
How are you doing?

im doing fine op just eating some carrots, how about yourself?

doin pretty shitty senpai, not from the game but from my own lack of caution
>cant barely see shit
>run into some stupid shack ahead of my squad
>four russians
>we're american
>spray without aiming
>take out one before out of gunjuice
>run out and get shot from an MG on the roof who peeked it
other than that im lovin the game, thinkin about buyin it if i can sweep up $20
>mfw being a good medic

But the performance is shitty as fuck, but I kinda enjoy it.

This map is too easy on free weekend. It's like shooting fish in a barrel. The only draw back is herding all these fucking newbies

I've saw the head bug on Al Bashar where if you put an emplaced gun on one of the tall buildings that doesn't have access to the roof. You can enter the weapon then exit it and it bugs you on top of the roof. So once on top there is no way down but also no way up from the enemy. It sucks if the enemy puts a fob on top but that's about it. No way to really shoot from it since you'll get spotted easily. Other than that it's been mostly bug free.


Can you use Tomahawks?
Anyway early access it is, so buying I ain't.

I despise squad / project reality but I keep getting back to it.

Having to deal with stupid players is the biggest draw back.

Having fun

game runs like fucking garbage

one fucking smoke kills me
where am i getting shot from

>cant see shit
>get shot
>teammates are morons making jokes about le epic hemp field
>mic isn't working

Good because i'm not a free weekend pleb.

That bug is old as shit.

runs pretty smooth on my machine, surprisingly. did you lower settings?

>round starts
>whole squad together
>get an objective or two
>eventually get picked off by a stray round
>spend the rest of the game walking back to my squad and dying mid-point

This sums up my PR / squad experience. Frankly it's a terrible game.

Serves you right for not remind the SL to set an appropriate RP.

>Other players don't know how to play
>somehow it's my fault

Game is just badly designed

>Other players don't know how to play
No, it's your fault, faggot.

>can't get into vehicles until the retard in charge lets me
>nowhere does it tell the retard in charge he can give us the permission to get a vehicle
lmao retard

How is that different from your mom driving you around?

>my favorite low key FPS is currently swarming with retarded foreigners and CoD kids

Well there goes the coordinated semi-mature userbase.
All thats left is to hope the slow pace of the game gets rid of these ADHD riddled faggots.


>this is the squad player's mentality


maybe you should kill yourself like that huge faggot in your pic for liking this garbage game


Its smart is what it is.
If it wasnt that way youd have morons like yourself solo stealing vehicles and getting them raped instantly.
Back to battlefield with you

The city level with the terrorist spawn at the bridges is easily the worst map in the game. Other than that though having a lot of fun. A lot easier than I thought it was gonna be as well.

Just one day left.

>still no 100 player servers

is it so hard to add the one thing that will make me come rushing to the game? I want the full warfare experience, niggah

Reminder that even before the free weekend Squad had four times as many players despite costing 40$

This. Those fags can die in a fire

80 isn't that bad either.
Id rather have them implement a proper stance system and weapon resting.

ZU-23 when?

That's simply not a thing. I don't think there is anything short of an MMO capable of handling 100 people, and a shooter is especially incapable of handling 100 people while still registering hits properly in an accurate fashion. Even CS:GO has problems with reg unless you're playing over a LAN, and it's 5v5.

About to uninstall
>Can't see shit with out a scope
>Constantly getting killed by a guy who can see the top pixel of my head
>Iron sights are beyond shit
>My squad is a mix bagged the enemy squads are all autismos that have perfected sims

I honestly don't get how people get into these games with its 95% getting shit on and 5% satisfaction

We need to get pr to steam. It really doesn't get all the fame it deserves. It's actually a really good game.

PR has at most 2 severs up at a time that aren't 0/100. And one of those is always Chinese. So you're left with one awful server to play on forever. The game is dead now. I just go on there with VPNS and team kill and make the autists that still play it scream and get mad

>15 dudes stuck at spawn
>none of them can get into vehicles because their squad leaders didn't give them permission
>they either disconnect, or walk for 10 minutes before disconnecting
Really really good system guys, I am surely in the wrong. We wouldn't want one person to waste a vehicle, lets have 10 people stand in front of vehicles pointlessely, this is surely a better option.

Im really hoping they dont add a lot of vehicles.
The game was great before vehicles were implemented.
However transport vehicles really helped with the early part of the matches and getting things going.
Infantry doesnt have enough firepower to take out tons of vehicles flying all around the map.

Bigger isn't always better, you know?

BF2 had 100 players retard and it was actually fine. CS is a shit game by by incompetent devs

This problem doesn't exist outside the free weekend

99% of time the system actually works and SLs do their job. Then comes the free weekend, everything goes to shit because free players and new players everywhere.

This game loves a high clocked i7 and fast RAM.

>because their squad leaders didn't give them permission
Bullshit, but maybe that's a problem with inept free weekend SLs.

Shit game. Horrible community, the free weekend is the only time this shit is even tolerable since the autistic tryhards that play all the time just sit and REEEEEEE into the mic while getting teamkilled over and over by people just having fun. Also, it's completely dead outside of free weekends because the mechanics are complete shit and the community drives everyone away. Kill yourself shill.

>mfw maxed out AND supersampling
>that foliage
>dem godrays

its weird, sometimes the game looks trash and other times it takes my breath away

BF2 missed reg all the time, it just wasn't transparent about its failure. Netcode is always shit, period. Expecting netcode to function accurately with more players is always going to mash it to shit, period. Playing local is the only way to alleviate the inherent latency issues, and nobody LANs but eurotrash.

>Doesn't exist
Literally every game today. Do you actually play the game you shitpost about?
Your system is fucking trash, how do you expect people to play your game if it doesn't tell you any of these autismal mechanics? Half the team is wasting time at spawn. But you're right this is only a problem on the free weekend and not an insanely stupid fucking system.

no I just have an AMD CPU.

you're the reason nobody likes free weekends faggot

Made the mistake of buying this trash on a free weekend last year but as soon as it ended the game was completely dead and always is except for free weekends. After tomorrow it'll be a ghost town again. Can't wait until this cancer riddled pile of shit leaves early access so I can refund it. Don't fall for the shills and the size of the playerbase this weekend, it'll be low hundreds at peak again by Monday.

Same shit as Arma games. Sometimes it looks amazing, sometimes it looks like utter shit.

They need to rework the plants though, they always look like shit and don't throw proper shadows. Also more detail related stuff close range would be nice, a lot of areas just look empty.

t. Overwatch player
and who makes these comments? I see a ton of reviews from free weekend shitters saying this kind of thing as well.
Like did you just spawn in and start running right into the enemy in direct line of sight? Or did you spawn and try to get a vehicle and couldn't so you just started blowing them up or some shit?

did you read what said
it really doesnt exist outside of the free weekend because only the poor br fucking idiots dont realize that they need to communicate with their SL and never play SL if they dont know how

>Literally every game today
That's an amazing amount of retardation, also you need three people to unlock vehicles, don't even bother to ask when you are alone, faggot.

What? It's regularly at 4k players when not on a free weekend.

>also you need three people to unlock vehicles, don't even bother to ask when you are alone, faggot
Are you serious? That's so fucking stupid holy shit. How are you actually defending this?

Lies. Blatant lies. Go shill elsewhere you piece of human garbage.

so vehicles don't get fucking wasted and are used properly? this isn't battlefield

My favorite part is
>spawn in zero rally points anywhere
>at base and everyone is across the map
>SL puts a rally point down and asks me to kill myself so I can get over there
>do it and get kicked by the admin and banned from the server
That was a load of fucking shit

>turn a corner
>see russkie
>seven shots into up chest
>he shoots me 3 times

fucking 5.56

Keeps idiots like you from ruining the game and forces players to cooperate. Worked really well until the day before yesterday.

What if SL wants you to bring a Logi truck to them but you can't because you need 3 people. Now that's fucking retarded

anyone wanna get a squad going?
I have 167 hours.
Would prefer some seasoned players but will show the ropes to newer people. Should be fun if we can get a coordinated squad going and wreck the free players

Steam : TokisoBrutal

I see people getting into vehicles, dropping them off near the action and then dying. Then once all the vehicles are up there, end up praying to god that there will be a rally point, or else I hope you really love walking. How is that not wasting vehicles? Why do you keep bringing up battlefield?

He has to wait until further people spawned.
Or ask a different squad to do it.

you need 3 people in a squad for SL to claim a vehicle.
so with that, you only need 2 squad members at a vehicle for it to be claimed (with approval)

>idiots like you from ruining the game
Wanting to get into a vehicle to drive yourself and the other stranded dude from a different squad to the action is ruining the game now? What is the game even about then? AFKing in spawn?

That's free weekend faggotry for you, just today in one match i saw it being done with 3 strikers, all of them far away from spawnpoints and the enemy. All of them abandoned.

This game's community is pure cancer, and beyond fucking delusional. If the devs have any sense they will permaban the current playerbase and listen to the free weekend players to change the garbage vehicle permission shit, spawn system, etc. Every capture point should be a spawn. Everyone should be able to take vehicles. As it is, the game will be completely DOA (which it is 100% of the time outside the free weekends, literally no one plays). Listening to the tryhard retards is a recipe for financial failure.

>game buries you in red tape
>yessss finally i am superior to those battlefield players who bullied me in videogame school

>Infantry doesnt have enough firepower to take out tons of vehicles flying all around the map.
nigga what? Each squad can carry 2 AT kits.

Before free weekend it was pretty rare to drive anywhere near the front line and not immediately start getting shaped charge enemas.

Squad will add more vehicles, but they'll also add more anti-tank options (Mines, deployable TOW launchers, TOWs on vehicles, IEDs, etc.)

it's almost like you wanted the game to be battlefield or something
you should probably stick to playing it you shitter


jesus christ, just stop

SL can approve vehicle request from anywhere on the map

>Somebody besides you has to click once on a map/click once in a menu if you want to use a vehicle
>Buries you in red tape
holy shit what a fucking sperg you are.

Pretty good bait, actually. Almost got me

Vehicles are worth a significant amount of tickets and dont spawn often.
The chance of wasting them isnt worth saving your dumbass from spawn when you could have spawned on a rally

Ditto. The odd thing is it's smooth at the start of a map, 10-20 minutes in it goes to shit. But I can't fathom why because it's not like bodies stay forever or there is destructible terrain.

Bought it a year or so ago and I regret buying it most of the time. My biggest beefs are the insane level of recoil compared to Arma, ADS that is really poor (whether that's because Arma has too much zoom or not is beyond me), no resting weapon on surfaces (I know that is coming but that shit needs to be on release for any modern milsim) and your not adjusting to the cover you're behind. So damn often I will be by a low waist or stomach high wall and if I crouch I can't shoot over it, if I stand so much of my body is visible, and if I walk forward and hug the wall -then- I can look over it. Performance is garbage for the level of graphics it offers.

But really the recoil is obscene. I had an AK74 (albeit not full auto) and for my weak ass no upper body strength self the recoil was nonexistent, .22lr level. I could rapid-fire trigger pull it no problem and it was Russian surplus ammo (the one that Obama banned, was back in 2010). Oddly an AR had more recoil but even that was fine.

Instead in this game it flies up to a 90 degree arc like you're a fucking 12 year old starving somali.
Don't believe the anti-shills though the game does have a reliable pop outside of free weekends.

I will fucking end you

Sounds like you're the one who's delusional

Squad is probably the most successful early access game of all time, by player numbers.

It's not a battlefield spinoff. Stop playing it like a battlefield spinoff. I know teamwork is something unheard of for cretins like you but you could at least try.

Staying away from it for a while because of the free weekend.

Mount and Blade Warband has up to 200 players in its multiplayer.

i upped the resolution and now it'll keep my mouse in a box, while the visuals are the right size. but i have to move my mouse inside this little box until a menu item highlights so i can slowly go through settings.

change again to what i use for pretty much every other game, same thing just everything's a different size. i think its cause i'm using a 4k tv rather than a standard computer monitor.

looks real fun tho

dude what? The recoil in squad is completely fine. You can empty an entire magazine and you'll only be aiming 20 degrees higher. That's without trying to compensate at all.

Maybe you're just used to Arma, which has horrifically bad gunplay.

The game is very heavy CPU wise, that might be your issue. Lots of options you can lower. I got my roommates PC to run decently with an fx4600 and a gtx670

As far as recoil and whatnot goes, thats a plus IMO.
Theyre going for some realism here, arma style.
Even shooting a semi auto .223 rifle while prone gives good recoil. Standing and auto? Forget it.
Im only on full auto in very close quarters.

No FOB up, no rally, other squads are full, vehicles are all over the map.
I'm not trying to make up hypothetical stories or anything, I am literally asking what the fuck I'm supposed to be doing because this has been happening in every game today and its getting tiring walking back to the action for 20 minutes.
I love the actual combat, I like the radio comms, I like the game when it works, but 70% of the time it's just me stuck in the middle of nowhere, along with the rest of my squad that is scattered, or in the field with no rally.

le marathon running simulator

>most successful early access game
This is just pathetic. You know that's dead wrong right? This game is a fucking failure, and hasn't sold anywhere near even the too 20 early access games. Pure delusion.

They do free weekends basically monthly

So is this game basically a camping/shot-in-the-back simulator?

>in every game today
Free weekend my man. Games with a high learning curve do not do well on free weekends.

That's just the reality of free weekends dude...
If you're in that situation, just find another server since there's still quite a bit of experienced SLs still playing this weekend

the last free weekend was last year i recall

Nope. Grenades deal with "campers" and unlike retard-tier shooters players can only spawn on rally points/player built bases, rather than in some corner somewhere.