What are some games set in Texas?
What are some games set in Texas?
worst state in the union, contributes nothing
why would anyone live in that sun-blasted shithole
Damn right and we shouldn't. Texas comes first faggot.
Fucking yankees.
Your GDP is shit you wouldn't be able to do anything anyway
Houstonfag reporting in, at a LAN party with my bros right now
Obligatory mention of Red Dead Redemption
Even American Chile is fat
What game pham?
Dallas here.
We actually finally just finished setting up the table and desktops/console area
Going to be doing some shooters for now, Planetside 2 and Killing Floor 2 to start. We're also playing BotW on the TV, maybe some other Switch games multi. Only wish we had Mario Kart already
Lubbockfag here, I grew up on a cotton farm which is probably why I played vidya so much as a kid because there was literally nothing else to do
Good for you bro. Wish I had bros that I could LAN with. All I got is a bunch of sports nerds.
t. Califaggots
>1.6 trillion
Are a legit retard? It's the second highest in the country and blows the fuck out of most of Yurop.
Were your parents slave drivers?
We rarely do it anymore since everyone has jobs now, but they can be fun.
Two of them are sports nerds though, we have the Masters golf tournament thing on right now
Are you a melting pot of friendhship Sup Forums?
no of beaners, hipsters, and niggers.
kek, you only make that much because you're such a drain of resources, the amount you keep is very little in comparison. Texas is one of the poorest states
>Were your parents slave drivers?
kek no
we just have a few mexicans that we pay to drive tractors
Tylerfag here. Is there a fucking scene for FG's here?
I don't fucking know. We have two seasons here - hot and stupidly hot.
resident evil 4
Hot and tornadoes every fucking week holy shit calm down Texas I don't want to die.
Why don't you fuck off to Canada like you said you would?
>contributes nothing
>pays more to the feds in tax dollars than we receive back
get fucked northie
yeah yeah we get it you're a burden
your lack of reading comprehension is evident yank
Your education is garbage
>source: your flyover state's ass
Now how much more are you gonna be desperately make shit up?
How can you call Texas the worst state in the Union when New Jersey exists?
You can't prove me wrong
New Jersey has culture, something Texas lacks
true true
>yankee humor
prove me wrong
New Jersey culture is a shit-tier New York knockoff.
and yet it still has more culture than Texas, funny how that works
Any state probably has more culture than your irrelevant shithole. Let's hear it.
I'm not American I'm Canadian faggot
are leafs the new australians?
Yeah a goddam desert.
I think no culture is a step up from NJ culture.
aussies aren't cucks at least
>hurr durr leaf
not an argument faggots, go back to fucking your sisters and riding horses because you're too retarded to learn how to drive
>brgins the game
>get shot
>get shot again
Fuck Texanons and fuck your Lone Star Beer
try harder leaf
>say the word texas
>cowboys and ranches come to mind
>say the words new jersey
>garbage tv reality show comes to mind
>it's a butthurt leaf thread
Thanks for the laughs then.
as long as its pig head hell yeah
>finally get out of NJ
>always the same retarded "DUDE JERSEY SHORE SNOOKI" shit when it's brought up
King of the Hill: Online
*quick draws six shooter*
*kills you six times before you hit the ground*
nothin personnel, pardner
FGs? Like fighting? I have no idea.
Texas Showdown is coming up in May in Houston.
>He thinks only Californians shit on Texjas
The South doesn't like you either.
Shhhhh. The big states are talking.
Yeah but I don't want to fucking drive for 3 hours to play offline
Who is the Ghost of video games?
Where are my Texas bros at? Post yfw you live in Texas.
true but the pvp (which is half the game) all takes place in nega-texas which is a lot more like california
I am from the south you fucking faggot, fuck off.
Texas > Any shit yankee state
See, this post is inherently flawed because, among other reasons, open carry was illegal in Texas until the beginning of 2016.
yeah and I'm pretty sure eagles don't just vanish out of thin air!
>a group of eagles assist the plane during takeoff
Can confirm as someone who's flown from DFW multiple times, their eagles are very well trained.
Austin here. California please go.
i live in texas... the rich people are fine and normal, it's the lower class that fucking sucks most of the time. there are a shit load of black people here. idgaf about mexicans, mexicans have never done anything bad and they work their asses off. it's the fucking blacks that shoot everything up and never work. i'm in houston atm, this place is hell. never come here. also, the southern bell stereotype is a fucking meme. 99% of girls here are overweight.
t. texan transplant
No, that's a thing.
Red dead redemption is implied to be in Texas as the border between the US and mexico is a river.
That's Chile's flag tho.
there's your problem. Houston has been filled with the scum that flooded the state after Katrina.
How do you know? Do you have a pet eagle?
The red stripe goes all the way across the Chilean flag, underneath the blue field and star.
the whole city is fucking disgusting.. i live in an outlying suburb, you couldn't pay me to live 30 minutes from downtown.
san antoniobros ww@
Why is everything that comes out of Texas so fucking amazing?
>screenshotting a picture of a reaction image on your phone and then reposting that screenshot instead of saving the image to your phone in the first place
Ain't that the truth.
So Texasbros, what kind of vidya do you all play?
I like fighting games and srpgs. Playing through FE Conquest Lunatic right now.
the meta-bait at its finest
>Tfw no AZN Texan cowgirl gf
I went to school there, and there was a large group of mid-20s age homeless people that showed up all at once and hung out by the university. I ended up in a conversation with one once, and he said he and his friends moved to Austin from California because "the heroin scene was supposed to be really good".