jun 21, 2006
>not using unpronouncable mix of characters and digits as your username
be untrackable
>having such a shitty username it can be taken
Yes I too break down crying like le wojack man when I don't get the username I want XD top tier humor good one OP haha
But how I'm I supposed to enter it again when reloging?
>type in random username you just thought up
>username taken
>username taken
>repeat x20
>username taken
>just write in random letters "ajkasjgaklagskl"
>username taken
the last mmo I played I spent 10 minutes trying to register an account
>not using the name of common household items until you get a match thus making yourself impervious to google searches
>very abstract name with numbers and shit
>being uncreative
my name is 4 letters and it's never taken. get gud sctubs.
>type in your full name and birthday at the end
pablo.gonzales2003 pls go
I always type something erotic in my obscure native language
It's never taken
Ha I never have this problem because my user is unique and it doesn't even have numbers
i use my nickname as it's rarely taken, but when it is i slap some 666's at the end and voila.
>"common username"(numbers)
I have never known that feel
>use a cool name that's just a bastardization of a commonly used loaded noun
>its never taken
That's what you get for being a shitskin Muhammad born in a 10 kids per woman birthrate country
>username taken
>username taken
>username taken
>bite the bullet and just use my middlename
u53 1337 5p34k f49
>play an online game from the late 90s/early 00s
>you can call yourself whatever you want and can play the game without registering using your social security number and mother's maiden name
steam did naming correctly. base account can be whatever the fuck you want it to be and you are free to change your name whenever you want as often as you want
>not adding xXx's and 420's
git gud op
>someone starts impersonating you
>now everyone thinks you're an asshole
>asked to create username
>can't read or write
>Try for 15 minutes to find something not already taken
>Use xXku$h_a$$a$$inXx out of frustration because it works
>Tfw 5 years later and there's no way to change usernames
>buy brand new xbox 1^00000
>plug in and turn on
>please deposit dna sample to log into xbla
>furiously masturbate into dna recepticle
>Error 800705b4
>restart xbox
>red ring
take a common username
>regularly google my usernames to make sure they're not common
>use one of them a while back playing cs:source
>google username a bit later
>some german started using it in tournaments
>Type in generic shit like Blood, Killer, skull, etc
>Type in unfitting names from other unrelated media, Spiderman, Naruto, etc
>obviously all taken
What kind of faggots want names like that?
>Try "Tommy"
>it works
>Username Taken
>Account that has name was never used.
I wish I could beat the shit out of these people.
memers. if theres an "edgy" class i try to get a really gay name from naruto
>not having a unique username
>tfw I was the first TomSelleck on Youtube
>tfw early to a new game/platform/service
>shark a bunch of names
best feeling ever. names are extremely important to me in any mp games etc. It colours my whole experience, always felt like a huge autist for this
>had a unique name and then some anime used it for one of their characters and now I sometimes have a hard time getting it
Pretty fucking mad desu
>new f2p mmo is released
>take as many popular/meme usernames as possible with lvl 1 characters
>sell usernames to the people that actually play the game
Shrek is a good one if you're quick.
>mfw my username is extremely unique and actually original
>been using it for 8 years
Get an oc name that doesn't end with an X and that sound retarded, its easy.
>have been using the same username for the past decade or more
>it's a mishmash of random letters that form a somewhat comprehendible username
>few years ago i made an online friend really butt blasted
>he now makes accounts on nearly every game or device i'm likely to get with my username just so i can't get it
i don't even remember what i did to make him this mad
i get a steam message from him about once a month linking me to profiles he made
guy has dedication i guess
>using digits in your username
Everybody is laughing at you
>not using the words and names of a dead civilization
Top tier
My username has a meaning in my language ('what an idiot/fool/monkey') but still sounds okay in English. Never taken. No idea how I came up with it.
>not taking a top 10 RuneScape players name from 2006 and changing one letter and being unable to change it even though it's some cringe shit I made as a kid because I'm so used to it
Can someone write for me the common/popular/meme usernames?
>don´t steal my name from some DandD shit
>don´t steal my name from LotR
There, always a free name to use. In 2005.
>put Xx xX around my name of choice
>it's never taken
You faggots make me laugh
So you are that guy
>type in good sounding names like
>lazarus darkshadow 420
>or the chaos doomkiller of death
>taken taken
>can't think up of cool names so now just stick with memes
>jews did 911
>in west philadelphia born and raised
>i cant believe you've done this
>all taken
>Dr Pavel Im C I A not taken ;)
>have a name thats recognizable and never taken
>literally just 2 words
>use cringy, but "unique" name in runescape
>friend tells me to try out tibia with him
>dunno what to name character so I try my runescape name
>name taken
>oh well
>make up some shit and log in
>friend is playing with my runescape name
>ask him why
>"I dunno"
>have two 5 letter names
>one of them always works
what a jackass friend
Some faggot in my school got me to try WoW after he had been playing it for a few months.
>Make char with usual name
>Ah whatever, make up another one
>Tell him my username next day in school
>Get a whisper from him that evening
>He's using my fucking name
>Tell him I'm gonna kick him in the nuts next day if he doesn't delete char and give me the name
>'Lol no fuck off'
>Kick him in the nuts
>He stil doesn't want to
>Literally call his mom and tell her he stole my shit
>She's an author and really doesn't like stealing ideas and whatever
>She makes him delete the character and give me the name
>your usual username is 1 letter too long
>Game has been out for at least a year
>'Weed' isn't taken
>usernam is prohibited
>error: your username must consist of at least 8 english letters
>You have been invaded by The **llow K***ht
That's how I got the username "Dildo" in Neopets
>Und*** K***ht
dumb fucking gooks using a stock word filter that doesn't even use the same rules as the game
That was never cool
>error: the username"ptjat9823yt2h1p" already exist
You should do the same to him.
Or maybe you already did
>put a bunch of numbers after it so it's unique
>log out one day
>you forget the numbers and are locked out of your account forever
I like to make up usernames that sound like they're from LotR. It's easy, and they're always pretty good.