Meanwhile, on Quake Champions CBT forums:

Meanwhile, on Quake Champions CBT forums:
>Horrible warp, netcode, no raw input - A bad sign for this game despite being beta
>No RAW Input? One-Frame Thread Lag?
>60 ping but feels like 250+
>This might be the worst Quake ive played.
>Game feels really slow..
>Major warping, models skipping all over, what is going on?
>Dissapointed with strafe movement speed
>Performance is great, other than random lag spikes that last a few seconds.

Other urls found in this thread:

Some Quake purists are senile haters, I'm shocked.

That Anarki though, how could you not like that.

It's in closed beta ffs
Can no longer see QL, hope they go open beta soon

>It's in closed beta
That's just the modern term for demo

So much this.

>b-but its just a beta

Whats the server-client clock time? Anything below 60hz would be blasphemy.

Everybody who's serious about quake plays Quake world or CPMA anyway. So...why do we even care?

Not in this case, it's a real closed beta that's why so many underages are mad, they thought it was going to be some sort of perfectly fonctioning early access thing like most beta are today.

Well let them complain, MAYBE it'll get fixed.

>hurr durr old fags btfo!!!
>bad netcode in an arena shooter is just how they do things now, get with the times grandpa :^)

>all betas are early access says me

what's warp?

yea because its just an impossibility that the game wouldnt be very good. i guess ill pretend its the best shit ever because i for some reason get off on antagonizing the fans of a series I never played.

It's a server side lag, as in, you're lagging not because of your internet connection but because the server is shitty and can't process the game fast enough. It's really inexcusable in 2017.

We're still at the first panel though

Because outside of this echo-chamber there's a real hype, believe it or not a lot of old Quake fans want to play this because they understand you can't change a perfect formula and you can't keep releasing the same game.


Yea how could you not like this freaking epic character

so in other words the server tick rate is too low

is there a video of these voice lines? or are you tossing memes against the wall

I refuse to believe any of these quotes are real.

Is it even possible to play this yet? On the first day, the queue was so long it took over 30 minutes and when you finally got a match it usually kicked you out and you had to restart the game.

You mean Quake Live.

I don't think there are queues anymore

Champions will fail like every arena shooter in the last 10-15 years. People don't realize that Q1-Q3 were so successful because they had no real competition.

>Apply this to any beta I don't like

Thing is if you're right then you'll act like every beta ends in shit. But pretend that every other beta that actually helps doesn't exist.

If these betas don't fix much after awhile I will agree but most of you are being kneejerking children like you are for every beta.

'this is gonna be epic' - match starts
'eat my balls bro' - after respawning
not sure about the other quotes. there's also a line that goes like 'me and slash are still bffs'. he unironically uses 'bff' in current year. anarki and slash are an item now.

>nitpicking a FREE game this hard

What a bunch of spoiled children

Not an impossibility at all but it's the very first closed beta and we know there are a lot of very opinionated people in the Quake community.

Since some people decide we can't talk positively about the game at all I don't see why some others couldn't dismiss negative opinions as they please.

I'd say it's precisely because it's not an oldschool arena shooter that it'll not fail. If it was "Quake V Arena" like some purists want, I bet it would be dead within a year or two. Quake Live will likely be dead some months after QC releases.

I was defending the game, we're still at the first panel but many people act like the game was released in its actual state.

>Quake thread is nothing but shitposting

Got some sour news for ya

there's trannies in quake now? fucking bethesda

must be the reason why the original Anarki had his mouth sewn shut

>i for some reason get off on antagonizing the fans of a series I never played

I'm an oldfag that played Quake 3 on day one.
If you read the shit a lot of people shitting on QC are saying, you'd have a big suspicion that those are the people pretending to like a genre they never played.

Calling strafe-jumping bunny-hopping, not knowing the Q3 characters had taunts, not even recognizing the returning ones, there are signs.

>they understand you can't change a perfect formula and you can't keep releasing the same game.
But this is literally just Q3 but with some gimmicky abilities that range from useless to absolutely broken beyond all belief.

All they've done is taken Quake, remove 95% of the gamemodes, and packaged it up as a F2P shooter again. I'd rather just play QL, it runs a million times better, doesn't have forced shitty special snowflake skins, and the RL actually works.

>A bad sign for this game despite being beta
lol, no

How are the maps? What gamemodes are there? Is there a server browser or is it mm only?

3 maps, shitty MM only.

no one should be shocked that a game they publish misses the point of the original

Technical issues aside, I actually think they didn't change up the arena formula enough. This game doesn't play any fucking different than Quake 3. The abilities are practically worthless, the passives are just an excuse to lower movement skill ceiling and the stats may as well not exist.

This game isn't going to fail because it isn't Quake 3 with updated graphics, it's going to fail because it's basically Quake 3 with updated graphics.


Happens every time. Most people who post strong opinions on what is Quake and what isn't haven't played Quake for more than an hour. They're just shitposting for shitposting's sake.

some1 drop me a code pls

Sounds like something anthony burch would write

are you the guy whos been posting his copypasta sob story in every quake thread

60 ping does feel like 250+ which makes using rockets reliably nearly impossible. It's fucking insane how much they fucked up the engine.

60 ping feels high to me in any game.

All it needs to be successful is bethesda to dump money into it like valve did with CS:GO and DOTA.

holy shit. can't unsee it

Play Quake Live or Q3A

you're such an insufferable entitled whiny cunt, i wouldn't give you one even if i had a dozen.

CPMA is dead as fuck and the few people who stick around are in Reflex.
Quake Live is the only time you're going to see people playing Quake in its natural habitat.
Quakewold is memes and rape and occassionally someone starts up TF.

RL is completely unusable unless you have single digit ping or compensate as if playing on dialup. Even the nailgun doesn't exhibit that fucking enormous delay before launching projectiles. It's as if the RL was designed to be that way.

It might help a bit, but those games already had very healthy playerbases. Arena has been very dead for a long time now.

Modern version of Hunter when?

You and I both know you don't regularly play Quake Live

>can't get netcode right

one job

too problematic. nu quake doesn't have a single hot female character. they're all flat and one step away from being dressed in burqas.

>Ranger with reduced self rocket damage

Oh boy, that's my man.

Ranger has a speed cap. Nice.


Not with Today's SJW faggotry. Do you not remember the Tracer fiasco.



being this fucking retarded

It's literally Quake Live with 1 ability heroes. The game is boring and shit
>all the "good" players only use characters that are fast with small hitboxes

Dead game. Quake needs to evolve. It's aged like assmilk.

Almost like it's in beta or something...
Forget about performance for the time being, I assume that's what there's working in and what the beta is for, tell us about the gameplay. How do the character special moves effect gameplay? I feel like shit such as xray vision would ruin it, doesn't it beat the whole point of skill based shooting if some characters get advantages over the others?

is it a tranny or is it just the western manjaw meme?

i thought quake was all about being fast? what are you, some overwatch player?

Everyone uses Anarki, Nyx and Visor. nice hero balance. There's also a lot of Rangers but he's the starter.

It's a measurement of speed for starships.

Quake was all about being fully 3D in addition to a clusterfuck of artstyles that blends into a brown/grey mess.

Sorry, I meant the "2FAST4U" characters. Literally no reason to pick the others.

Actually it's funny you mention SJWs. Hunter's outfit was already changed in the official Quake Live art that came out back in 2014. Attached is the official wallpaper. The same artist did make a version of Hunter with the correct original outfit, but the steam trading cards for the steam release of QL use the outfit that shows less skin

and here's the version that has the old outfit. i assume that if hunter ever makes it in QC, she won't look anything like this

These are all good complaints. Hope id listens. I really want raw input

"I've got a nice SLIPGATE to shove you in"

Goddamn, I love that comic book shading in late 90s 3D games. Unreal had the same look.

The abilities are basically useless, except for maybe Anarki's.

There's something very wrong with mouse input that makes it feel as if vsync was always on regardless of your actual settings and framerate. You can tell me 'b-but it's a beta!' all you want, but if your game doesn't have serviceable netcode and input at that point, it doesn't bode well for the future, since fundamental low level features like that rarely get an overhaul.

>look at me i dont know shit

Are you kidding. Theyre either a free frag or a free escape or both. Only rangers isnt that good.

>xray vision
>ruin it

I mean, maybe in duels where people are walking to hide their position, but even that's a stretch. Xray in an arena shooter is about as useful as it sounds.

get a gamepad fat fingers, you're like, pushing all the wrong buttons

Not really. Then again, I place 1st every game so I don't know what the perspective is from a shitter's point of view.

this shit was made for teamplay baby i love tdm

But the covered up one looks better. So whats the problem?

Ranger's active ability makes him very unpredictable because it's basically an UT translocator if you disregard the damage aspect.

im killing anarkis with clutch so i dunno what ur saying

it doesn't look awful. i do like some underboob though

As someone who's actually playing the game it's pretty good but currently a hitscan fest. RG and LG need to be nerfed back to QL values and the RL feels slightly off. GL needs to be added ASAP as well.

Do they show Clutch's backstory?

prolly i didnt pay attention just testing everything out
let the charcters flesh themselves out for a month or so so people develop counters and meta imo