Nier Pc Thread

Crack when?

I want to hotdog 2B's crack

Never, buy it, do it for 2B

>I wanna play this game!
>But I hate the creators and would rather steal from then than support them!
>PC is so great guys, you can steal from people who make things you love!
>Waaa, why won't someone more talented than me help me steal from people I like and respect?!

I want to breed an android

I usually pirate everything and even I bought Nier: Automata. It's an alright game. Story gets cool as fuck the deeper in endings you go.

Pirated the fuck out of Andromeda though.

Nier Pic Thread?

It's already cracked.

I just died in the prologue and had to start over an hour of progress. Kind of shitty.

More like:

>decent nude patch when?!

The only crack i see here is that one in yo ass

>He lost at the tutorial

Why. Why pirate things. If you can't afford them, you don't get them. You don't just steal.

This guy right. That one of the reason why post-commie shitholes in such big ass. Because we doesn't have culture of consuming. Peoples doing something good and others giving them money, then they are doing more cool things. Otherwise you enjoying shit.

nude mods are the most boring shit you could download no matter the game, I don't get the point

Never. Buy it. Reward good game creators.

>Why pirate things
Because I can. I'm not even trying to be edgy, I can pirate games without any consequences whatsoever so I do it. The money I'm not spending on videogames can be spent on something else. Pretty simple stuff.

This post has baffled me.

You're taking money out of the hands of people who need it to live because it has no consequences to you.

That's pretty evil.

never, buy it faggot.

sorry, bad english

Did you mean:

This guy's right. This is the reason post-communist countries are shit, because we don't have a consumer culture. People do good work, people pay them and that allows them to continue making cool things. Without money, they wouldn't be able to make good things, and you'd be enjoying shit.


I should have said "no consequences for me". That probably makes me a selfish twat but that's how it is, I really don't care.

>buy it faggot
not OP here but I am not buying until I know all the endings - after MA3 I just need to know first

How edgy. You rob people and don't care.

On a scale of one to ten how many trenchcoats do you own? Ten does not necessarily mean 'ten individual coats'.

t.corporate cuckold
I'm waiting on nier crack and you can't stop me.
Keep sucking corporate cock you little slave.

>Corporate cuck
>He thinks piracy costs executives' jobs, not the jobs of low level devs at the bottom of the ladder
>Haha if I depersonalise the people I'm stealing from it's ok to do it because I'M MOST IMPORTANT

You are the reason people work crunch hours, so as not to be deemed expendable. You are the reason studios don't pay their employees sometimes for months on end.

It's your fault.

Let me guess. Are you living in shithole country?

>programmer autists are important guise
They get a salary either way faggot, Pc is a secondary market.
No the best in the World.
Get back to work for mr shekelstein now cuck.

help plox tell me how it ends

I'am ended only A,B and D ends.

Am I supposed to feel bad? You can call me edgy all you want, at the end of the day I'm still getting games for free and no one's going to give me shit for it except a random user on an anime imageboard.

>They get a salary either way
>Hey Jenkins, sorry to break this to you but we're going to have to let you go. This isn't performance related, the game didn't do as well as we'd hoped so we can't afford to keep on the junior guys any more. You know the game got cracked, and it really hurt the bottom line. Best of luck in your future endeavours.

You should honestly give yourself shit for it is the issue. Like, if you think hurting other people, however roundabout you want to justify it to yourself, is ok then you should probably feel at least a little bad.

>buy Switch
>finish Zelda
>Andromeda gets cracked instead of Nier

>people find a canonically 300lb gynoid attractive

kys, she'd crush you like a grape.

a-are they good?

How much cost for you steam version? For example in Belarus it cost 30$.

Because the game was cracked easier due to the demo trial thing containing the entire game's info.


I'm getting a refund

I'd rather use it on more useful things, like clothes. Not even trying to be le smug or anything. You asking these questions is utterly meaningless. Piracy will never end.

They are very tragic and good enough.

>Japanese developer
Anything they get in the West is a plus, nips don't even consider the West when developing games
>how much does it cost for the steam version
Nothing :^)
and this is why you should pirate. modern games are shit.

PC gaming is fantastic. I can buy and support the developers of games while getting the best possible experience I can possibly get out a game

>3 hours
at that point you've barely played past the tutorial. nigger what the fuck?

How hard are you projecting?

I'm sure I dealt a devastating blow to platinum, they're really going to miss those $15 or $20 I would have paid once the game was on sale. They were still recovering from me pirating Revengeance too.

>good enough
thanks user

>They are very tragic
oh well I am not sure if I am ready for it right now still many thanks for the info

Modern video games are generally speaking, better than older video games.

We are in a golden age of vidya as we speak.

If you can't afford clothes and luxuries then you only get clothes.

>Calling a post out because it used the wrong name, not addressing the actual point it made

Yeah, you know you're in the wrong. This isn't an issue of globalism or international sales, it's a fact that low-level devs suffer because of piracy, regardless of region.

never talk about that game ever again and we'll be fine

>asking for spoilers

What the fuck is wrong with you? Leave and don't come back until you play it.

I buy all my games OP is just a poorfag BR

>golden age
This is bait
>Ignorning my point about jap devs completely
stay mad shekelstein

You, and people like you, are the reason low level devs are fired and studios go under. I'm sorry you don't want to address that point and would rather hide behind 'w-well they're a b-big company, so why should I pay?! They don't need the m-money anyway!'

question, but am I missing something?

I have the graphics all pumped up to ultra, with ever option turned to the highest setting and it looks nowhere near like trailers and shit that are on the steam store page?

Its a fun game and the character models are great, but the environments are just.. almost PS2 era, and what is the point turning the AA to x12 if there's still jaggies?

didnt /vint/ show pirates are people living in poor shithole countries?

>implying devs aren't replacable cogs in a wheel

>This person thinks I should pay for my media so he must be a Jew! I hate Jews because it's counter-cultural to do so!

You think they don't give a fuck about an entire platform they've distributed on? If that income stream doesn't meet expectations people WILL suffer.

Being obtuse doesn't change that.

Yeah i don't really see why people bother if i want to jerk off to a game I'll just boot up honey select

He meant to say Japanese games.

>Thinking a human being should lose their job to save you $20

>If you can't afford clothes and luxuries then you only get clothes.
Uh no? I'd rather get that 120 dollar jacket then spend money on games. Don't dictate what I can and can't buy.

>Rain World
>Nier Automata
>Toukiden 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>Tales of Berseria
>Resident Evil 7
>Gravity Rush 2
And that's just this year

Not to mention there's so much more awesome games coming out:
>Ace Combat 7
>Freedom Planet 2
>Wonder Boy and the Dragon's Trap
>Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom

>people are going to lose their jobs because one user pirates the game

What the fuck are you smoking user

But story is not main for me. I like design and development of characters, ost, and general atmosphere. This game enchant me, two weeks i'am just thinking about nier. I think i will pre-order artbook.

No you didn't faggot you can't retcon an argument
kek. Good goy nowhere outside of burgerland exists.
Also you make me want to pirate shit I don't even want just to spite you authoritarian fags trying to tell me what to do.
I can spend my money how I like you retard.
Literally all of these games are shit apart from possibly Nier.
>Resident Evil 7

t. thief get a job

Yes most BR in particular no surprise there

If you steal something and you think it's ok to do so, then you advocate that position. Enough people think it's OK and will defend it that it makes a sizeable dent in sales, and people lose their jobs. It's not about your individual action, it's about a pervasive attitude.

If you don't have money, you don't just steal. It's really simple, I'm not dictating what you can and can't buy, your financial situation is.

>huehue I am smart pirtrats I save moneis

What the shit? You are forget persona 5 and danganronpa 3.

I'm not even American. Nobody's authoritatian, but if you can't afford something you don't just nick it, you save up, or you forego other luxuries.

Piracy is just thievery with a gussied up name to make you feel better about taking peoples' livelihoods away.

>tfw I actually also pirated Shinovi Versus

glad I did. I like SK too, but that game was a piece of shit

Try downsampling the game if you can. The environments are pretty poor regardless, so you're not going to get pretty visuals on that end. Downsampling might help though.

Also make sure to not have both AA and AO on. Pick one or the other. Otherwise you get graphical issues. AO comes with its own form of AA

this is why everyone hates pc shitters. what an insufferable faggot.

I can afford it.
I just choose to spend my money on other things you faggot, stop trying to control what I do.
see also

>every PC user is a dumb pirate that rubs it into developers' faces and acts like a young child

>no you won't
Haha XSeed BTFO by a 14 year old and they can't do shit!

>if you die in the tutorial you have to play the entire thing because no checkpoints lmao
>doing the shitty shmnup 4 times in a row that is completely unskippable




Piracy isn't stealing though :)

>I can't setup a computer so I feel insecure
Yeah your gf is impressed with your PS4 in the living room I'm sure.

So you can afford it but you still steal?

Then you're the lowest of the low, buddy. You're just hurting people for no reason at that point.

Nobody's trying to control you, dunno why you keep saying that, just pointing out that you're stealing.

most of you are passfaggot

was it autism?

>piracy is stealing
>moral arguments
console cucks strike again

ITT thieves and 12 year olds try to justify theft

just admit you are too bad for hard mode.

If I pirate the game will my friends be able to see that I played it? My friends hate weebshit like this.

No, most people don't even know how to pirate.
Most PC users are not pirates, and either way, when you say "this is why people hate PC shitters" while looking at a dumb kid its generalizing an audience of people who even do buy video games. Should just hate pirates desu

>Faux edgy post justifying hurting other people but not really

Wow, you sure showed me

these meme sweaters are not sexy, they just look dumb

Pablo, maybe if you tried to get a job over in BR land, you could afford the game.

>that one try hard bragging about his 200 dollar jacket being more important
>one day a thief steals it
>sorry bro I had more important things to buy like games

I really hope this happens to you guy.

>hurting people
Nice moral argument fag. Got a food analogy to go with it?
>hating pirates
Yeah because all Pc games work better un-pirated right?
>being so buttflustered you don't have a good enough pc to play it
I too can make up fake arguments.

>I too can make up fake arguments
Literally who are you quoting?


No food analogy.

You're just wrong.


I don't get it.
