>Yooka-Laylee is called "archaic" and/or "outdated"
What do they actually mean by this? Most games today don't do anything better than 15+year old games outside of visuals.
>Yooka-Laylee is called "archaic" and/or "outdated"
What do they actually mean by this? Most games today don't do anything better than 15+year old games outside of visuals.
They are obviously mocking people stuck in the past.
Because if you don't follow the mainstream, you are a retard.
For what purpose? I swear these negative reviews trashing on 3D platformers and saying "only good cause of nostalgic memories" reminds me of the 2016 election.
I bet you the hate for Yooka Laylee comes from a lack of a mini-map and other forms of hand-holding mechanics present in most of today's big budget games.
Hell if I know.
a lizard and a rat what's up with dad
The camera is complete shit.
Maybe the game actually is good but reviewers just believe those kinds of games belong anymore.
No, Yooka-Laylee is shit because it stylistically panders to nostalgia, but does almost everything wrong that made games like B-K so good.
If the camera is the same as the one from the Toybox, then I don't know why reviewers trash on it.
It seems really good to me.
Why didn't Playtonic not made another RE4 clone like The Last of Us or the new God of War, or The Evil Within.
Get with the times, grampa
Anyone actually read through the reviews? Do any discuss the Toybox? Like do any say things like "if you liked the Toybox, you'll like the full game, but hurr durr I think it's shit"?
Almost as if they're trying to stop those games from resurfacing.
How would 3D platformers doing really well and being popular put reviewers & modern devs in a negative position?
like what?
I played the demo thing and it was worse than BK which already paled in comparison to SM64.
The only thing I remember it doing that an N64 couldn't was physics ball challenges which weren't fun.
Games that focus on collecting shit haphazardly scattered meaninglessly throughout semi-open levels were only passable back in the day because they were graphically impressive at the time.
Following that same formula is akin to games like MaMX using grid-based movement with modern graphics: fucking stupid and needlessly outdated.
forget Banjo, when will there be another collectathon game that tries to be the next Psychonauts?
This game was the true peak of the 3D collectathon genre
>using acronyms for obscure weeb shit that no-one has heard of
kill yourself
>Most games today don't do anything better than 15+year old games
Persona 5 shows outright massive benefits of modern design and tech without actually having amazing graphics.
A streamlined combat system, ability to speed through dialogue, skip cutscenes, 3D models for cutscenes alongside "animated" portraits.
Simple bullshit like this is why I can't go back and play FF7.
Same applies to Yooka Laylee, it needs to improve upon its inspirations not just copy them.
Shovel Knight is another good example of a "8 bit nostalgia piece" trying hard to exceed the game it's inspired by, not just copying them.
Psychonauts is a fucking awful platformer.
Everything good about it come from the adventure game aspects, i.e. the emphasis on writing and characterisation.
>archaic and outdated
>i.e. from back when games were fun
Sounds good to me!
oh boy i can't wait to find hundreds of 2d collectables that are 5% opaque and the same color and the fucking level
>Because if you don't follow the mainstream, you are a retard
Aren't most mainstream games either Hollywood tier games or archaic and/or outdated platformers that live up to hype and nostalgia alone tho
The mainstream is to be good in FPS or any game that allows you to kill more efficiently or bust
You are fucking cancer.
Why the fuck people hate collectathons?
Is the best 3d genre division
Banjo Kazooie worlds were smaller.
Banjo Kazooie had less collectables.
Banjo Kazooie didn't have a double jump.
Well psychonauts 2 is coming so
>taking any modern day video game journalists seriously
Most of them don't even like playing video games.
That's the way it should be. Game mechanics tweaked so the are the same as the old games but feel better, and greatly enhanced graphics.
>Mfw they don't even sell video game magazines here in my state anymore
Really makes you think
We'll see about that. I hope it does but we've been waiting for a long time.
I don't think people hate it user.
What is considered modern in 2017? The competitive FPS/gambling simulator cancer? Story driven cinematic experiences? The most shallow "RPGs" in 30 years?
This game could be complete fucking shit for all I know, but calling it outdated isn't doing it a disfavor.
I watched the GameXplain review, and he complained about the camera instantly changing views so it messes up gameplay.
>What is considered modern in 2017?
Season pass.
Preorder rewards.
Auto aim.
Mini map.
Waypoint markers.
Health refills.
They're too used to over the shoulder cameras and auto jumping gameplay, i suppose.
Jesus fuck this, what were they thinking? I've come close to missing few collectibles centimeters away from me because I can barely see them, don't get me started on that one level where you have to do the race 9-10 times so you can try and collect all of the collectibles around the area, also the draw distance for them are dogshit
They mean that some features in the game, like control schemes or mechanics, are too similar to old games that had them more because of constraints or because there was not a set standard on how things should work, like FPS control scheme.
I'm not interested in that game so I personally don't know the specifics of why they say that.
because it does everything worse than Banjo, and even Banjo feels dated. not terribly so, but it's there
It won't be coming. Schafer couldn't budget if his life depended on it.
>a game that can't do anything but rely on nostalgia for two games that weren't even that good 20 years back
Gee, wonder why it'd be called archaic
I think BK has largely aged well and stands as a fine example of balancing open level progression and density of content to the point where something interesting is almost always within sight. BT had ambition but it pushed the hardware too much and bloated the level design with too much backtracking to be a true improvement in spite of its more tasteful elaborations on BK's ideas. That said, I can see how some of BK's design choices didn't stand the test of time as well, such as its relatively convoluted control scheme compared to most 3D platformers.
Because collect-a-thons, get this, are dated. They're shit games in general, and since we've gotten better technology, they've been phased out. Now we can have massive sprawling levels without the need to fill them with hundreds of collectibles.
The collect-a-thon should've stayed dead. Banjo Kazooi and Banjo Tooie were never good. God forbid we bring up some REAL shit games like DK64
>A game that nobody has played but fucking e celebs paid off and the mainstream paid off faggots
>People already shitting on it
This is how bad things are.
No, that's just shitty ass camera design. You're mistaking shit design for difficult design again. Bad cameras are bad cameras, regardless of the difficulty of the game.
And from the looks of it, Yooka Laylee is very, very easy.
>Now we can have massive sprawling levels without the need to fill them with hundreds of collectibles.
Boy howdy, I sure do love vast expanses of fucking nothing to do.
Shouldn't have gotten rid of JangTrang
>It's a "bad game in a genre is released, so everyone thinks that genre was always bad" episode
Collect-a-thons have always been bad. I've been saying that since 2005. Fucking 12 years ago when the genre FINALLY died and we got real 3D platformers again. God bless Super Mario Galaxy and Super Mario 3D World.
The one and only good collect-a-thon was Jak and Daxter. Everything else in the entire genre was plain ol' garbage.
>I am shitting on it because it hurt myb Sup Forums and e celeb feelings
>Super Mario 3D World.
You talk like an actual retard and your shit is all faggy.
Fire all journalists
Make games play like nes and Snes on difficulty
Mixed with 3d it would be another boom in games
Get new journalists that play games
Problem solved
Nah Ill take bk over gay 3d Mario bitch any day
Banjo Kazooie was outdated since launch tbqh. Mario 64 had a wide variety of moves you could do to traverse the level. Banjo, on the other hand, was slow as shit and its movement was way too simplistic for a 3d platformer about exploration.
SMG2 > SM3DW > SMG > shit > Odyssey > Sunshine > 64
Laughing at you
Probably because Yooka Laylee is actually shit?
Didn't that Ratchet and Clank movie game come out with high reviews and praise for "bringing back" a dead genre? And Sup Forums said that it even cut content from the original. Still was positively received.
I guess this image must of triggered you didn't it
Rare hasn't made a single good game since the SNES era ended. The closest they came to making a good game again was Conker's Bad Furday.
3D collectathons were never good.
>and we got real 3D platformers again
I hope you're talking about Crash because most 3D platformers prior to 2005 were collectathons. Even the early 3D Mario games succumbed to that design philosophy, if not as badly as the Rare games did. That said, I'd almost consider the Rare platformers to be mislabeled action adventures more than proper platformers, they're a weird case.
I might agree, but Goldeneye was fun for its time. Its a shit game, of course but it was quite the event in consolepleb land.
>rating games before they come out
They literally cannot get good at a genre that used to be primarily aimed at children. So they make up excuses like
>Oh, it's archaic!
Crash came out around 1999, no? It was alright. I liked the first 3 Crash games, but they had some camera problems and a lot of the levels played like 2d games because of being nothing but corridors.
Starting in 2005, we saw the return of actual 2D platformers again, and 2D platformer design seeped into 3D and we got Super Mario Galaxy out of it in 2007.
All 2d Mario's in golden age of Nintendo = M64 >>>>>>>>>>every romhack even just dumb ones like one room >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>every 64 platformers game>every ps1 platforming game>galaxy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I don't consider the rest games because they are all shit
It WAS good at the time, don't get me wrong. People were still figuring out how to make 3D shooters work on a console. We also got Turok and Turok 2 out of the deal.
The games aged pretty poorly, but I still have fond memories of them. The rest of Rare's N64 and GC library, though, was shit. That's not even mentioning what happened after they got bought out.
Yookla Laylee doesn't do anything better than 25+ year old games.
Everything else evolved..
they mean its a shit cash grab and they want their money back
all 64 games were good to me i enjoyed em all
Odyssey is a collect-a-thon, so it's probably going to be pretty bad.
I'd honestly rather it be a walking simulator or a visual novel dating sim than a collect-a-thon.
'96, and yeah they were basically 2D platformers on a 3D plane with the corridor design somewhat mimicking the limited plane of movement of 2D platformer design. Because of that, they were ACTUAL platformers but in 3D instead of the collectathon design that pervaded throughout the late 90s and early 00s. Having said all this, I personally like collectathons so fuck it but Crash was certainly of a different disposition.
>Yahoos are the same but with better graphics and gimmicky shit
This is how retarded you sound.
>Even the early 3D Mario games succumbed to that design philosophy
The bloody blue coins in Sunshine are some of the worst collectathon bullshit I've ever seen because of how obscure finding some of them were and the fact they were Shine-specific.
I'm not sure what youre trying to imply. Just because the game isnt a third person shooter doesn't automatically make it good.
It's not even like 3D platformer genre is that original, it's just less used
Only reason ppl are hating on this game is they are manipulated by gay propaganda
Be obedient and die for your McDonald's and Pepsi in your new Muslim union your creating
dude what
Part of the massive propaganda
The whole goal of the war is uniting the Muslim countries together just like ww2 but this time it is in the middle east
>Rating games that aren't out
>SMG not being top
>Contrarianing through SM64
>SM3DW not being bottom tier
Is propaganda for this
I agree with SMG2 being top. SMG had a better aesthetic direction but it was a MUCH easier game. SMG2 piggybacked enough on SMG's aesthetic strength to still be good while being a better platformer in the process.
But you don't even know
Loving every laugh
I don't agree with this assessment. I still enjoy Banjo-Kazooie and I think I would have been okay with Yooka-Laylee even if it didn't evolve past anything BK and BT did.
But it's worse than that. It looks like an actual regression. Vast, barren worlds with tons of just pure distance between points of interest. Kill a couple enemies grouped together, then run a long distance to some short puzzle and that's it. Looks really boring. Forget evolution, they didn't even meet the original standard set in the 90s.
I like the idea of 3D platformers, and I think that we've finally gotten some real good ones out of the early 2010's era. They should use their larger plain of movement to make up for their camera problems, which is what I like about SM3DW. It's reminiscent of Crash Bandicoot without trapping people in tiny corridors for most of the game, and the camera is handled in such a way that I didn't find myself fighting against it once to get a better view.
Collect-a-thons, though, I absolutely hate. I view them the same way I view phone games, or modern MMO's. Instead of giving us substantive levels full of hidden goodies, they ended up being levels with little content spread thin over the world. Instead of coming up with new and interesting platforming challenges, most of them opt to just put collectibles a smidge out of the way so you have to backflip or wall jump to get to it.
It's honestly so bad that I think Xenoblade Chronicles and Xenoblade Chronicles X are better platformers than most collect-a-thons, because platforming is used in those games as a means to avoid unnecessary fights, so getting good at jumping from platform to platform can be fun in its own right.
It does certainly seem regressive from BT and DK64 given those games at least had the decency to have warp pads.
Galaxy didn't have as difficult or interesting platforming segments as SM3DW or Galaxy. Nintendo was more than happy to just make most levels about gravity manipulation, and they didn't do much with it until the final 5 or so galaxies, the ones that you don't even need to complete, and are usually unlocked after you can defeat Bowser.
Odyssey is a collect-a-thon, so it's going to be worse than the non-collect-a-thons. No need to wait and see.
3D collectathon platformers used to be mainstream and they're not now.
Now that other genres(TPS, Action, sandbox shooters) are in vogue and collecthaon platformers aren't people are calling collecting dozens of collectables in Yooka-Laylee arhaic. When they're happy scouring the latest Ass Creed, Uncharted or GTA game for shit.
The survival horror genre was stamped out the same way.
Which is why I don't really consider collectathons to be platformers in the first place, platforming isn't the main point of them. They're kind of like modern open world games in that they sort of did everything but acted upon a platformer-esque base. Plenty of focus on minigames, combat, and general exploration made them shy away from focused platforming design so really they only tangentially fit that description but it just so happens that history has designated them as a platformer subgenre despite them really being a collage of different gameplay styles, platforming hardly being any more prevalent than the others.
FPS, RTS, and MMOs died the same death. But to be fair, all 3 genres already had every ounce of creativity that could be had in them squeezed out, and MMO's just don't work anymore now that most games are long as hell and have online multiplayer of their own.
Survival games and sandbox games seem to be what's in vogue right now, though, just looking at what every company is offering and what's popular on Steam.
>Day Z
I can't wait for these meme games to die.
I'm a Game Journalist and, man, this game that wasn't designed to add anything to the Banjo Kazooie formula, didn't add anything to the Banjo Kazooie formula. What a let down, I was expecting the first game by a new studio that previously worked on a genre that died over ten years ago to be an improvement on a series they don't even own the IP rights to. Never mind that this game is most likely going to be the introduction to 3D platformers to an entirely new generation of people who never would've even heard of Banjo Kazooie if I didn't mention it in my review, and that adding too much to that formula to appease people that want to be challenged by games primarily meant for children might overcomplicate it for those children/teens specifically, potentially alienating a massive part of their new audience.
I'm so glad I thought my review through before just shitcanning the game because it wasn't enough like Banjo Kazooie in the ways that I like, while ignoring the potential reasons things might be the way they are. I get paid to do this.
Can someone actually explain to me why the camera is bad? It's hard to believe "the camera is bad" when no one goes into detail about it.
Yahoo's got better gameplay solutions
Survival horror happened the way it did because of RE4 and the subsequent need to recontextualize what the genre was about, hence the walking simulator style that games like Amnesia popularized. That said, I do think series like Dementium and Fatal Frame kept the old way of the genre into the early 10s and with survival mechanics being popularized the genre is back in a limelight that's at least a bit closer to its roots. Hell, even Resident Evil gave it the old college try once more with RE7, even if it was a stripped down take on the classics.