How EXACTLY is diversity a bad thing, Sup Forums?

How EXACTLY is diversity a bad thing, Sup Forums?

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Diversity isn't bad. The context behind the diversity can be.

when you're using it to fill quotas

because any artistic goal in vidya except fun and interactive gameplay is bad

Diversity is perfectly fine, when done right. Problem is that most video game devs suck at writing diverse characters into their games, without them looking like pure SJW bait.

When it's paraded around and pointed to by the developers themselves, as if this was the only thing driving design.

It's not but if it sounds like you're trying to get brownie points by being diverse, it's really fucking pathetic.

When you're only doing it to look good instead of actually doing it because it fits with the setting, because you thought "this is a great character design, they should go in the game", or if you actually want to write a character as a person first instead of "hey guys im _____ did i tell you im _____ yet?"

>unironic transgender homosexual space beasts

if you don't find anything wrong with that you're a part of the problem

When it's added for the sake of being diverse and not because you want to make interesting characters it tends to become bad.

We used to call this tokenism and it was considered bad, not sure why the fuck this changed over the years.

How exactly is it a good thing?
Every time it happened it ended up badly, end of countries/civilizations tier badly.

It's a bad thing because it's done in a way that's safe around the edges so as not to step on anyone's toes. Diversity done right is acknowledging that races are different and do stupid shit that is even stereotypical of their race. This is why the Demoman from TF2 is one of the best characters in the game. Meanwhile, no one give a shit about Lucio other than the fact that he's a "pick me or you lose" character.

What the flying fuck.....

If I made a game where spanish conquistadores had to bring african slaves to the new world, and those african slaves were a burger king kid's club of black, white and asian looking folk. You'd be right to say in raising your hand and saying that it isn't quite right.

That's why diversity is bad, shit's being forced into everything independent of weather or not it belongs. It's a minority strong arming a majority into making shit for them instead of going out and making it themselves.

>Society united by culture, language, religion, and race
>Society divided by competing groups of different cultures, languages, religions, and races
Which of these two societies do you see having a more stable future ahead of them

Because diversity means anti white.

Nothing wrong with a diverse cast if it feels natural.
Look at San Andreas, there's blacks, whites, yellows, hispanics, cripples, and no one praises it for its "incredible diversity" because it makes perfect sense.

its devoid of merit

Shalom, goy.

It's a good thing in america because it teaches white trash jesus freaks to not hate everything and everyone

It isnt if its natural. But not every fucking movie and vidya needs the cast of a college pamphlet. And often the insistence serves as a warning that the quality of the things that actually matter (gameplay,graphics,story) will be a subpar afterthought.


It isn't, it's okay if you want your cast to be diverse, although it isn't necessary.

What games have now isn't diversity, though, just virtue signalling.

>implying they don't just hate you more for it

>diversity is only okay if the non white characters are racial stereotypes
This is why everybody hates the Sup Forums userbase

It isn't. Bad writing is a bad thing though.

Aren't white people the most diverse, technically?

Yes, very good thing in 56% american america with monthly riots, 40 000 rapes on white women a year and monstrous prison population.

Diversity isn't good or bad, it's just there. The problem is people thinking diversity is an intrinsic good and using it as a criteria to fill out a list of people.

For example, hiring people to increase diversity is bad, or inserting snowflake NPCs into your games in order to increase diversity is bad. It's no different than racism, except you are giving certain advantages to a person because of their appearance rather than disadvantages. Depending how old you are, you might remember the concept of "token black guy" who was there just because he was black. Remember that this used to be considered offensive, whereas now people are actively going out of their way to make sure they include token _____ guy.

does it also teach niggers to be productive members of society?

only bad when it's force

it doesn't come naturally very easily either

it's a marketing strategy

I hate the term SJW but I'm inclined to agree. It almost feels like devs don't actually give a shit about minorities and instead are just cashing in on this shit. I mean Bioware especially, maybe they're just terrible writers but the far left agree's, you don't have to make a characters entire identity based around their sexuality or gender.

It's often used for nefarious PR means

Because in most cases it exists for no other purpose than to please left wing journalists who don't even play games.

>diversity is our greatest strength

Strength comes from unity, and the root word of diversity is division.

oyyyyyyyyy veyyyyyyyyy you better delete that

>its only bad if its forced.
>otherwise its just white people who are normal and non whites who are abnormal
>diversity is good if the main character is white
>the audience can't relate to what its like not being white

>How EXACTLY is diversity a bad thing, Sup Forums?

Well, y'see, I'm White. I am, with few exceptions, part of the one ethnicity on this planet that EVERY OTHER ETHNICITY agrees is the most attractive.

Now, why would I want to get rid of other people that belong to the attractive ethnicity, and fill their spots with uglier people with terrible habits, higher crime rates, lowered intelligence, or barbarianism?

racism/sexism/homophobia have decreased a lot over the last 150 years. Education has played a virtal role because otherwise the publics views revolve around religion and tradition. But America is unique as a first world country founded partly by the puritan hillbillies of Europe so a lot of social values still look like a 3rd world country

The point

Your head

Nigger, the white classes are also all stereotypes, too.

there may be initial moments of cooperation and empathy but in the end diversity always causes divide and conflict until one group wins and engulfs the other(s), forcing them to assimilate or be cast out

it's obvious that homogeneity is superior

Increased diversity in society in a common topic today, so it makes sense that developers would incorporate it into their games.

Diversity works when we put aside our differences, not highlighting them. This is the biggest issue in today's media.



Bioware actually use to be pretty good at it. Characters like Jolie Bendo from KOTOR, Anderson from Mass Effect, are examples of well written and likeable characters who just happened to be black. Even characters like the lesbian Cathar (from KOTOR forgot her name) was also not force down your throat that she was gay.

Because its forced and have no context or backstory. Its just here to please some SJW, they who would be the first i would sent to auchwitz

It's not. It's shoving it in your face and trying to act superior that you did it.

>I did this because I am not a racist and there are bad people that are acting like racists. Fuck those people, let me write about how much I hate those people. Please love me.

It comes off as disingenuous, that you aren't doing it because you believe it, but merely to go along with what is expected of you. I just played Hollow Knight. There is a gay moth morning the death of her mantis lover. It's just a thing that is there, nothing more or less. Dialog can easily be taken that the mantis was killed because it wanted to be peaceful instead of the violence that the Traitor clan preferred, rather then trying to brow beat you with morality regarding sexual preferences.

Meanwhile you have Mass Effect.

>I like DICK, what do you mean you want me to stop talking about how much I like DICK, I am a romanceable character and must let you know that I am interested in you sexually because the writers can't be subtle about shit. Look at how much BioWare™ is tolerant of all groups and colors, except for white people.

Anyway, the point is that yes, let us have more stories about a Gay painter trying to find his way in the world. Let's not have stories where the characters are merely vehicles for the audiences own sexual inadequacies, while puppeting that it's about being tolerant and 'representative'.

>Education has played a virtal role

Public education done right.

diversity general isn't a good idea, best case scenario nothing changes. Most likely scenario people stop getting along.

like when we had to do that bullshit diversity training at work, and they said diversity is important because "different points of view and opinions will make the company better"
Why? when we are talking about business there are objectively right choices and wrong choices, so introducing a different opinion for the sake of a different opinion is just going to slow the whole process up.

then we had this haitian guy who was complete dumbass, he would get chewed out by customers all the time and would start screaming and accusing everyone of being racist. nah bro, you're just incompetent

Diversity is fine. Just not when it's shoehorned and unrealistic.

Like 95% of people are straight so

>racism/sexism/homophobia have decreased a lot over the last 150 years.
fucking americans aren't even taught about ww2 anymore lmao


Talent and skill should be what matters most, not how many Black Asian women are on the fucking team and this is coming from a black guy.

Otherwise you get this melting pot of dumb asses in the office that cant really work together or aren't that skilled in what they were doing. Its what happened to Bioware, Its what happened Ubisoft and its gonna keep happening because selling shit games with a diverse crew is better than being accused of racism.

There was literally some stupid fucking American the other day on the board who asked what the fuck the chinese were doing during WW2. Ofcourse the Americans don't teach their kids about WW2 anymore. I don't know what they are teaching them, but it ain't working right.

>Talent and skill should be what matters most
nogs would never get a job then genius

>diversity is good

When will this meme end.
Can you name one good thing about diversity?
P.S. the notion that a diverse population gives you significantly more ideas for problem solution doesnt work when you consider that basically just 2 races have done all the intellectual heavy lifting of our entire species.
P.P.S. I'll accept food as an answer, but try to think of something else too.

Too much homogeny is just as dangerous and unstable as too little.

prepare to be angry

Diversity simply doesn't work. Look at countries with "diversity". There's nothing but hate and struggles, crime and murder. Even in these "diverse" countries you have china town, little italy, and all these areas where people don't want to diversify. Diversity is a meme and you cuckolds need to realize that it simply doesn't work.

"Diverse" countries are weak countries.

American schools are far more interesting in teaching their children the politics of race then giving them any sort of knowledge.
I can sum up the entire american education experience in one phrase

>Are you white/male? then your bad and you should apologize
>Are you "other"/female? then you're oppressed and you need to find a white person to blame for it.

Schools in America haven't given two shits about students for decades now. As long as the teacher unions get their gibsmedat money the cycle continues.

>Too much homogeny

Diversity doesn't exist. People always flock to their own and form communities of their own people. Just look at any US census map that has race included - a single road can separate two areas that are 95% single race. Even in the "multicultural" habitats you can observe distinct blobs of colour.

Then consider that ~50% of gun related deaths in the US are from gang violence. Kids that grow up vying for their "own turf".

I like Overwatch's diversity. Feels like a cheesy saturday morning cartoon from the 90's, and it actually fits within the context of the game.

oy vey


What exactly is confusing you?

But how can she "succ muh dicc" with lips like that?

So I never played ME, only liked DA:O never finished the others. I started Andromeda and it feels kinda lackluster. Don´t know why, it has great graphics, but it lacks of something special. I don´t know what tbqh.

Mad at what hes right

Canadian here, can't confirm the crime thing but the "Hate" thing is somewhat true. Everyone hates brown people here, they talk behind their backs and makes fun of them. Asians despise blacks, very openly. The only people that have made a great life here are the people that have detached themselves from their background and integrated, myself included because I'm an immigrant. I hate this whole thing of "Canadians are nice!", no we are polite we won't insult you to your face but we are most definitely not any nicer than Americans.

>The US is the world

The worst part is that people from other countries are trying to discuss race in terms of US-style race dynamics.

Though, you do have a point in saying that similar people flock together. What makes them similar is not always race, however.


>hate diversity
>cry when there are no white people on Mass Effect
>/poo/ comes running

Lmao. I thought you would have loved segregated galaxies

Wanna give any historic example to back your bullshit up?

give one example

>Canadian here,
> I'm an immigrant
> I hate this whole thing of "Canadians are nice!"
you will hang nicely


Why are you butthurt? I'm Canadian, just not born here. I've left all of that behind and integrated fully here, I know people that didn't and go through hell every day because of it.

Day of the rake, soon.

Hopefully, 51st state would be great for us desu.

At the biological level, too low genetic diversity results in species being easily wiped out from a common cause. Rulers who bred within their own family get horrible defects rather than a perfection of the traits they thought were so great. Didn't have the prothean guy in my game, but I'm pretty sure this was his entire schtick.

Exactly this. The specific issue with Andromeda was that it was pushing an agenda more than featuring diversity to enrich the cast from a storytelling perspective.

A developer featuring staff that express racist opinions on social media and/or hires incapable staff based on gender and ethnicity, releases a voice actor video showing the lead male actor emancipated and ridiculed next to his female colleague, using a homosexual model for the male lead's face, limiting skintone options in customization, making a specific point of introducing the world to the female Ryder before the male one, etc etc is more likely politicizing and pandering instead of writing an interesting story.

Shorter example, Hainly Abrams being trans for the sake of it and being included so poorly that Bioware are having to adjust the dialogue.

>tfw Sup Forums
>tfw mother is jewish
>says oy vey all the time

Pretty sure monarchs dealt with this by making marriages between different royal families. One of the only ones that fucked up were the Hapsburgs, which did spread through different families with huge defects.

>I hate this whole thing of "Canadians are nice!"
>I'm Canadian
Great fucking integration you dumb nigger.

Exactly, those families realized at least some amount of diversity was important, which is all I was saying.

I really don't see the point you are making. I don't like the "nice guys" rep we get because it's not genuine. It's a lie, why are you so mad?

That shit doesn't fucking apply at a country level you dumbfuck.
It only applies when you fuck your fucking family, not someone living in the same country 100km away.

But that's like multiple generations of direct familial inbreeding before genetic defects start to cascade into biological failures.

At different points in time the human population has been reduced to as few as 10,000 or even 2,000 individuals, and the population was still able to later boom massively.

Diversity is a corporate buzzword. Normality is normality.

It's not like they bred with peasants or moors though, So genetically sure it was diverse. But in every other way it wasn't diverse at all. If Bioware did an rpg based on history they'd sure like to to pair up royals with beggars to tackle class diversity.

it's not except when pushed by condescending or resentful liberals and butthurt minorities

I didn't know that the stereotypical black man was a caricature of a scotsman

So you are telling me that is perfectly fine to fuck my dad and nothing bad will happen if we have a baby?

>t. uneducated nigger

Whenever people talk about a "diverse" country I always think of America. Is Amierca "weak"? Or is it, what, not diverse enough to count?

It's active discrimination, usually against whites

Just depends on how well it's done
an Alien trying to pick up human greetings without understanding is cute and world building
Having multiple characters be brown, gay, transvesties just to appease an audience is not ok and usually poorly written
if you read comics it's like the difference between Green Lanterns and America Chavez

America is exceptionally weak. It's a fractured, decaying beast no more than twenty years away from armageddon

They aren't even being subtle anymore.