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Too bad Sega weren't

they objectively were since they created the greatest console of all time

They haven't made a single console that was best in its gen.

dreamcast was great but sega came too late after blowing all their money on the saturn, 32x, and megacd.


That's a good game and the Dreamcast was a good console. Nothing compares with the PS2 though.

sorry user but the dreamcast is better than the ps2, once you get older you will understand.

Real men played Quake 3.

dreamcast has you covered

>Shooters on a controller with a single stick

>Greatest console
>Playing Quake with one analog stick

UGgghhhh sorry sweetie, but you're rose tinted nostalgia glasses are covering the warts of a console with no games other than arcade and ps1 ports.

Maybe next time you'll buy a good console.

The shovelware machine had the greatest amount of good games in the gen, but I'd say it generally had weaker peaks than the other offerings in gen 6.

cant wait to here the bullshit excuse on why this doesnt count

qe all loved the dreamcast a majority of us me included perferred it but lets be honest the dreamcast couldnt hold a candle to the ps2

you clearly havent played enough of the dreamcast s library

maybe because it works exclusively on the Dreamcast and on nothing else? At least the PS2 had USB ports you can use.

>make a proprietary disc format to combat piracy
>pirates still bypass it because you forgot to remove one line of code in your software

biggest fucking blunder ever. it could have been fixed if system updates over the internet were a thing back then, but nope.

fucking lol you couldnt have come up with something better?

Who is this semon demon?

>Sega apologist
Even when they swindle you, you defend them. This is what fanboyism looks like.

stay fucking mad that a company on the verge of bankruptcy made not only the greatest console of all time but the last console that was for the hardcore gamer.

I can't be mad at someone so hopelessly deluded.


How did the movement work for Quake 3? It has been so many years I no longer remember.

>segafags still exist
Fucking lmao

i only ever played it with keyboard + mouse

Had SEGA not been BTFO from PS2 in the 6th generation and had Microsoft not announced the Xbox, where would they be right now?

Would SEGA be exactly like Microsoft are now, would they be suffering like Nintendo was, or would they be different?

>greatest console of all time
>doesnt even lasted 3 years

yea alright


Face buttons were movement.

Left stick was look around

Dpad to scroll through weapons.

As far as consoles which lasted 2 years go, the Dreamcast was by far the best.

still don't understand the meme that this was a good game, or even much of a game at all

video games would still be good. we would be able to play with holograms with our new sega console. everything that went wrong with consoles can be traced back to microsoft.


Sega is fairly decent, when they're making something not called Sonic and when they bother with localization.

Early Xbox was pretty much just a continuation of the Dreamcast with titles like JSRF, PDO, Outrun 2, Shenmue 2 and GunValkyrie.

If you want to blame anyone, blame Sony.

This version of Daytona is pretty bad by the way, the controls are all fucked.

>le meme XD


it plays fine just change the sensitivity

That helps but it's still nowhere near as smooth as the original. You're better off playing the XBLA/PSN port.

one of the most overrated games I've ever played.

nah dreamcast has more content.

>I played it once and got a game over within 3 minutes because I couldn't figure out the controls

All the extra tracks are tempting but I still prefer having good controls.


*better on PS2

which the dreamcast has.

You're not even a Segafag, you're just a Dreamcastfag.
You're not even a fanboy, you're just an extreme hipster.


worse than the first game, also on PSP.


>also on PSP

I want to fuck this boner loner so bad hngg


also on PC and PS2 and you don't need to buy ridiculously specific hardware to play it that way.


literal memegame

are you really sinking to fucking sports games? PS2 had far more of that shovelware garbage, or are you simply salty that EA sold you out?

>specific hardware

How is it different from any other peripheral? I also have a Dreamcast fishing rod, light gun, etc.

Spending $90 on a game and its peripheral when you can spend half of that to play it somewhere else with the hardware you already own is just plain stupid, user.


Good game and you can't really get it anywhere else, but for every game you can think of on the Dreamcast there are a dozen on PS2 to match it.

The fuck are you talking about? I paid $5 for my Dreamcast keyboard and I burned TotD to a CD-r.


At release the game would have been $60 and the keyboard $30. But, if you're pirating, why not just play the PC version?



I tried once. I remember it being pretty difficult to get running on a modern OS. It's just easier to play on my Dreamcast.

honestly some of the most fun I had was playing power stone with some friendos

Platformers? You're not even trying to beat the PS2, are you?

>video games will never be quirky and fun again



Oh, ha ha. I didn't think it was a problem back in the day.
There has never been a better online experience than the one this game provided.

consoles died when the dreamcast died


Reminder that Sega's death was due to not including a DVD player like Sony.

Sega's death was because they fucked up everything after the Genesis and before the Dreamcast.

>tfw my local retro shop had a Japanese Dreamcast with shit ton of great games for $100
>Guilty Gear X
>Third Strike
>Zero 3
>Dynamite Deka 2

That was a good day.

So the reason my dc laser is fucked is because piracy?

it's fucked if you use it at all, the DC drive is made extremely cheaply

I loved that commercial with sonic back in the day. I think he was dj'ing with some basketball guy


Good thing preowned units don't go for more than £40 where I live

sega had the GOAT commercial

You can also tweak the laser pot to get a few more months out of it.

No way around it besides downsampling?

How so?

tweak the pot or replace the laser.

better yet, do that one SD card mod that's floating around. no longer have to deal with mechanical spindles or lasers and your games load faster

Just google it.