>game let's you murder your unborn child
Game let's you murder your unborn child
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It was non-white anyway.
Wait, what happened? Did she miscarry?
>game unrelated to sex let's you restrain a toddler, fuck her to death, then decapitate her and play handpuppet with her head
Not miscarried, murdered.
>fuck hooker and impregnate her
>shoot her killing the unborn baby
>people keep posting this ugly girl for years on Sup Forums
>she decides to go and let a black guy impregnate her
>GTA is set in Texas
>Get sent to the electric chair for two counts of murder in the first degree
Any proofs?
I know she was having huge health problems with the pregnancy.
I'm skeptical, but that sounds like proof enough, desu.
We'll know for sure if she has no baby in 9 months.
But I doubt it. Her tweets are normal. If she just had an abortion she'd take a few weeks off.
what did OP mean by this?
Why the fuck are we discussing her pregnancy?
I remember when you niggas started posting her Tester Season 3 nutshell videos years ago. How have we gotten to this point?
Who is that ugly bitch
She stopped making vids, and dropped off the map. Only a few care about her now.
come to think of it, why hasn't bioware done this?
Did Inuitinua get pregnant?
Worthless whore.
Eliza Horan
Is it murder or what?
I'm not sure how some autist mocking another autist on /r9k/ is related to the OP autist.
Seems like they're all concentrated here since we have dialy threads
>game lets you murder children
>You can then loot them
nothing, boys can't get pregnant
Huh? She got blacked? Proof?
If you're not willing to pay for a woman to carry her child to term, deliver it and pay for its expenses for 18 years, then you have no place to tell her that she cannot get an abortion.
Are... Are there any more photos of her?
She isn't white, herself. She has igloo nigger blood.
>She has such serious health issues, she is unable to bear my child
I wanted goofy looking 1/8 Inuit kids.
i-i think i would lads, am i just degenerate??
>he dindu nothing wrong he just wanted to live his fantasy
who the fuck is this bitch and why should i care? is she Sup Forums's next target?
Dude look at her, the only white guys she could get would be 250+ pounds.
not possible
I think you underestimate what the average 25-30 year old male would stick his unprotected dick into given the chance user. Her body is actually ok, and i bet in the right light on a night out guys would think she scrubs up ok.
Oh user...
This, might as well call fapping a school massacre
so away midget
Wh...What game? Asking for a friend, haha.
I think she's very cute. I like boyish dyke girls.
This. If you go out you'll see that guys have absolutely zero standards as long as they can get their dick wet.
I'd give her a 9/10. She looks like a young version of my mom.
>I like boyish dyke girls
Me t-too user... it doesn't always end well does it? I keep meeting confused gay girls who have tailored their look to trying to be as unapealing to a man as possible but i just think they are so cute. I can say a few curious ones have spent some time with me out of pure curiosity at my attention to them.
>game let's you have consensual, loving sex with a 10-year old girl, just like you would in real life
A girl playing with an older boy intimately isn't sexual assault. If anything is, it's declaring that a child's sexuality belongs to their parents until an arbitrary age limit is reached.
I wasn't saying im any better than that though user, id totally fuck her.
reported to the police
sadly she had let herself go lately
at the beginning she had a top body
also laid back character
>still manages to have tiny saggy tits
You people really do have shit taste in everything.
>implying you wouldn't give her the dick.
Real women tits, not pornstar tits.
This. I gotta admit she has "something" i bet she has even had a few chads in her time.
Shit those are nice. Who is this chick??
Legit ok pics where I find her attractive. I'm digging the thic eyebrows. Would bang in a heartbeat If I have the chance.
The other pics/videos of her are pretty bad, would not bang 2/10.
She has a pretty decent personality whenever she streams provided she's in a good mood.
Nice jugs too
She comes off as nutty. She gets very emotionally frustrated by games if she fails. Can you imagine dating her? She's not "chill" at all. Just the opposite.
And she's fucking weird. Super atheist pro-democrat, turned Trump cult? Really right wing borderline racist anti-SJW crusader? She's a girl fedora at best. I swear she has some learning disability. Plus tons of real confirmed problems, like heart issues and other health problems.
She's a follower and can get swept up in current memes very easily. She just needs a mind of her own.
>jerking off is murder
The 'something' she has is that she is a female that that seems like she's giving you attention and isn't too attractive so you think you actually have a shot with her because you're all so desperate. I swear, I always wonder why shitty female streamers always get so many subs but then I come on here for five minutes and wonder why they don't have more.
There are anons on here that are so fucking desperate that they're willing to whore themselves out and take it up the ass for a headpat and a few (you)s. Or do you think that the entirety of the world's MtF population just happened to congregate on Sup Forums?
Absolutley. She is cute af, even if she does always look slighlt worried about something.
Gimme the name of the game. For me.
>Your sperm would turn into a baby if left alone on the sock you used.
Wow, that's pretty neat.
haha, nice
>She just needs a mind of her own.
She's like 30. It's not happening. She's not outrageously stupid, but she is really unable to form an opinion. I've watched a bunch of her "opinion" videos, and she just states the obvious and never says anything terribly in depth. She just goes along with the flow.
She also clearly lives online, and it heavily influences her opinion.
>and isn't too attractive
She's an 8-10 on my scale bro.
I'd love to see your reaction to an actual 10/10 Because adjusting for everyone's standards she's probably like a 5 at best.
Good luck fascist thug, I'm behind at least 14 proxy layers.
You can't stop true love.
>that receding hairline
This is what she would look like if she pulled her hair back.
She looks like one of my ex (but my ex was more attractive), she looks better with longer hair and I have to say that shirts and cleavage turn me on.
>Deus ex
>give kid a candy bar for information
>slap him with a police baton
>take the candy bar back
>She looks like one of my ex (but my ex was more attractive)
Sure kid
Oh shit, Nigri is balding?
When did she get pregnant?
I thought she was a lesbian.
>I have to say that shirts and cleavage turn me on
Please anonymous person believe me I NEED THAT !!!!
>E-celeb thread
Fuck off.
She's about 4-5 months pergnont now I think
>your baby would survive if you left it alone
really joggin my noggin
Hellmoo it's only fun if you have autism
Liberal SJW girls are much, much more insane than her.
lol it's retty common to be attracted to people who look like a young version of your mom/dad.
He knows, thats Sigmon Freud, look it up.
Her eyebrows make her 10/10
what's the hit button
Does that make her a milf?
have you seen chelhell?
>think she's cute
>open her videos
>mfw her voice
I'd fuck her
You cannot kill something that is not alive.
Where the fuck have you been?
It's literally like 4-5 of her beta orbiters and who keep spamming her here on a daily basis. Plus Inuit herself. ManletTears as well, probably.
Manlet was obsessed with her yeas ago but moved on.
I used to be a little obsessed with her, but her jumping on the Trump Cult is a bit annoying.
everyone jumped off that train yesterday
They'll get back on it if he doesnt' do anything else in Syria. It was probably just for show anyways.
i-i hope you mean nut button user?!
What the fuck