>tfw you've dropped multiplayer games and only go for single player
Tfw you've dropped multiplayer games and only go for single player
Feels good man
I did this too, but mainly because all my online friends disappeared without a trace
I miss the feeling of competition sometimes, but then I think about what I couldve done with my life if I didnt spend 1000000 hours on quake and starcraft.
I did this too because single player games let my autism shine.
Having 30 lvl 16 characters across 3 accounts is hard to explain.
Cant gid gud???
>tfw breast of the wild
Yes I've recently quit playing an MMO I've played daily for 5 years and went back to single player games. Also stopped signing into steam friends so I can play in peace. Feels fucking fantastic.
>Tfw played single players whole life
>Try MMO
>Now can't play single players without thinking I am wasting my time because nobody can see how autistic I am being getting millions of gold or shitton of levels and the best weapons
Same here OP. Stopped playing games for nearly a decade cause I thought gaming has become nothing but xbox live and psn shit. Still don't understand the interest in that stuff to this day
>Finally gave up MP games after I realized I don't have the patience or motivation to git gud
I started doing this because all my friends stopped playing with me.
>tfw sending xbl party invites every day hoping they would accept
>tfw when you still play and enjoy both
1on1 multiplayer - opponents are too cheesy, cowardly
Team multiplayer - teammates constantly fail to work together
I'm about done with multiplayer alltogether, Injustice 2 will be my last try.
how could you? You get buttflusted by even the smallest reminder that you are not actually that good at your hobby.
>tfw you never fell for the multiplayer meme
>it's everyone's fault but mine.
Most cheesy, and cowardly types in MP tend to be really easy to fuck up because they are too defendant on their crutches, kick those from under them and it's an easy win.,
too depressed to want to talk anymore. told everybody my mic was broken...
2 people already offered to buy me a new one. i just dont feel like its worth it anymore
At first I couldn't afford it (xbl membership, building a new pc) Now I just don't really care and stick to what looks fun as opposed to competing with people I don't care about
I only play multiplayer with close friends now and then, mostly play singleplayer. Always been like this, always will be.
esports made multiplayer games cancer
no more server browsers, now you need a shitty matchmaking system to artificially force you into a 50% w/l ratio with every single game being a one sided stomp and if you try to leave a game that's boring you get punished because video games are a job now!
fuck it
Aw yeah.
>most new SP games are shit
>all multiplayer games can only be as good as their playerbase, and 2017 players are all cowards and losers
>Co-op titles are few and far between and rarely the main focus
Only multiplayer games I played were at LAN parties like Diablo 2, AoE, Battlefield 1942 etc. with few of my friends. Tried online multiplayer once and it was terrible.
Multiplayer is an exciting occasional treat, but I can't really relax when I know I'm under peer pressure to be gud. SP games account for probably over 95% of my gaming time
Always perform near the top at online games, but one day i realized how pathetic it is trying to be good at games, now i play SP or MP with friends and just fuck around.
>I'm under peer pressure to be gud
you arent. just play any multiplayer games with respawn and not emphasize teamwork.
>tfw only dropped multiplayer games because i just stopped enjoying most of them
I played War Thunder non stop for a little while but that got stale too once I started unlocking the higher tier ground vehicles and it turned into get one shot from across the map the game
>how pathetic it is trying to be good at games
except when you earn mirrion of gook buck doing it :^)
Yeah one of the major problems is that everyone online thinks they are good enough to make money.
>this is my wife
>here is her son
the last multiplayer game I played seriously is Halo Reach for like a year after it came out. now I just don't give a shit about multiplayer anymore, especially now that everything that comes out is "esport" pandering shit. of course MLG existed too but Halo wasn't designed and balanced around it
I find single player games to be too casual.
More of a problem with this gen and the one before it though. Chest high walls and wait a minute that card bullshit every game to the point where you dont reach anything which doesn't feel like a tutorial until you are 80% through the game.
What are u doing here hypocrite??