Hi, Sup Forums. I don't know you guys, but you may know me if I mentioned my name. But I wont...

Hi, Sup Forums. I don't know you guys, but you may know me if I mentioned my name. But I wont. NDAs and all that are terrible, but you know when you're talking in an anonymous image board, it's great to say things behind people's back, especially people you don't wanna be.
And you guys sure do love saying that you're not Anthony Burch. Trust me. I am glad too. How glad? Let's just say there's a LOT to cover.

The guy was part time voice director during Borderlands 2's recording, he would scold people for doing certain lines right. The guy who had to say the Double Rainbow line was yelled at by him because "he didn't do the meme right" and then said "how the fuck do you not know the meme?"
When he was on breaks, he'd Vape, and when someone said that even if it's not tobacco they don't like smoke around them, he blew right into their faces. This caused one of the programmers to have an asthma attack.
The funniest thing that ever happened with him around was when someone cut his bottle of water in half, the top half falling off, getting water all over his shirt that said "come at me bro" with Link on it, I think it was the one from Minish Cap, I saw the bird beak on his hat (Ezzlor? I don't really play Zelda so sorry for not knowing that character) and we were laughing. He then tried to do this to three other people in the office, and it ended up destroying their three computers. Oh wait, not their as in their personal computers. Their as in the ones they used at the work offices. As in the company's computers.
Should I mention anymore? Because this guy is legendary in terms of how much of a fuck up he was or rather still is.

Other urls found in this thread:


go on, user. tell us more.

i don't care if its bullshit.

I'd love more stories about Burch being an incredible fuck up

You're probs trolling but do continue

Tell us more user

Vaping was not a thing when BL2 was in development.

dont really give a heck about borderlands, yeah its fun to play with friends but thats about it

Can't verify anything, but it's a pastime at this point.
If you have any more, please continue.

So one thing that some 2k and gearbox devs did back in the day was go to Sup Forums to see what people thought of. There were literal fucking teams, like CSI or Law and Order, trying to find out what people would say about the game.

Now guess which team Burch was on?
If you guessed Sup Forums, you're wrong.
If you guessed Sup Forums, you're wrong. Mind you this is around... 2011 I think. I remember TF2 going Free to Play around the same time but we were specifically going after two things: what people thought about Borderlands 2, and what they wanted. We were on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and even Sup Forums to see what kind of weapons anime fans liked just so we could pander. Yes, we did that. Now, Burch was actually flabbergasted at the idea of what team he was on.
He wasn't on a single one.
I swear to god, you can't make this shit up, everytime he complained I honestly expected him to just say "BUT MOOOOM" because of how much he whined. So we forced him onto Sup Forums and good god it was like he never wanted to do anything in his life. I honestly think, now that I look back, he put in memes to try and "sabotage the game" so that no one would buy it for this "punishment."
Speaking of memes, I care about them as much as I do about my water bill since my landlord pays for it. But by god he was honestly one of the worst people to talk to because back in the day, it was almost like the guy was just nothing but memes when he opened his mouth. One day, we decided we would play some games on the Wii at a party, and he was there. We were playing Smash Bros. and then Little Mac came out of an Assist Trophy, and he said, without a beat, "isn't that the guy who's running after the black guy who stole his bike?"
That was the only time I ever saw Smash Bros. get paused while everyone was alive.
some of these things were after BL2 and before his departure. The shirt incident was a little after BL2, and the vaping was from mid summer to the end of 2014.

nigger I remember e-cig salesmen in malls in 2009

Oh yeah, so I can get clarification about the next story, and I'm sure you'll all be going berserk trying to explain it (again, memes are like my water bill and I don't go on Sup Forums or other forums/image boards) i'd like to ask a very simple question.
what is this about Spaghetti in the pockets?

Thread could be promising. Keep it up OP, its probably.made up bullshit, but its entertaining.

>"I can't play Persona 5 because I can't understand what people are saying"

Imagine missing out on GOTY because of shit grammar in the first few hours of a game.

>what is this about Spaghetti in the pockets?
It means you did something to make yourself look like a retard in front of other people, usually a girl.

Spaghetti in the pockets is based on a copypasta where someone in a store spergs out incapable of performing basic conversation

Just a way to say you're being socially awkward.

>Spaghetti in his fanny pack so he could have 'carbs on the go'

every time

literally the first commercial vape device was made in 2007

The one time I thought he was gonna lose it was when people kept making jokes about one of his girlfriends, Ashley. Everyone kept teasing him about how he was dating his sister. It really got to him. One day it got under his skin so bad he said to an animator "What, does your sister not fuck you enough so you have to take it out on me?!" as loud as he could. Everyone was silent. He kept a smug look after ten seconds and thought he won. The animator started fucking crying because he found out his sister became a vegetable after a car wreck with a friend.
Holy fucking shit that makes this even more hilarious. Where's that one image of that guy laughing and saying "oh wow" after that? This is appropriate. Now that I know it's a lot shorter.

One day he tried to be funny I guess in front of some of girls, and one of them was fucking Laura Bailey. Bailey could not stop fucking laughing, and said "Holy shit, you're a writer here?"
I could've sworn that he mumbled about something about anime ruining her, something about how they shouldn't get anime actresses and actors who were in sexist and racist anime.

This offended me a little since I married Lucina.

does burch know about youtube.com/watch?v=-rMJ1NKtBis ?

Assuming you are a present or past Gearbox dev, you think Randy Pitchford is glad that burch is gone?

>gf left him for someone else and took his wii u
>laura bailey humiliated him in front of his coworkers
Burch really is shit with women.

So what about that time when his wife left him? How did he react in the company?

I have half a feeling the guy IS pitchford.

>whoa guys we have so much in common haha so wacky buy battleborn

not surprising. everyone that works at gearbox are a bunch of weirdo morons who do the least amount of work possible just to shit out a game.

Borderlands one was maybe the only work they really did initially, and then everything else was a derivative of it.

And any other game they "made" was already half finished for them anyway.

gearbox a shit.

Following on from the randy pitchford shit, why has he gone full SJW cuck meltdown mode? is there money in it?

can you please blow the lid off this horrendous SJW PC cult bullshit that's wracking video games right now? thanks

>tfw gamergate won

>>tfw gamergate won

lol who knew that pissing off your customer base was bad for business? hahaha

this is like that episode of kitchen nightmares where the wife and husband were so batshit insane that they kept running off any customers and employees they had.

Honestly I think Randy Pitchford believes he could've saved Battleborn.
Also, I sadly have no stories on Pitchford other than him trying to say "it's not overwatch guys."
No, at least I'm not sure. And honestly I'd love to know if he did.

fucking shit it was amazing. he tried to apologize to Vegetable Sister guy, and he was like "Im sorry man, just please forgive me" and he gave a cold dead stare during lunch the entire time. Before his break was up he said, verbatim, "I hope your sister the best, and the best is to go into a coma so she doesn't have to be embarrassed by you any longer."
I'd rather play Super Monday Night Combat.
Remember what I said about the "Sup Forums Teams" and why some were on Sup Forums?
Fill in the blanks there, and you get the answer.
He actually is doing this for fame and money at this point. He could not care at all about bullshit like that and even told women to get out when he was confronted about the wage gap.

I think it would be
>haha pre order Borderlands 3
I think everyone involved from 2K to Gearbox are proud the their Season Pass obligations with Battleborn are finished, like a burden being lifted off their backs. That said it would be interesting if Randy himself browses Sup Forums and is one of the few defenders of Battleborn.

can you name some others who were on these Sup Forums teams?

god i just want some fucking leaks to start coming out so we can blow the lid of these leftist faggots and their loser operation

>randy is doing it for fame

LMAO he must really have hit rock bottom

a pitiable excuse for a human being

He'll be shilling his shitty re-sell of Bulletstorm, now with apathetic Jon St John

>One day he tried to be funny I guess in front of some of girls, and one of them was fucking Laura Bailey
thank you based Maka

Are you aware of these songs? If so, do you know Anthony Burch's feelings on them?


He's doing it for fame and money? This sounds like some Derek Smart bullshit, he has to know hes the butt of jokes and I dont know how this would get him dosh, maybe he'd look approachable to investors? Its also hard to believe your Randy would tell a lady to GTFO.


Reposting a classic

>"O Tryone, let me give you my wife!"

I know it's off-topic, but how did the development for Duke Nukem Forever and Alien:Colonial Marines go?
Also how obsessed was Burch with pop culture? I swear Borderlands' writing was like several eps of Big Bang Theory

If you don't go to Sup Forums, how do you know about the "at least i'm not antony" one but not the spaghetti one? Both are even on facebook.

do you think he'd be down to watch me fuck Ash?



I'm leaving this company soon, like in the next few months. i think randy was actually on the Sup Forums team only to supervise them.
>Lmao he must really have hit rock bottom
>This sounds like some Derek Smart bullshit
That's not hitting rock bottom. It's not bullshit. This is, sadly, how people who want money work now, and they think it works, and it doesn't. Don't deny it, this is the future of games. This is why I'm quitting and wanting to make my own game, with my characters, with no one telling me what to fucking do.
Or at least that's what I'd do if the gaming market wasn't brutal for being indie and wanting to self publish and develop.

While I do not like memes, I have been lurking Sup Forums for years. And holy shit I love Sup Forums musicals. I wanted to see one of Konami's treatment of Kojima and their IPs, but to the tune of "Blame Canada" from South Park's Movie. The ones with Little Shop of Horror's are still my favorite.
This is still the funniest moment just because I had the mental image of Lucina watching Chrom trip on a pebble and trying to act cool about it but no one in the shephards thought it was great and then everyone laughs at him.
Let's just say that even the best in the industry could not save these shitty games.
I think Burch was too obsessed.
Lurking for the past few years, never/barely posted because I like seeing fires burn. I remember HE Posting and even Tile Guy/Tile Fag. I was there when everyone waited for the Engineer Update as my earliest memory since it was hilarious Sup Forums took games seriously back then and also discussed them back then as well I remember seeing these comments lately and I was thinking "they don't mean THAT Anthony Burch do they"
No because he wasn't down with her hitting on me.
Both Ash's, by the way.

>is cute in an dykey kind of way
>voice acted a fairly well received PS4 game
>was the only reason HAWP was successful

is there anywhere Anthony Burch can go and not be King Cuck of Cuckistan? he can't even do it in his own family

>Don't deny it, this is the future of games
Is that why Battleborn completely flopped and ended up in bargain bins shortly after release?

>the gaming market wasn't brutal for being indie and wanting to self publish and develop.
its not brutal its just expensive.

get the money and make a simple game people will like. then work your way up from there.

and don't be a prick when you get any form of criticism.

So hes a manchild? Isnt that 98% of all game devs?

>HE posting

tfw our mods are fucking cuckolds that hate Sup Forums culture

luggage lad's legacy i guess :^) we basically brought down the leftist establishment that he was cucked by & shilled for

>Both Ash's, by the way.
do you honestly get a cuckold vibe from him or is that Sup Forums bullshit?

Vaping has been a thing for a decade you underageb&

How did the team act about Battleborn's release date? Most people thought it was pretty retarded to compete directly against motherfucking Blizzard's new IP
Also how much does Anthony Burch try to push LGBT shit? He exclaims about it but how does he act about it in the team
And post yfw you are not Anthony Burch

>And post yfw you are not Anthony Burch

>Don't deny it, this is the future of games

what do you mean? share your most jewish secrets for selling video games

>post yfw you are not Anthony Burch

His grave.
No, Battleborn ended up in the bargain bin because it was overshadowed by Overwatch. I think because there was barely any advertising on Battleborn, Overwatch was the one that won that fight.
It's kind of embarrassing that the game exists. It's on my record. Thank god DNF isn't.
I want to have a bot on twitter for when the game comes out for when two characters I've designed are having complaints of "CharA is too busty and sexy/CharB's skirt is too short/CharC is in skintight clothes/CharD is too sultry and a slut" and each time that happens, I'd make CharA's breasts bigger, CharB's skirt shorter, CharC's skintight suit be more detailed with how skintight it is to the point it's body paint, and CharD pretty much a temptress who always does adultery.
Lanky is the best Kong. Wish Chunky was relevant though.
I don't get a vibe. I know he fucking is one.
how about instead
>mfw i'm not anthony burch but have battleborn on my resume
Let's just say there was outrage when Horizon Zero Dawn was doing so well alongside BOTW in the offices. Pitchford crying "why didn't battleborn do the same?"
Probably because it wasn't fun you fat grimey fuck.
Pander to people (anybody)
Usual Userbase gets mad
Say it wont be too bad just a few things here and there
Userbase buys it and finds out its everywhere
Say that you'll make sure it doesn't happen next game
Do it during the development of the next game anyway.
Release/announce game.
Repeat. They never learn.

Please make up a reason why Gearbox love using BADASS so much.

>Repeat. They never learn.
Sad but true. It's not like these Sup Forumsirgins could boycott a triple A game even if it was created by Anita sarkeesian.

>too sultry and a slut" and each time that happens, I'd make CharA's breasts bigge
Stop living in the best timeline. If such game ever existed I would draw endless lewd fanarts

>I want to have a bot on twitter
if you're worried about that shit then you shouldnt be making games. make the game you want and let the market decide.

people that complain about shit like that don't buy games anyway. their complaining about the non game part so who gives a shit.

unless you're making a shit walking sim. that better be some myst level adventuring.

Can you leak any Borderlands news?
What the fuck is even going on with it?

He'd also get banned from Twitter for sexism


>Repeat. They never learn.
and each one of those devs are dying.

bioware, gearbox, indie studios that do this shit too.

Can you tell us what's up with the botched sound quality in Duke Nukem Anniversary edition? I recently tried it and all the sound files besides the Duke talk is worse than the Megaton release. I doubt you know but at this rate I'll ask anyone who is connected to the project because this really triggers my autism really bad.

I'm pretty disappointed too considering it replaced every damn digital copy officially for sale for something that isn't compatible with eduke and the rest of the Duke nukem mods. Nice that fans have to resort to piracy to play Duke plus.

Randy has to know by now that BoTW and Horizon are different than Stillborn and the mixture of ASSFAGGOTS with shooters in a market crowded with multiplayer games doesnt work.

>he blew right into their faces. This caused one of the programmers to have an asthma attack.

Even if this is just RPing, please go on.

To add to this anons question, why did they think overcharging for World Tour was a smart idea? Is the Duke series even alive anymore?

They used a filter to make the sound "better"

Gearbox are fucking dumb

>Pitchford crying "why didn't battleborn do the same?"
Randy is a lost cause. Horizon main selling was the robot dinosaurs.

>"isn't that the guy who's running after the black guy who stole his bike?"

Holy fuck thats amazing.

Pal. Borderlands 3 is like Sonic Adventure 3 at this point. While people want it, the devs wont acknowledge it. remember: they'd rather pander (see Sonic Mania, while it looks good and it's fucking amazing as all hell, dare I say, BADASS, it's obviously trying to get those people in) I still would love to see an actual game people have been wanting for years.
Or maybe a Chao Garden Mobile game. That'd honestly alleviate some people's desires.
I'd be like an American Yoko Taro if that happened. I'd honestly love to see porn/hentai/ dirty cosplay of these three characters since they're pretty much what I love in women. Big and burly, dainty yet dangerous, quiet and caring yet knows thirty different ways to kill someone barehanded, and plump and perverted.
I think that's another problem with the game. The game has a very mixed identity. The characters don't mesh well. That's one reason I love a the character designs in overwatch and by extension, TF2. The characters are not too drastically different and look like they all belong in the same universe. Meanwhile in battleborn there's literal with girls with multiple hands with muscly and swole dudes who have nipples the size of their heads.
Short answer is, "I'm not tech support."
The real answer is "to make a quick buck."

Pls, if you have anything else to share about Battleborn, don't hold back

it's a lost cause. That's all I gotta say. rumors around the offices? It's just getting fucking dropped.

>love to see porn/hentai/ dirty cosplay of these three characters
sounds like a shitty game if all you're really worried about is looks. it'll never be popular enough for cosplay if the game sucks.


Well this has been a good read.

>Big and burly
Ha, gay
t. big dyke

Granblue, KanColle and 2hu aren't really the best games
They are Japanese and have access to the doujin society though, and that's a huge factor

Can't say I'm surprised they just use Duke as a quick cash grab. Seeing Duke in bulletstorm for no reason really tells me he's just used to sell extra copies.

I really wish the Duke ip didn't fall in gearbox their hands. I know dnf is mainly done by 3d realms because they fucked up really badly but I would have prefered devolved to have the ip and keep megaton on digital stores.

Oh well guess gearbox deserves the ip because Randy wrote the launcher for atomic edition and made 3 shitty maps.

>I'd honestly love to see porn/hentai/ dirty cosplay of these three characters since they're pretty much what I love in women.
As long as underage boys exist, games with sexy women will always sells. Kickstarter proves that you could financed a game with boobs and tits alone.

>tfw you most likely have his ideal bodytype

read what?

then make a doujin instead of a game IDK. I dont even care about this thread anymore. people aren't posting fast enough.

then fuck off or take some ritalin and chill out you retarded sperg

>boobs and tits alone

Never said I was worried. I said that If people complained about something like that I'd fuck with them and make it more "problematic" To the point skirts are just not there.
What's that line from Cowboy bebop? "I like a woman who can kick my ass" right? I just like fit girls with some muscle. None of that butch bitch bullshit.
I'd buy, see, steal everything I could about Duke's name and lineage so I could make a better game. Hell I'd make the DNF people wanted. I remember seeing people saying "please don't have only two to four weapons and regen health" after it was announced it's finally coming out.

> You're not Anthony Burch
> But you're Jake Rapp

I saw Anthony Burch at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

So Burch's whole "bisexual"-schtick is just a scheme where he tries to earn brownie points with women by feigning empathy.



>I just like fit girls with some muscle. None of that butch bitch bullshit.
I like you.

hory shet
Sup Forums wasn't kidding
this guy really brings his shitty fetishes into everything

OP/Gearbox employee here.
This is exactly what I'm talking about.
I feel insulted. I'd rather be pinned as a pedophile before I'm considered to be one of the "higher ups"

>tfw he tried so hard to impress the kool kids in San Fran
>tfw even they eventually saw through his bullshit
>mfw I'm not Anthony Burch

Tell me, mysterious Gearbox employee, how bothered is Anthony by the cuck meme?

>"I like a woman who can kick my ass"
You're probably smaller than me if you're an American so I'd probably kick your ass based solely on that.

Your waifu?

yo user, on your guys' end of things, who actually received the recognition and credit both among yourselves and your higher ups for BL2's success? was burch recognized at all...? or did you guys ignore him?

Even though this is probably bullshit thanks for giving me something to read and laugh while on break.

OP, I want more dirt. Don't care if it's fake, but you've got a way with words and really firing my neurons