>"don't look at them screens all day, you'll turn blind"
>15 years later
>sitting here with glasses
"don't look at them screens all day, you'll turn blind"
Other urls found in this thread:
Am I hellbanned?
Glasses are cool, they make you look smart
Glasses are dumb, they make you look like a big fucking nerd
Thanks for the blog update.
filtre blue
Same bruv, got mine 3 days ago. I like them though and I think they actually make me look better.
I'm in the opposite boat user. Used to have glasses as a kid but today, as an adult who spends at least 18 hours a day in front of the computer, I have no glasses. Of course that's because I'm too poor to afford them and I can literally not see what time it is despite having a clock hanging on the wall 20 feet away so maybe perhaps it's not really opposite to your problems but hell I don't know I just like to think I have friends here that I can talk shit with I'm sorry.
I'm 26 with no glasses but I'm sure I'll need them eventually. My right eye has a bit worse vision than my left.
giga cringe.
Are there any tricks to keep your eyes healthy if all you do is being a retard that's sitting on the PC too much?
I'm sorry I am just very lonely sorry.
>spent most of my life up close to tv/computer screen
>went to eye doctor year ago
>near perfect vision
28 and i spend literally all day staring at a computer screen. I have 20/15 vision get fucked nerds
>My personal experience is what will happen to everyone.
But what if you'd have mutated x-men Legolas vision right now if you hadn't ruined your eyes?
Close your left eye, focus on something near the center of your screen, and then move your mouse cursor left and right slowly on the right side of your screen and watch it disappear.
I feel like my eyesight has gotten worse lately. Things are starting to get a little blurry on my monitor
wtf brb reinstalling windows!
I don't care what doctors says
The day i go blind i'll just kill myself
and how exactly will you find the pills if you can't see?
>>"don't look at them screens all day, you'll turn blind"
Is bullshit, but Id didn't care since I was born with shitty eyesight anyway.
Staring at the good ole CRT monitor actually improved my vision. I wore glasses all my life and my vision is getting better and better.
Just turned 24, been using computers since I was 3, eyesight is 20/20
The OP just have some degenerative issue
It is not the monitors fault, your eyes are just that shitty.
>tfw eyes were perfectly fine for 27 years
>starting to get worse
I thought I'd be the only one in my family without glasses.
>"don't look at them screens all day, you'll turn blind"
>15 years later
>sitting here with glasses
>sitting here with glasses because of reasons unrelated to vidya
Give me your email and I might mail you for a while.
>everyone in my family has glasses
>i'm the only who doesn't have glasses
Are my parents keeping something from me?
this is the same guy i assume
>im on Sup Forums
Its not like my genes are perfect. I do have a huge forehead
-0.75 right eye, -0.5 left eye. I have glasses but they BARELY make a difference. Should I still wear them?
i still know where my window is
Maybe. When's the last time you had an eye exam? You could have shitty vision but aren't aware of it.
That just runs in your family. 15 years later and I have perfect vision in my family, everyone else wears glasses but me so
user nearly 50% of people these days need glasses
its not your fault
let me guess your mom told you that
Is that even how it works?
I mean, isn't bad eyesight caused by a physical anomaly in your eye that fucks up your focal point or something along those lines?
>they have an assembly in my school about the dangers of loud noises and how tinnitus will ruin your life
>get it around a year ago
>had some trouble sleeping the first two days due to all the worry but it's never been a problem since
I guess it's different for everyone.
>Although using a computer will not harm your eyes, staring at a computer screen all day will contribute to eyestrain or tired eyes
Stop spreading misinformation, faggot.
Hmm, now that I think about it, it might actually be that.
My parents and siblings all have glasses.
Oh man. I was at a convention for local businesses(some school bullshit) and just for fun I got a free eye test in a booth and when the attendant showed me how people actually see the world it was kinda amazing.
Like I've been playing with a really shitty DOF effect my whole life.
I still don't have glasses though since I can't bother getting them and I don't need to see things from afar.
>not wearing contacts
>not getting corrective eye surgery
Had terrible vision, but during my time in the service I was able to get free eye surgery.
Wow, you're literally a dumb faggot. Retard. Your relatives wear glasses, too? WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW, who would've thought you might need them too, and that it's not the computer monitor's fault? WOOOOOOOOOOWWWW
Fucking kill yourself. Also, Video Games.
Wearing contacts just seem like a massive bother.
i used 1-day lenses for a while but I'd always fall asleep with them in and in the morning it was like tearing apart velcro trying to get them out
>slides down your nose if your nose is oily
>gets greasy
>"hurrdurr user you wear glasses, wow you look so weird WITHOUT them wow"
I'd rather wear contacts.
>slides down your nose if your nose is oily
>gets greasy
im willing to bet you are overweight
>Implying it is the screen and not simply looking at anything up close the way bookish types end up with glasses
its just meme that they created to sell lens with a yellow piss tint.
No, I'm thin. I just have naturally oily skin despite cleansing and moisturizing daily.
Thanks for the assumption, though.
Im not them
>, I'm thin
post a pic of your hand fatty
>born into biologically flawed body that will continue to deteriorate and there is nothing that can be done about it
Augfags can fuck off too, ascending to pure thoughtform when?
I don't really care.
stop moisturizing
play in a well lit room
sit a good distance away from the monitor
take small breaks after playing for more than 1 hour, get up and stretch and walk around
>people who claim that using VR headsets will ruin your eyes even more than a monitor because the screen is closer
Yes, your glasses.
being blind is literally the top tier disability.
>get hot smoking body
>get girls panties wet because you are a handsome blind motherfucker
kinda like daredevil, they'd look at you mysteriously, like a forbidden fruit they never tasted.
i know it's cheesy but that's how women think.
>inb4 how do i know if she's cute
have a buddy tell you or come up with some bullshit like hug her or ask or shake hands to see if she's fat, i don't know i'm not the blind one.
>tfw went to doctors to get contacts and got hard contacts because i thought they lasted longer
>tfw fell into shock when i put them on
never again, fuck that
Since you asked so nicely.
Woah, rude
if you're blind you can settle for the most disturbingly ugly girls though so no need to get fit
>oily skin
>moisturizing daily
I wonder why.
oh yeah i can definitely tell from your arm that you are fatty.
>Veins visible
You are fucking retarded if you think he is fat with those fucking veiny hands.
That's still fat. Where are the veins faggot?
>be in front of the PC basically all life
>26 years old, sight got to shit
>hate glasses
>save money and laser eyes
>now have eyesight of a hawk, see sharper and better than in any point of life
>got a not ugly gf recently because of beauty eyes
there is always a way brothers
here's your problem, you don't want ugly girls.
Nice arm fatty lmao
t. fatty
What a fag.
Bad angle? Kinda sounds like you're projecting though
but you wouldn't know she's ugly
you couldn't trust friends telling you either since they could just be jelly and messing with you
Cut your nails.
>Implying he can't just evade and come back
Cry harder
is it weird that every time i see a fat person i just wanna grab their belly and jiggle it all around?
>beauty eyes
>tfw my eyes look like they belong to a blue eyes albino mongolian.
>tfw you will never woo ladies with your deep brown eyes that look like they hold all the secrets of the universe
>confirming you're underage
>Still claiming he is fat
Holy fuck how dense can a faggot be
My nail beds are naturally long. Also, I'm 18.
>failed a ton of classes back in the day because i couldnt see the chalkboard but i thought my eyesight was fine
anyone else
is it weird that people want to pet me when they first see me?
>talks about himself in third person
you're still fat, faggot.
I am 31 though
But cry me a river, you are hilarious
almost, except I knew I had shit eyesight but didn't want other people to know I was too poor and lazy to do anything about it
Ssme, got mine 2 months ago.
Make my head and face area look better
>but you wouldn't know she's ugly
sprinkle some water on that bitch and hear how she looks nigger, 0:55
I am fat, the guy that posted that picture isn't
I am obese and weight 275 pounds.
My hands aren't veiny, they are all rounded from the lard.
Happy now?
>tfw vidya and music gave me poor eyesight, bad posture, and tinnitus
I can clearly see them stick out where there is no finger.
t. fatty
Nigga that's enough camwhoring you got there
I have perfect vision and I sit in front of a screen every waking moment. I wouldn't mind wearing glasses because I like the look but I think it's for the best since my job requires me to see subtle color variations.
Sure thing fatty. You think we can't notice that double door behind you, because you can't fit in anywhere else?
But you're asian so it doesn't matter, you're automatically disqualified.
It's a closet
I failed a bunch of classes because I did like two homework assignments in 3 years of high school and I'm thick as a brick shithouse.
But I pretty much spent every lesson just squinting. Also made going to the movies kinda pointless.
kill yourself frogfucker