
>gold saucer

so how many different ff worlds are confirmed linked by ffxiv exactly? that's an easy 3 so far

Other urls found in this thread:

You'd have an easier time finding what games don't have some aspect ripped off in some way.

whats with the argument of "its not a REAL FF game, its just an mmo slapped with a ff title"

xiv has created its own primals and content while still referencing other ff games. This defines an ff game.

it's an excuse for people who claim to have played every Final Fantasy to not play it

It hurts my brain so much the there are twelve different planets in ffxiv, they seem to have exactly same culture and races.

Does lorebook ever explains this cluster fuck? Haven't got the time to read it

It's a pretty common theory that xiv encompasses every ff.
Believable since fanservice sells, and provides lots of content for a subscription mmo to milk.

Doesn't the interdimensional rift theoretically connect every universe anyways?


>xiv has created its own primals
Name two

Ravana and Lakshmi

I think the lorebook mentioned that the Warriors of Darkness may not have the same names and races as their original world as they are possessing bodies on our planet to fit in better.

Lakshmi is based on both mythology and was either an enemy or a summon in a previous game.

Try again.

> possessing bodies on our planet
RIP derplander and his team

Hey if SMN dude from yesterday A11S is here, there's a party by D.S. up, so farm good % people inside.

>using stuff from past titles now mean that the games worlds are linked

Derplander's team is too stronk, they undermanned Ravana EX with only 1 healer.


Sophia is the best primal and the Warring Triad should be part of the MSQ. Zurvan sucks

>xiv has copied primals and content while paying no credit to other ff games. This defines a cash-in.
Fixed for you.

>lame FFVI fanservice should be part of the MSQ
No thanks and I'm glad it's over

>finish the story
>decide to finally level drg
>estinien doesn't recognize me

have other FF games paid any credit to other FF games beyond summons, moogles, and Cid?

>madou armors
it ain't finished yet bruv

It's not. FFXIV in particular uses a lot of references and even ripping off the individuality of other FFs. For example putting the Warring Triad AND actually using the same design aside from Sophia.
They'll add Ivalice shit too and at this point it's looking like a spin-off.

>Paying credit to your own franchise

Why would you do that?

They don't need to, being closed circuit games. XI/XIV have the burden of creativity and the most they've done is steal whole designs from previous games while culturing no creativity of their own. It took TWO EXPANSIONS to see the first shines of creativity, with Susano-o.

>Here is our completely original primal: Ravana! Never been done before!
Except it has.

>Sophia and Zurvan get mini statues for housing
>Sephirot doesn't

>1.0 was felt more original than ARR and HW even though it copied FFXI in races and Primals

Susano-o was in Bravely Default first, which is a FF but "it's not an FF you guys!"

This thing? From an awful game nobody played? Ok..

And Susano-o is rooted in Asian mythology besides. Lakshmi being Hindu.

Point stands that up until Stormblood they have not made a single original work.

what about all the characters that aren't primals?

What do you fags hope the other 2 or 3 Beast Tribes in 4.0 will be?
Im hoping they finally add Qiqirn. Also Poroggos in Old Sharlayan.

>1% wipe on 12S
Feels like we should be killing it before the second set of puddles but our dps are underperforming and I'm already squeezing out all the dps I can do as a scholar.

>a final fantasy game reuses names and enemies from the series

>awful game nobody played
Better than 90% of the games that came after and really shows why Tanaka should've continued leading XIV.

Yoshida is not only creatively bankrupt, but he also knows nothing about how this franchise operates. He's a fucking WoW fanboy leading a FF game and that's terrible.

No, this thing.
>nobody played
>one of the most hyped games during its time by FF fans because it's going back to the classics

but reusing a model means that absolutely no work went into creating a new enemy with its own theme

>it's another lilim Youkari episode
I want this tranny to move to Balmung already.

Except that XIV rips whole evironments and stories from prevous games.

For starters, this whole warrior of darkness crap is straight from FFIII. Exactly. The. Same. Plot.

How do I merge phases in ACT?

>implying any more than about 10% of the people who play XIV played FFIII

But user, they have such a small team! Please understand. They need more time. Not enough resources. You liked the older games, right? Here is a character in that same vein! We hope you look forward to it! Please, give us more time. Not enough resources to go around. Please buy Stormblood!

>people still using ACT

literally who

Is there any actual issue with ravana or does it just trigger your autism that they didn't make his model from scratch? I don't see why making use of existing assets is a bad thing

Honestly I'd say majority of the people playing XIV have never played a FF game before VII.

XIV is original in its world aside from the Ancient's Maze and Crystal Tower which is Yoshida's doing.

>I don't see why making use of existing assets is a bad thing
Yeah theme parks are fun, bruh. 13.99 USD plus tip.

EU world problems.

The only "connected worlds" are the ones that have direct sequels. They have always reused and regurgitated proper nouns.

>Cool Garlean Legatus gets killed in side story while idiots spam /sit on his body

Wasted potential.

Hey, fuck you. I want to return to Ivalice.

I don't see how reusing a model to make a new boss is related to it being a themepark

Then play tactics or FF12.

Bug Odin and Japanese Odin

>I want a shitty game to traipse over its corpse
I don't.

Shitpost all you want, but the game is raking in dosh and people who actually play don't give a shit about references from previous games. It's kinda given, since it's FF

And we've seen what happens when they try to be Final Fantasy without reusing classic FF things.

>1 dollar has been added to your account.

>reusing a model
pretty sure the only models that were 1:1 reused are goblins and some generic enemies from XIII

>and people who actually play don't give a shit about references from previous games

Yep, and there's a reason why

>Enemy from a game that isn't FF7 or 10
>Point it out
>"I never played that one"
>"What's the Warring Triad?"

I still hate how they just ripped ff6 theme for the magitek armor mount
Why couldn't Yoshida make a new one? Not enough money?

>Mhach arc was so shit that they have to rely on blatant fanservice again to make people like the new raid

I guess not model, the skeleton? People keep posting that XI enemy that's similar to ravana

There's a lot of reused models from XII and XIII.

But Mhach arc was pretty good, except cat

>Why is Sephiroth a monster in this game XD

>People keep posting that XI enemy that's similar to ravana
>it d-doesn't c-c-count!!!

>cleared A11S 5 times now
>have yet to see a single pair of pants

Should have gone with FF4 and the Four Fiends instead of wasting Cuchulainn and Ozma.

I just don't see why it's such a big deal to make a new enemy based on the skeleton of an existing asset

A lot of enemies, A LOT are from FFXI. The ones that appeared in 1.0 first had higher quality models however.
There's also models from FFXII (like Qiqirn) and FFXIII (Magitek stuff).

Thankfully I have never seen that.

Laziness should not be glorified with constant threads on Sup Forums. That is why.

I do.
Go kill yourself and spare the world your self pity.

Lakshmi is from FF6 and her XIV design is pretty similar aside from being a Lamia now.

If they reference Vagrant Story even indirectly you will not see the end of it. I will be in every thread for this game shitposting.

>didn't manage to clear 12S tonight
I feel so tilted I'm tempted to just unsub until 4.0

>not just waiting to do it unsynced
Why? Nobody cares about your achievements. Hell, nobody can even see them unless they go to your lodestone.

There's always tomorrow

VS had a garbage battle system.

maybe he's doing it for gear, dummy

Are commendations worth anything these days?

They reuse a ton of stuff from XI, XII and XIII, it's not just the goblins, those weird stone face things that glide on the floor are from XII just given better textures. It doesn't really matter in the end, they're just enemies to kill.

Say it with me

XIV stopped being a serious entry with ARR, It's the "gamer-gurl" of the Final Fantasy series. It's the "Oh, my brother played those games when I was little." It's what SE shit out to steal away some of the World of Warcraft market when they realized XI and EQ era players stopped playing MMO and grew up or just continued playing those games.

...that's even less justifiable

or maybe

just maybe

he does it because it's fun

Ravana and Susano-o

>tfw super burned out
Shouldn't have decided to level all the classes to 60 via potd

He's obviously not having fun with it if he's at the verge of unsubbing just because he didn't clear.

only 9.99 here bruh

i loved 1.0 and had brd 50, gsm 50 and fishing 50 before shutdown/arr

it wasnt a very accessible game but i enjoyed it

for a second i thought that samurai was chaos marine

Yeah you shouldnt be seeing second puddles at all with echo now. Im guessing dps is dying too much in the fight or you guys are just insanely bad.

if dps is just generally bad, tell the raid leader to ask members to do SSS a12s dummy. If they dont beat it, tell them to work on their rotation.

Well yeah, but these days the WoW-esque tab-targetting combat is already dying, too. Action combat is the thing these days.
It would be interesting to see an FF MMO being like that.

Anyway, I wish they continued on with 1.0's concept with ARR but with better systems, engine and improved combat. It had more potential.

>Hyper Rainbow Z
Wasn't that the theme for the summer event with not-sentai?

guys gimme some grinding music pls
botanist is hell

I'm so sick of dialing phone numbers.

None of them. XIV is just fanservice: the MMO. There's no intrinsic link between the different games.

The direction they are going in is fantastic, dont mess up the pace.

1.0 had its qualities, sure but it was overall a terrible game. ARR was an improvement but still lacked. HW is fantastic and is by far their best work.
I can only hope SB will be better. They have the resources after dumping a ton of cash in the project and theyve had a lot of feedback from the community of what works and what doesnt.