Denuvo has completely revamped its anti-tamper tech

It appears that Denuvo has been working on a new version of its anti-tamper tech, especially after what happened with Resident Evil 7. Resident Evil 7 used the latest version of Denuvo and was cracked in just five days. As such, some people believed that this was the end of Denuvo. However, it was revealed that the team has completely revamped its anti-tamper tech.

This new version of Denuvo will be used in most future titles. We know for a fact that Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 will be using it, though it remains a mystery whether For Honor, Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands and Mass Effect: Andromeda will use this new version of Denuvo.

Pirates BTFO xD

As long as we live in a universe where the thought of pirates cracking something exists, it will be cracked.


ME: Andromeda was cracked on version 1.04 of the game

The 1.05 patch released the other day includes the new Denuvo

And people are still pre-ordering Denuvo games...
Does it still impact performance?

Of course
why would you even need to ask, do you not undestand what denuvo is

They should be sent to gulag desu

They say it's not DRM.
It really makes my monster grow.

>PCūcks happy about drm

what gives? there may be ironic shilling here, but steam forums are filled with people defending drm.

and it'll get cracked in a few months
denuvo btfo thread spam
denuvo changes things again
pirates btfo
etc. etc.
what is there to even talk about?

>Do you hear it? That crying?
>It is the song of the defeated pirate!

>but steam forums are filled with people defending drm
Maybe they paid 59.99 for a shitty game and failed to get a refund?

>Ghost Warrior 3
>For Honor
>Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Wildlands
>Mass Effect: Andromeda

Look at all those games I wouldn't even pirate.

>but steam forums are filled with people defending drm.
Paid influencers. They will sell their mother for some neet bucks and free games.

I already downloaded Androgyna, and deleted it, cause i forgot i don't give a SHIT about mass effect.

Thier new shit will get cracked like thier old shit. Might take a little longer, but they are just stalling and then the third worlders and br's will have to wait a little longer to pirate shit they would have never bought anyway. And the rest of the world keeps turning.

What? Is that Just Cause 3? That was cracked.

> you will never get to play a mediocre game with nothing to do in it
just cause 3 was super dissapointing faggot

Just Cause 3 was cracked.

a fucking leaf

Pirating this now just to spite you

Who gives a shit? If it can be cracked it will stay mad buy fags.
Now let me get back to playing ME A cracked while downloading Doom and Resident Evil 7 torrents

What if coders start using DRM features built in Intel CPUs? There is no defence against Intel. You sheeps will buy Intel CPUs no matter what.

>This new version of Denuvo will be used in most future titles.
Not on my PS4.

They are already working on that actually.
In the future the only way to access pirated movies, music, games, anime will be to buy special CPUs tampered with by 3rd parties. Everything will be on Windows 10 store or some other shitty thing.

ps4 is worse than denuvo shithead

like I give a fuck

Reminder that while the Windows version of Hitman, or Total Warhammer were infected with the Denuvo malware, the Linux versions weren't.

If you really care about this, buy the Linux versions.

>ps4 is worse than denuvo shithead
No, works like charm, entirely offline.

you still have to buy it, denuvo is free

What the fuck is the point of these threads?
You faggots are just as obnoxious as these console war shitters

>tfw we can never go back to the days before denuvo

Just range ban 'em 2bh

>you still have to buy it
No, only retards have to buy games.
>denuvo is free
No, it actually costs money.

>In the future the only way to access pirated movies, music, games, anime will be to buy special CPUs tampered with by 3rd parties. Everything will be on Windows 10 store or some other shitty thing.
Not if there is a communist revolution

You're right, can't pirate movies, music, games, or anime if there's no one making them

Isn't For Honor always online? Why the fuck would it even need Denuvo? That's like Overwatch using Denuvo.

already happening
>he doesn't know coders also write lines of anti tamper directly in
Any self respecting person looking to hold onto their assets will do this.

fuck off shill you made this post the last time it got cracked too.

andromeda is already cracked

>without capitalism we are lost, LOST!

Does it have a single player mode or something?
Btw, god, that web is pathetic.

It's peer to peer which is even worse. Won't even dedicate servers to keeping shit stable which is why the entire game acts like total shit.

>the only alternative to communism is being raped by corporate

What version of this? How many times has it been cracked?

You literally have to remove it to fix Nier Automata's shitty PC performance. Don't let the defensive Denuvo fags tell you otherwise. I still BOUGHT the fucking games, Denuvofags. So don't you dare give me shit.

This guy.
When Steam was growing I started to shit on that platform all the time about their DRM politics in all forums. I only obtained responses of people defending drm's to the death.

Never said anything about communist, different user.
You capitalismo should calm down.

Automata still has denuvo, there is no crack. Fuck off.

How do you think FAR works, you stupid fuck?

So the basic drm on automata is better than denuvo, kek.

Let me reword this, did Denvuo get cracked so you can pirate Nier? No. You can't mod games with it applied though without "the crack." I'm sorry your little fucking DRM is shitty. It ruined Nier Automata.

Denuvo doesn't impact the performance of Nier Automata, the fact they used the heaviest lighting engine ever does and that it's assets have a huge diminishing return after 64/128. They left it at max for PC and most people have shitty hardware on average, only 15% of steam users have a video card with more than 2gb of vram. Modding is still very possible even with denuvo there, you don't know jack shit about modding so I assume you don't know jack shit about anti tamper.

A few new games are still using v3

Nier uses v4

PS4 is the DRM you dumbass

>Buy a game with Denuvo
>Install game
>Works great. Didn't even have to enter a CD key. just install and play
>Runs great. Play and beat the game with no intrusions.

Wow, fuck this DRM. Literally the end of PC gaming right here. How is this even playable?

Everything about denuvo has been said in the past about other online drm and anti tamper and still people played video games, it's not going to stop the consumer from consuming it's only going to hinder the pirate further, because it's a chain reaction that keeps persisting.

that was already cracked mate, update your memes please

>tfw dishonored 2 is still slow unplayable garbage

Never again will I support denuvo

If only hacking into the new Denuvo were this easy, huh, pirate? You gibsmedat lifestyle niggers.

meant for