Which button naming makes more sense?
Which button naming makes more sense?
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Up arrow, O, cross, cube
Playstation had design sense put into it
L1/L2/L3 makes more sense than LB/LT/??
ABXY is easier to pronounce and type
1 line, 2 lines, 3 lines, 4 lines...
a visual representation of button 1 2 3 4 seems simple enough to me
ABXY if only because its easier to type than triangle, square, X, circle.
Xbox is just Nintendo backwards.
its cross
>designing a controller layout that your thumb is resting on A and X
Neither. Should be 1234
just.......shut the fuck up alright
it's fork, you retard
They called it LS for left stick. Does Left Bumper, Left Trigger, Left Stick not make more sense than L1, L2, L3?
playstation makes the most sense.
X = decline
O = accept
square = sub menu or blocking
triangle = camp menu or options
>suppoused to be a cross
>everyone calls it 'ecks'
>shapes are made out of 1, 2, 3 and 4 lines respectively
>their order on the pad is 1, 2, 4, 3
L1, L2, L3 are easier to say, and LS isn't standard (and can be confused for the stick itself).
Sega/MS ABXY layout, Sony R1/R2, Xbox RS. R3 can be used for back paddles, C and Z can be used for six-button layouts.
>camp menu
Delta Square Circle Ecks
If they wanted X to be decline and O to be accept they should have positioned them properly.
ABXY are more distinct and easier to remember and link to button positions
Whats wrong with that?
>ABXY = Xbox
True, it is more effort to explain in game the difference of pressing or using the Left Stick when it can be entirely summarized as LS. You're right.
Both are okay, but playing with an Xbox controller always mindfucks me because I'm more used to the Nintendo layout where A/B and X/Y are reversed
ABXY only ever made sense on the Dreamcast, because they had the excuse of removing the C and Z buttons without changing the layout.
ABXY. Because this is the difference between describing a button combo:
X, X, Y, Y, B
Square, square, triangle, triangle, circle
retard alert
I play jap games enough that the opposite is true for me.
Seriously fuck X confirm
Shapes are much easier to recognize and understand than letters and they are universal so you don't need to know English to be able to read them.
box box camp camp hole
the one I'm more used to
You can just use the color of the button as reference.
That's how I did with my nephew.
>you need to know English to understand that letters with different shapes are different
Combos like that'll get you sucked around here!
Xbox inputs make sense though
A - Accept
B - Back
X - Alt /reload
Y - Toggle
>only English uses the Latin alphabet
I'm getting trolled right?
No the cross is what our lord and savior Jesus Christ was crucified on.
Playstation because it isn't just a mixup of the Nintendo arrangement.
They're functionally the same. Who gives a fuck?
PlayStation because multiple controllers use ABXY in different positions
>cross is shaped like an X
Dumb shintoposter.
They did.
In Japan.
This one
Except in fighting games they generally use notation that is universal like mp, mp, hk, lk, cr. lk
Also in the good ol days we used numbered notation for inputs like 236
so if you don't know geometry you can't read the playstation buttons?
Pretty awful for driving
For me its the Phillips CDi dash layout
Nintendo are shit tier at making controllers and their layout. Xbox imprved it tenfold
Numerical notation is still a thing in the JP and anime communities.
that's where you're wrong, kiddo
What is this absolut haram? It just looks so damn weird. Why are japanese so weird?
The confirm button should be the most comfortable button to reach (the bottom one)
>That colour arrangment
What the fuck where they thinking
Everything else is shit.
Yes, that's a sign.
The Japanese use the same layout as everyone else. That was a mockup.
Playstation because switching (haha) between my Switch and my Xbox controller fucks with my brain
>>shapes are made out of 1, 2, 3 and 4 lines respectively
>>their order on the pad is 1, 2, 4, 3
Wrong. The order is correct.
Not on the Joycon. Especially in Zelda.
It was based off of the Sega Dreamcast
That doesn't make any damn sense at all.
Yes, a railroad CROSSing sign in the shape of a CROSS
>implying xbox came up with ABXY
Wrong. The order is incorrect.
abxy imo
What's really bad is the backwards nintendo style, even though it was the original.
Reminder O for Confirm is objectively superior.
Stupid weebs.
This is a cross.
No railroad ings here.
I think that button is the most comfortable to get to but thats the issue since things which require long button presses such as sprint are relegated to a more uncomfortable positon
>x on the y axis
>y on the x axis
Nintendo is retarded
Sprint should be one of the shoulder buttons.
how can geometry be real if shapes are virtual
They made it better
try again nerd
oh and pic related is also a cross
i like xbox more, letters feels more mature and colourful is better than just dumbass minimalistic geometry shapes
Pressing in on one stick should be sprint, the other should be crouch/prone.
L3 and R3 should not be used for actions that need to be pressed quickly
camp, well, railroad crossing, circumvallation
This is the one of the only problems with the Nintendo layout. I like the accept button being the furthest away from the others. The other issue is coloring. Microsoft (or Sega?) had it right with Green for Accept and Red for Back. Everything in our lives is meant to tell us Green is good and healthy and Red is bad and threatening. Except in fucking japland where red is good and blue and purple are bad for whatever fucking reason
I prefer the AB12 layout
Agreed. Playing from a young age on Nintendo, then adding PlayStation later, the O and Nintendo A feels most natural to me
They've always done that tbf. Maybe it just depends on your perspective
I understand the reasoning because your finger can comfortably rest on it but i'd prefer using a button since i hate shoulder buttons. They break so easily and feel so unresponsive
I always got cnfused as fuck and had to look at the controller. Especially the position of the + and -
really? I found this controller great for NES stuff I played on VC when growing up.
>A saltire, also called Saint Andrew's Cross
How about you play less shitty generic shooters?
Retard alert!
if you played any jrpg on playstation, triangle is always the button to open the status screen.
>•, ••, •/••, •
Fuck off Philips. What were you thinking?
It's the opposite for me, used to Xbox pads and I get X/Y mixed up when playing on Ninty pads. But never A/B since those functions at least are fairly universal for all games on the same console.
Whichever one you grew up with.
It was more because you had to change its orientation every game and it kinda fucked up my memory of the layout
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