Is it good?

Is it good?

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It must be kinda shitty when it copies MD artwork so much.

Yes it's good but flawed. Can feel clunky at times but overall solid RPG with somewhat weak combat.

It's half decent. Linear as fuck and few memorable characters. Bosses all suck.

This piece of shit needs a 1080Ti just to run above 60fps.

Great gameplay, decent combat, decent story, decent characters


It's alright

it's alright

is it better than dishonored 2?

Both HR and MD are better than DH2

just turn off MSAA and turn of Temporal AA and it runs fine
I get well over 60 with a 1070

Yes, it is definately good.

>create sequel bait
>series gets shelved


I had no problem getting 60fps on high with a 960 and i5 2500k

CPY didnt bother to crack DH2 so its clearly not worth playing.
Yeah its funny, they cut half of the story and now its never going to be told.

t-t-that's just rumoured right?

Aside from QTE takedowns and the horrible, HORRIBLE bosses, it is an incredible game. Lovely atmosphere.


I doubt it. Funny thing is you can see that MD was not going to meet SE's bloated expectations, and that was before the bad-press from the microtransactions and underwhelming ending. People hardly even talked about it on Sup Forums, relatively speaking.

Not really. Boring story with predictable plot twists. Open world that's barely worth exploring. Game punishes you for using any playstyle besides stealth despite it featuring skill trees that don't use stealth.

It pretends to be a multifaceted game, but it isn't. Just constant sneaking, hacking and stealth attacking. Also, mandatory upgrades like hacking will consume all of your initial skill points, to the point that you can't even have any interesting skill customization until you're +40 hours into the game. It also constantly switches between 1st and 3rd person, which is both jarring to the gameplay and ruins immersion.

Just skip it. It's not good. Extremely overrated.

I agree with these criticisms, but think it's worth playing

It's alright.

Just pretend Mankind Divided doesn't exist.

what's wrong with mankind divided

Eliza alone makes it a top tier game




please try



It was GOTY.

There is no ending

is that all? human revolution didn't have an ending either


Awesome soundtrack too

People disliked it when it first came out because it wasn't exactly the same as Deus Ex.

>I'm too retarded to know how to tweak settings: the post

Go back to your PS4.

>DLC has an in-game email about fruit flies

They knew.

Human Revolution is one of my favourite games of all time. The bosses even got fixed in the definitive edition.

>That cutscene when you first fly into Hengsha

>decent story and characters
>shitty combat
>unsatisfying stealth
ok at best.


Sup Forums hated the game from trailers and gameplay videos, then the dev build leaked and GOTY was confirmed.

The central question of the game is retarded, whether or not augmentation is a hazard to public safety or not

In this world of DXHR people who can punch through walls and carry concealed blades in their arms are allowed to walk in public making it fucking obvious that of course it is

The obvious answer is to make it illegal to own such deadly augmentations and for Jensen whose job might require them to be made to be only wearing them during his work hours and switched to civilian models while off duty.

But the game instead boils it down to ban all augmentation or unrestrict all of it.

>switched to civilian models while off duty.

the game makes it quite clear that removing augmentations is a very difficult and painful feat

hows the performance if playing in 1440p with gtx 1070?
any probs with ds4?

It's shit

>PC is too shit to play it
>No next gen remaster


It's fun imo, mostly just for exploring the world, and honestly Jensen is a cool character.
Boss fights are ass though, and it definitely dips in quality near the end

Might actually be the most realistically based cyberpunk game ever.


>you can only enjoy this game if you don't know the superior game exists

Amazing game gives you a ton of weapons and abilities giving many ways to tackle your problems i my self once tossed a vending machine in the air to distract a enemy do your self a favor and buy this game

>Game punishes you for using any playstyle besides stealth despite it featuring skill trees that don't use stealth.

How man i went through the game on normal difficulty with a combination of stealth and combat

every one here is saying it had a good story but bad combat i feel the exact opposite.

but user you can still play it on this next gen console

I really liked it, one of my favourite games
great story & lore, also enjoyed sneaking around and getting the ghost (undetected) objects

shit yeah it was

Seconded, I believe it's a fantastic game and should be played; however with excepting to the story maybe all of his criticisms are valid flaws of the game.

HR is a solidly console-ized interpretation of DX.

Nothing was really conspicuously broken (aside from bosses initially being assault only fights), but you can feel that the level design and basic mechanics took the absolute safest, watered down approach to everything.

You can't get lost since there's not really any non-linearity to the levels, and the constant checkpointing and health regen kill almost any sense of longer term strategy and suspense.

The entire game is a constant string of semi-open room based encounters with a checkpoint every few rooms, so things get very fucking same-y early in the game.

The original DX on the other hand was extremely broken/unbalanced mechanics in a number of areas, but you could end of completing missions in ways that at least felt like the designers didn't intend but that felt plausible in-game.

So it should be illegal to own guns, and knives?

>You can't get lost since there's not really any non-linearity to the levels
Lying is a sin in the eyes of our lord

No but they are regulated sensibly, as opposed to HR all or nothing stance.

It's not that it can't be done. It's more that the game punishes you for choosing combat. The game gives you about 2x to 5x the xp for stealth playthroughs than it does for combat, meaning you'll get about half the skill points that you'd otherwise earn if you wanted to do a commando run.

That handicap can be fairly significant if you try only gun fighting for the whole game. The stealth bonus feels pointless too since it's so much easier to play stealth. Especially on higher difficulties. They also give you a trophy for a no kill run.

The game pushes extremely hard to go stealth, and it really soured my experience since I wanted to have only violent encounters. It was especially frustrating since the game tries portray both choices as equally viable.

it's alright, if you played the original dont expect something like it, but if you just want a cyberpunk game then you will like it, but it's up to you


It's fucking outstanding. The fact that Sup Forums has any praise for it at all despite hating everything normal people like should tell you how good it is.

yes but i personally did i loot of stealth kills in addition to gunning enemies. Stealth kills give you alot of exp.And i basically went out of my way to kill people like some of the belltower police just minding there own business I also did a lot of hacking which also gave me exp i hacked every computer i could find even when it was tedious out of sheer autism. And finaly i was playing the directors cut so i may have had a unfair advantage over you when it came to exp.

eventually i gained enough exp to be op. And another reason i opted for my stealth action hybrid was because there where so many ways i could get creative with my killings like tossing a vending machine or turning on a turent instead of just avoiding enemies.

>90% of HR's so-called non-linearity is poorly concealed side passages (usually vents) taking you slightly further into the next open area in the level's sequence.

The level design was absolute garbage next to DX's.




skills-for-kills was a huge mistake, even more-so with different amounts for different ways, e.g., stealth non-lethal double takedowns being better than anything else.

the first game only gave XP for completing objectives and discovering areas, (actually making enough hidden level parts for it to matter) which was a fuck ton better design.

how old are you

They wanted Thulsa Doom to look like a race that didn't exist anymore. That's why they gave James Earl Jones straight hair and blue eyes.

>solidly console-ized

as opposed to invisible war


maybe but it didn't really hinder my play style though it might be problematic for people taking another approach.

>The first game must be shitty when it copy's the 2nd games art
Unless you aren't calling Mankind Divided, MD, then thats the most retarded thing I've heard in a while. How the fuck does that make sense

you must be new here

please leave here
>inb4 le ebin reverse troll

Based on the price point right now I'd say HR is better and more bang for the buck than DH2
although I bought DH2 today and I'm having a blast

Two-man Revolution is pretty great

The criticism is that a game advertized as play-it-your-way continuously (dis)incentivized different actions.

My biggest gripe with HR is that I felt like deliberate gameplay designs broke immersion for me constantly. It's easier for me to suspend disbelief in a uniquely quirky world than one in which there's some conspicuous minigame mechanic every 20 seconds.

> hack the door minigame
> successfully sneak up and do takedown QTE minigame
> cloak and dash over across the room behind those other desks in one energy bar minigame
> win the conversation minigame

's aight


>mfw I haven't beat this game and it's still in my steam backlog
>me I have no face

>Using the only weapon that shoots through the glass that you only get once in the entire game
>Cheesing it with invisibility
>Actively going out of your way to cheese the game
>Bitching as though it's shallow

Unmemorable soundtrack too*


you didn't even mention ammo which imo is the bigger problem doing combat in HR

Mankind Divided had god-tier exploration and sidequests but was pointless storywise.

The therapist chick should have turned out to be Nicolette DuClare.

>elizabeth duclare

So you don't object to the notion that the game itself is good.

Thanks for clearing that up.

you can literally shoot your entire way through the game on the hardest difficulty, I dunno what this idiot is on about.

Overall game is extremely good and the attention to detail is incredible. Runs fine for me on a 650 ti boost, not max graphics but I never really cared about that.

still funny af

>definitive edition
wasn't it like director's cut or something? Either way if you are gonna play it, get the definitive or director's cut or whatever it's called. Much better boss fights.