what are some games that are purely about exploring and puzzle solving and i don't have to fight things?
i don't care about fighting things
What are some games that are purely about exploring and puzzle solving and i don't have to fight things?
The Witness, but unfortunately the puzzles are obtuse and the whole game is just badly designed like all those F2P puzzle games on smartphones. A better game would be something like Antichamber.
most early lucasarts point and clicks are exploring and puzzle solving
you cleared grim fandango or the monkey island series yet?
the witness is excellently designed in my opinion
you opinion is shit
The Talos Principle.
And your name is Jonathan Blow
your opinion is shit
I like how it's designed to not hand hold you at all and you can complete anything in any order
yeah, i grew up on lucasarts point and clicks and grim fandango is the best thing i ever played, although it's not quite what i'm talking about here
i'm thinking more about exploration based open world games like fez with puzzles instead of enemies
i do love me some minesweeper
the witness looks fucking perfect. i'm not sure i like the look of the antichamber environment
Professor Layton
I wish, he's an alright rich duded who's good at making games from what I figure
this looks really good too, thanks
Breath of the Wild. You don't HAVE to fight anything.
>i don't care about fighting things
i would play this if i didn't have to buy a new console just for it
The Inner World?
Both are more point and clicks, though.
i will fuck you up
>the witness looks fucking perfect. i'm not sure i like the look of the antichamber environment
witness is fucking perfect
though antichamber is also amazing, lots of non euclidean space to play with your expectations
the king's quest and machinarium series are decent puzzle games, but both are still point and clicks not open world. i swear i've played a 3d platformer type kind of like tomb raider 3 which was open world puzzle solving though. can't recall the name
Damn dude. You have shit taste.
The Witness is such an elgantly designed game. The way it teaches you new ideas is subtle, organic, and rewarding. If you find it obtuse, you're probably Ricky Retardo.
kings quest 4 is the first game i ever played. my whole family played it together and we got stuck trying to get out of that fucking whale
l o l
Was. Braid was great, but The Witness is like a complete regression with everything he accomplished prior.
are you implying that it didn't teach you enough?
never played braid so I can't draw comparisons between that but I love the witness, it's probably my favorite puzzle game, only thing I didn't care for were those voice boxes you find around with those einstein quotes
Try antichamber
It only taught me that some asshole thinks you can learn without context, and no, puzzles that you solved the first time around aren't context. That's brute force with sheer luck.
What are point-and-click adventure games and Yume Nikki fangames?
You're pretty dumb then, there's no brute force involved, the town center puzzles are the ones that rely on you knowing the mechanics from all the different areas but all the different areas themselves don't rely on you knowing anything beforehand
you're retarded
I bet you're horrible at IQ tests
i like yume nikki and i already explained that point and click adventures aren't what i'm looking for
i do play them but they're not exploratory enough for me
another good example of what i am looking for is the knytt games
just running around a giant chill environment exploring it and some puzzles
where are the fucking ship octagon puzzles taught?!
i fucking searched everywhere and that was my 1 or 2 last areas to finish the game.
I agree, but that isn't to say its a great game you should play to completion. As elegantly as he does it, Blow explores the main puzzle type in the game to exhaustion. Certain areas are so dense with the same type of puzzle literally each step is blocked by a new one. It would be great if a massive sign popped up past a certain point and told you to take a week long break from the game, just to take a significant breather from maze puzzles. That said, the REAL "aha!" moment is one of the best moments I've ever experienced in a video game
This guy probably has problems counting
What is Myst?
a good suggestion perhaps
although i remember being bored and frustrated by it as a kid, maybe i'm smart enough nowadays
what is this
Puzzle Agent
It has everything the Witness lacks
nevermind, i solved the puzzle
look at my puzzle solving skills, using reverse image search
how's the exploration in this game though? i should have stressed that more
i want to be exploring nice places whilst not fighting people
one of the hardest puzzles in the game
it's a combination of four puzzle types in the game
Fuck off filipe
is that the guy who made fez?
The shipwreck?
The two you really need are the jungle sound and the canyon cliffs symmetry.
The one made me want to kill myself because apparently i'm pitch deaf or something.
Also, the sound puzzle in the recording booth which I still don't really get
those two and color and fill dots ones
I mean those are the other two elements it uses, so four types combined