Which is better, League of Legends or Dota 2?

Which is better, League of Legends or Dota 2?

Dota 2 because fights are more chaotic.

If you're an idiot, LoL. If you don't know you're an idiot, Dota 2



Absolutely Dota 2, but that is certainly not the best MOBA

HoN was the best, but the more time goes by and the more patches they release, the less that is true.

League is shit but

>7.00 dota 2

both are terrible

If you're a retard, Lol
Mechanically speaking, Dota2.

If you're too twitchy and demand to "feel in control of your character" instead of micromanaging bullshit, then Smite.

>200 hours in Dota2 still haven't gotten gud
>play league with my younger Bros cause they say they can't get used to a non fixed cam and they hate the mechanics

I'm okay with this

as shitty as hirez is, I've found it's good for branching people into dota.

dota and its not even close


Give it up man, HoNs been dead and buried for over 4-5 years now.

>dead and barely changing hat simulator
>evergrowing global phenomenon

Gee, I wonder


both are fucking cancer

dota 2
>tfw doing good but against a superior late game team and your team doesnt press the issue and you lose

They're both shitty knockoffs of Warcraft 3.

>hon hots

even HoNtrash moved to Dota retard.

good meme

Was gonna say dota 2 but 7.00 killed it for me.

Also the fact that my friends are raging tryhards but are still 2-3k is making every game with them a living hell.

imo both are meh now.

LoL isn't a knockoff it was intended as a standalone version of WC3 Dota but ultimately it's worse.

>can't select/control multiple units
>lesser unit commands like patrol and action queue
>even worse UI
>engine is much more limited and buggy


doter 2

>friends are raging tryhards but are still 2-3k

doto, no contest

leauge has non fixed cam
>what did he mean by this

lolbabs play with fixed cam

>play a support in league
>be a ward bitch
>play support in dota
>still deadly


League is a better game. DotA2 is for people who pretend bad game design is "complexity". Neither are good, though.

whats a fixed camera?

Haven't played LoL
Dota is unsatisfying, sometimes even when you win


Camera locked to the champ. lolbabs can't handle situational awareness because of this. Its why the support is a ward bitch.


>bad game design
not an argument

basically press a button and the camera is locked onto your champion

dota doesn't really have that - you can track/reposition if you hold down F1 to Hero I think but it's not a toggle thing?

simply put lolbabs don't like controlling their camera

>stuns/slows lasting for generations
>turn ratios
>secret shops

gee, this sure is a fun game with interesting design.

>hold down F1
I rebound it to space. Its easier for finding yourself in the chaos of a fight. Double tap and you're centered.


wait, is this considered a plus?this sound like it could be a giant pain in the ass and actually restrict your control on the hero

oh, you mean, like you can press ctrl+123456789 and the camera will instantly move to your hero when you double click that button?


I fucking cherish these images.

t. shitter who has no awareness and has never played rts games with turn rates


how are any of those bad game design?

>secret shop, rewards map control with late-game items and denying enemy item progression
>turn ratios are an added layer of balancing especially for heroes like Riki, Bristleback, Shadowfiend, Batrider, Drow Ranger, Viper

>slows and stuns
LoL has this as well? Or are you implying any game that has slows and stuns incorporates bad game design.

lolbabs don't want to think about playing. No one but support can buy wards. ever. Regardless of lane. out of all the assfaggots LoL is the most casual forced-meta cancer there is.



I used to buy me a ward everytime I got mid back when I played dotes because of bad supports. Are you saying that LoL has no role flexibility? Legit confused, have always ignored the game

Well this is just bullshit, it's the other way around. LoL supports haven't been ward bitches for like 3 years.


Dota is fucking terrible now but not for any of the reasons people have mentioned.

>gold/XP rubberbanding in a game that's defined by really sharp power curves
>insane power creep
>Valve's insistence on making the game deathmatch 24/7
>cult mentality English-speaking community
>non-English-speaking community on par with 13-year-olds playing Call of Duty

supports are now sightstone bitches

Smite has gotten pretty fucking forced too, it's most definitely more forced than LoL atm.

Dota 2

deeper mechanics

all heroes are free

heroes feel stronger, more impactful with more powerful abilities

LoL is basically a streamlined, gold race until 30-35 min team fight then push to win

in LoL you can only get kills in very specific manner with very specific timing, (ganking when opportune with proper cc, gnking jg when opportune, dragon fight, and when opponent really fucks up) in Dota 2 there is so much more variation on kill setups

Dota 2 infinite tp with tp scrolls

league of legends "balanced" heroes start to feel samey as far as damage output and abilities in team fights

Dota 2 every hero is unique and feels like a unique strategy and gameplay

Dota 2 roles are more distinct, adding variation to the gameplay

Dota 2 courier

Dota 2 items are more situational, more viable item paths


Argue with me on this LoL babbies i've played both a lot

LoL has minor pros in that it is a very different game and that game is more "action" oriented, but the level of "balance" has streamlined the game into every game feeling the same, and even if you strategize correctly, if you don't press certain keys or combos quick enough you will fail as that's the name of the game is press the keys fast.. which is far less rewarding then dota strats


The one that I play is better. The one I don't play is obviously shit.


Spending 800 gold on a sightstone then spending the rest on whatever you want is much better than what it used to be years ago where all of their income was spent on endless wards, especially the losing team.

>Dota non-english community is TRASH!!!
>gets into TI and does well Internationally with valued players in literally every region

>LoL non-english community


If the one you play is Dota, then this statement is correct.

Otherwise you are retarded


League is more popular and therefore better.
inb4 a fucking food analogy, they're both F2P mobas and League has the stronger population. It's not McDicks vs something expensive and fancy, it's two mobashit games. I mean fuck any other metric, just look at the twitch+youtube money some of these faggots make.

Appealing to the lowest common denominator is a viable strategy, and you better fucking believe MOBA's attract some low denominators.
Consider for a moment that League of Legos Gold 1 or Plat V is within the top 10% of a millions strong NA player base.
That's how retarded people are when it comes to MOBAs. Secret shops? Courier? Having to purchase a consumable to back? Just doesn't stand a chance, understanding fucking bare bones fundamentals of the game is already too much of a knowledge barrier for people.

Worst part of Dota is non region-locked servers. But otherwise the games are pretty different and no point arguing over. Dota is mechanically slower and more focused on decision making like a typical RTS and LoL is faster paced and more focused on the mechanical aspects of the characters. Neither is better/worse, they are just different.

What a retarded post.

Redpill me on 7.00 dota 2

Both are fun, actually.

Mid might, I always did. Most of your average assfaggots players dictated that only supports can/should buy wards, with their meager gold income and all. Suggesting that mid, top or the dps buy a ward or two after getting repeatedly ganked is heresy of the highest order. It is retarded and insane and one of the many reasons I stopped playing assfaggots.


Literally the same game.

Ah, i take it you are a lolbaby.

Please refrain from talking to your betters until you graduate from the Moba: remedial level for the shitskins edition

it's not even 7.00 anymore

Being a cult is worse than being dumb. That's not a compliment to English-speaking players.

desert terrain is best terrain

Immortal Gardens is still the best imo

League just has too much bullshit slapped onto it
>ok, you gotta buy the dudes
>and level up for masteries and garbage
>and runes if you really want
>you should also familiarize yourself with the strict laning meta that Riot has imposed
Dota just has mechanics and then you're good
go 2-1-2 in some beginner game and nobody cares

and dota even has mid-match player guides to help you build and level

reminder to always have midas on at least 1 support

Nope I've never played with fixed camera despite being trash silver ranked and i'd be surprised if anybody did.
What evidence do you have to support that?

mouse dragging
>clueless idiot
edge pan
fixed camera


>Valve adds in mechanics from Heroes of the Storm, but completely half-asses them and implements them in a way that breaks the game in half.
>Game becomes hero deathmatch extravaganza. Picking anything that can't fight at 10 minutes is suicide.
>Offlane and mid are now safer lanes than safe due to shrines, which are 10x stronger than HotS shrines, can auto-win teamfights, and can be fucking teleported to.
>Monkey King was a broken piece of shit hero that can sit on top of trees, pop out and one-shot you with a Fissure that does 600+ physical damage and lifesteals on all targets hit.
>Memeback gets a slap on the wrist.
>Jungle has ten billion camps but they respawn half as fast, so you don't even have to stack camps to get good farm.
>Talents just power creep the shit out of the game and 80% of them are literally just "+X to stat Y". This includes free GPM and respawn time reduction.
>Level 25 talents that belong in Dota IMBA. For instance, Legion Commander gets +58 damage for each Duel kill and QoP gets 70% spell lifesteal.
>Half the talents don't make any sense on the heroes they're on and are blatantly biased towards certain ones, e.g. Ember Spirit.

good thing we aren,t on 7.00 anymore.

>Picking anything that can't fight at 10 minutes is suicide.

I've seen more Medusa picked than I have in awhile. Ain't Medusa the "I'm going to farm for an hour and lose the game anways" hero?

Hots > dota > league
League is absolute shit in every way

Which of those are fixed then?

Yeah, because that's how retarded the patch was. We went ahead 4 versions in like a month. Most of those issues aren't even fixed.

She didn't get power crept on. She got really fucking good talents, has burnt %-based mana with snake for a while, and her ulti is way better than it used to be and can now stun for 2 seconds extra.

Yes. Game right now are in the 30 to 45 minute range outside stomps and the odd longer games. Said longer games are often early game lineup who can't close up the game in time. Saw quite a large amount of those at DAC

I like dota 2 just because everything is unlocked from the start and you don't need to go through tons of bullshit grind just to play everyone

>Monkey King being insanely broken, he's still really fucking good though.
>Ember Spirit, Treant, and Lone Druid talents got nerfed.
>Shrines got very slightly nerfed.

All the rest are still the same.

so is hots


Shrines make a lane more forgiving not a lane more safe.

MK isn't broken he was nerfed half a dozen times already.

Memeback is dead.

Stacking camps is still double the value of a camp, Icefrog doesn't want it to be mandatory to optimize farm but obviously if you can do it go for it.

Power creep on EVERY hero is hardly power creep.

Dota IMBA talents are fun as fuck.
Talents make sense, they're obviously used to help with builds and enable some like magic damage Ember, they also alleviate the need for X item like mana/mana regen if you need it or even armor, why buy an armor item when you can get a talent and get X.

>implements them in a way that breaks the game in half.
>Picking anything that can't fight at 10 minutes is suicide.
>so you don't even have to stack camps to get good farm.

I like Smite

Hey, hey, what about Dawngate

DOTA for one reason only.

Show me any other game with a character that can make any game for an hour and both teams hate him for it


That was a good fucking game it's fucking criminal that Strife of all things took longer to die.

Marah has the hottest VA of any video game character ever, prove me wrong.