Just bought a PS4

>just bought a PS4
>15 minutes to download 300mb
>fuck, that sucked
>try to start bloodborne
>8 GB+ update REQUIRED
>9 hours
>have to go upstairs and plug it into my modem through LAN (is this fucking 2004) to get a decent DL speed
>20$ chink Android TV stick in the same place downstairs can stream 1080p video
>ps3 downstairs can download shit in a quarter of the time the PS4 can

This is honestly the worst fucking piece of shit wifi card I have ever seen. Fuck you, Sony, you fucking cocksucking faggots.

have fun!

>update REQUIRED
The is no updates required on PS4, except those on the disc. Just unplug it, you retard.

>The is no updates required on PS4
Nice meme. Can't even start the fucking game without updating it. Gives me an error code.

>false flagging retard detected
Fuck off!


>fell for the console meme

What's wrong with you?

You probably had a weak signal, nigger.

>9 hours

Holy shit man, get some first world wireless.

My ps4 is across the house from my router and has never taken longer than 10-20 minutes on any install or patch.

He doesn't want to sign petitions and instead actually play games.


Read the last 2 lines, fags. My WiFi is perfectly fine. Sony just sucks ass

'Member when the PSN got ddos.

no. it's never happened since that last time what are you talking about?

Are you crazy? I NEVER inserted a game in PS4 that didn't have to download a bunch of updates. Also, Bloodborne is a game with fucking online mode, you MUST download the updates to use this primal function of the game.

Also, if you are some cocksucking faggor that avoids online, be aware that this is only your stupid opinion. Online is more than half of the fun on a soulsborne.

I dont care what platform you're on but
>Using Wi-Fi
>For games
Are you one of those retards that blames packet loss on poor netcode?

Use a wired connection you fucking retard.

Or i guess you'd rather complain on a himalayan finger-painting forum.

>9 hour updates
>m-m-Muh wireless is fine! It's sonys fault!

Read my last two lines. Problems with you mate. Gtfo outta here and spend your afternoon buying a new router.

$ chink Android TV stick in the same place downstairs can stream 1080p video

1080p steams are garbage these days, even a 56k would handle them.

>Are you crazy? I NEVER inserted a game in PS4 that didn't have to download a bunch of updates.
Actually all my physical games work out of the box, some don't even have patches available to this day and the latest version is on the disc itself.
>Also, Bloodborne is a game with fucking online mode, you MUST download the updates to use this primal function of the game.
PS+ cuck detected.
>Also, if you are some cocksucking faggor that avoids online
It's your own fault playing online on a console. You deserve everything Sony throws at you, underage faggot.

If you had Bloodborne within the first 3 months, you would've had the prime experience
The 10GB update is to get the DLC packets incase you interact with any player using equipment from the DLC
It's a better solution than completely blocking you out from interacting with those who have the DLC

Now that one Batman game, I could understand
It's a single player game with no online interactions, there's no excuse there

Also, if you got an XBOX ONE you would have done a lot more updates because they're just that gay
I've had to update XBOX ONE's at work and they do an update and then the newest one

Guess they can't just skip straight to the most recent one


>Gtfo outta
c'mon now

>Shit hardware is shit

who knew

>NOT using ethernet 100% of the time
kill yourself

Wifi is not meant for downloading Bluray-sized games and updates.
You share the bandwidth with everyone else.

>8gb update in 9 hours.

What's up pajeet.

Sounds like my maximum download speed where I'm at, the cables coming into the neighborhood are literally incapable of anything higher

No plans for fiber or decent cabling to come in either, its fucking gay as shit, takes me almost exactly and hour per GB

Is this not typical for most people?


do you live in a remote wasteland by chance?

That's the norm for lower-income neighbourhoods.
There's no point in upgrading the infrastructure if the residents can't pay the increased cost.


Annex.J ADSL2+ is limited to about 10-16 Mbps depending on the line length.
VHDSL offering higher bandwidths requires a very short line (less than 1000 feet) to work. That's only viable for a FTTC setup requiring expensive outdoor components.
In general copper wires suck for data transfer.

>has broken shit wifi
>has broken shit chinese plastic gamepad with 4hr. battery life
>battery cannot be replaced

if xbox did any of these things, it would be a front page sticky here on /neogaf v/

>start p5
>realize the jap voices have to be downloaded
>close the game and try to open the store
>apparently there is a bug that doesnt load the ps store after opening a game before and need to restart the console
I cant understand people that says consoles are easier to use then pc.

>>battery cannot be replaced
I like how nyggers were touting this as a feature around the PS4 launch kek

Honestly the worst console I've even owned.
After only a year and a half of owning it, the hard drive died out of nowhere. My original fat white Xbox360 from fucking 2006 worked until 2014 and my PC's hard drive is going on 6 years now. They cut corners to get it out at the same time as the Xbone and fucked over the buyer.

Not normal here. As I said earlier, 10 to 29 minutes max for updates.

I live near the Microsoft campus up in Washington though, so this area has top of the line connection throughout.

Should have bought one of the many readily available by Switches.


PSN limits download speeds like crazy.
I can download a FFXIV update on my PS4 at about 20mbs, but anything PSN related is limited to about 7-10mbs.

>just use LAN on a console in 2017!
Ya'll can stop sucking Sony's cock now, it's embarrassing.

It's better than the last weekend I found a Switch.

It's likely just returns from local scalpers who couldn't get rid of them on CL.

Admitting to using wi-fi just reveals your pleb status

OP is right. PS4 doesn't support 5Ghz. Wtf?

It's also a shit card. It can't be more than like 15 feet away to get a decent connection. It's ridiculous

Suck Sony cock more, friend. WiFi is the standard in 2017. Sony is pissing on your face by using the cheapest wifi card possible.
When my 10 year old console is faster than my 2 year old console, there's a problem.

>WiFi is the standard in 2017.
Wifi is radio is a shared medium.
It's not meant for Bluray-tier downloads. Simple as that.

Slim and Pro use 5Ghz

I've literally never used wi-fi on a Sony home console. If the console has an ethernet port, why would I use inferior wi-fi?

How fucking ass-backwards are you?

>hurr durr we're destined to use wired connections forever more

Kill yourself, this isn't 1995 your fucking nigger.

>How fucking ass-backwards are you?
I'm just citing laws of physics.
You won't change them, regardless of how "progressive" you try to be.