Peter Moore told Sonic creator Yuji Naka to "fuck off"

>"We did a focus group here in San Francisco, I'm trying to think what year this would be, probably late 2001, early 2002, because I needed to prove to the Japanese that our brand was starting just to fade away. And so we asked the focus group, a bunch of 18-, 19-year-olds, a classic question, 'If a video game publisher was a relative or a friend, who would they be?' Ah, EA. Arrogant quarterback, 6'5”, walks in, gets the girl, nobody likes him, blah blah blah, but, you know, fills the room with his big personality, all that. I can hear it now. Rockstar. Ah – that's your drunken uncle that shows up from Vegas once a month with a hooker on his arm and looking for money and then he's gone again. He comes in and he's the life of the party for a little while, and then he disappears for a long time. Sega. Yeah, that's your grandad. Used to be cool, but even he can't remember why anymore."

>"We filmed all of these, right? I packaged this up, and I said, 'This is our our manifesto for the future.' So we make a huge presentation in Japan, and I said, 'We need to be incredibly aware of the challenges we face as a brand at Sega,' you know, and so I play the video. Yuji Naka, Naka-san, maker of Sonic, is in the room. Now, he and I have a love/hate relationship on a good day. And we show him this, and it's subtitled in Japanese, and when it comes to that piece he just [slams his hand on the table], 'This is ridiculous. You have made them say this. Sega is the great brand, nobody would ever say this, you have falsified!' He just gets in my face. So I said to the translator, 'Tell him to fuck off.' And the poor guy looks at me and says, 'There's no expression in Japanese.' I said, 'I know there is.' And that was it. That was the last time I ever set foot in there."

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Yeah, that makes perfect sense.

Sega wasn't even THE BEST EVAR at the absolute best of times.

Even at their highest, most positive reputation, they were always the lovable underdog.

Even the most die-hard Sega fanboy has to admit they're kinda screw-ups these days.

That fucking piece of shit is the fucking reason why SEGA was seen as a "grandpa" in the first place, instead of bringing all the cool JRPG that where the shit in the mid 90s he decided to only put sport and actions games on the Saturn, in Japan the Saturn was head to head with the PlayStation because all of the amazing games it had.
Peter Moore can go and die choking on a dick along Liverpool.
Liverpool of all places FUCKING KEK they go hand to hand

He had nothing to do with the Saturn. The Saturn was already failing and SEGA hired Peter to come in and help them launch the Dreamcast.

What happened to Yuji Naka anyway? He made that weird wii cardboard game and then proceed to disappear off the planet...

What an asswipe.

He made Rodea the Sky Soldier, and nothing since.

He goes drinking with the current head of Sonic Team occasionally

Serves him right for Sonic X-treme.

He is the reason sega was popular in the states in the first place

The place that was keeping the dreamcast afoot you idiot

>"Well, I got a call from a recruiter saying, "What do you know about video games?" And I said, "Who's asking?" "Well," he said, "There's an interesting opportunity at Sega"' and I said, "Well, Sega, it's funny you say that, because the only thing I know about video games is that I bought my son a Sega Saturn for $499, and I go to buy him games, like, a year later, and they're not making games for it anymore."

Peter Moore truly was the end of Sega. You can claim bad business decisions all you want but the fucker literally handed Sega IPs to Microsoft as he went to work with them after ditching Sega.

And in the process, he killed Crazy Taxi, JSR, Panzer Dragoon, and Toejam and Earl.

Good job asswipe.

>Telling someone to fuck off

Okay, that's a way to instantly lose respect for me.

I'm not saying Sega's perfect either, they're struggling and they're barely standing. They remind me of an old man with Alzheimer. Some times, I even question their decisions and reasonings. That doesn't mean they haven't made some solid games, but some of them are also tremendously overrated. Their consoles were solid too while it lasted. I don't think they have any plans to make a comeback either what with all the competition.

Nowadays, all I care about them now is fucking Puyo Puyo (for some reason, I can't even get myself excited for a modern Sonic game nowadays) and that wasn't even theirs to begin with. And only just now they've decided to launch anything overseas even though it's a popular series in Japan for instance.

Riveting tale chap

sounds like /our guy/

Kalinske was the reason Sega was cool.

they should make like a movie or something that retells the story of sega when they were in the console market. i swear some of the retarded shit they did is fucking hilarious and sad

I'd watch that. Especially if it shows how many times Sega of Japan fucked things over for the American branch and showed absolutely no remorse.

imagine a world where sega of japan made the games and sega of america made the business decisions

>Angry American businessman clashes with a stuck-up Samurai businessman over a shitty brand
Sounds about right

Sounds too good to be true. Cuz it is.

This really changes my opinions on the man who has been the face of videogaming cancer for the last 15 years

Oh, wait

This makes me sad


He made that one Wii game, the Wii version (good version) of Rodea, some mobile games and that's it. Nowadays he just goes to promotional events and arcades with his two kids and plays Pokemon Go, meanwhile Takashi Izuka is shitting on the franchise Yuji Naka started.

Well, at least he did well with the Xbox 360 2005-2008.

Yuji Naka was the only thing that made Sonic Games good, once he left, it all came tumbling down

>big personality

hahahahahahahahaha ha!

>Yuji Naka, Naka-san, maker of Sonic, is in the room
Naoto Ohshima created Sonic, not Naka.

But he was there for Sonic Heroes, Shadow, and supervised half of the development of '06. Sonic turned shit long before he left.

Lol, did you ever actually play Crazy Taxi 2 and Crazy Taxi 3? They fucking sucked dick.

Toejam and Earl was dogshit at making the jump to 3d, Panzer Dragoon was a fucking rail shooter, and Jet Set was just Tony Hawk without the good controls and fun combo system.

Tell me why every Sega can't make a good Sonic game to save their lives?

Yes, the new one looks like uninspired trash.

Is it just a money-laundering operation?

That's mostly SEGA's fault, and SEGA's fault for rushing Sonic Team to shart out an unfinished 06

You could probably say the same thing about EA. Oh wait no you couldn't they were always dog shit and survive purely off of fucking normies who buy FIFA every year.

>in 2001

Sonic was already autistic furfag territory by then, of course people would tell them to fuck off with their GOTTAGOFAST blue hedgehog.

Sega Japan and USA have always hated each other, though. US is a PC publisher and Japan are Sony's bitches, just like everyone else in the Japanese game industry.

Blame Iizuka, everything wrong with modern Sonic is his fault

>Kotaku article from 2008 resurfaces nearly 10 years later as new news


oh shit bet he'll be hurt he's lost your respect

Not according to Naka's ego

Every Sonic game ever developed was rushed. Sonic 06 is no different.

Every sonic game is shit. Every single one.

git gud

You fucking moron. Bernie Stolar was the one ien charge during that debacle. Peter Moore came in during the Dreamcast era.

>2. You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

There are 2 good sonic games in existence
-Sonic Adventure
-Sonic Adventure 2

>Okay, that's a way to instantly lose respect for me.

Your respect means nothing

I guess the twitter bantz were too real for him to handle.

>not importing Saturn games
What a faggot.

Yeah, right. SoA were the ones saving Sega in late 90s, sure.

That's because OP is a neogaf fag

Respect means everything
Just because you lack it, doesn't mean you can count anyone else's as worthless

>Big personality

Sega had a hard life.



Doesn't mean jack shit if you aren't worth anything. Especially if you spend your time throwing your garbage opinions on an anonymous chinese image board.

Yuji Naka is not a respectable figure anyways. He was an arrogant child that would throw a tantrum if he didn't get his way. It's not surprising that someone didn't take his shit and told him to fuck off.

You're gonna have to explain how it isn't true.

They come in, they're loud, they're obnoxious, nobody actually really likes them.

But they're still one of the top publishers and people won't stop buying their shit.

Don't forget he turned PSO from a great Diablo-clone in space into a shitty TCG.

Back to digging ditches Pete. Breaks over.

>, they're struggling and they're barely standing.

huh? they are doing fine financially

>And so we asked the focus group, a bunch of 18-, 19-year-olds, a classic question, 'If a video game publisher was a relative or a friend, who would they be?'
how the fuck is that a classic question

Take yourself out of this equation
Your bias has no place, your attitude is foul and your arguments hold no water

The problem here is you

>Yuji Naka
>Sonic creator
He's just a glorified code monkey who ended up taking all the credit.

>Okay, that's a way to instantly lose respect for me.


>Big personality = sales
Sure, the analogy itself is flawed and quite frankly so is the whole videogame/relative comparison.

>Any of the games you just mentioned



What in Gods name are you even trying to say?

Your respect for Peter Moore has as much worth as your value as a human.

If you aren't worth shit, neither is your respect.

Calm down and take your meds Peter.

Can you just not?

Kalinske > Moore > Stolar

prove me wrong

what the hell is a game machine jukebox

That's exactly what it equals. They have the numbers thanks to their presence in the industry.

Every time some horseshit article like this comes out, you morons always judge it based on how Sup Forums perceives the industry. We all fucking hate EA, but your general consumer does not.

Game machines & jukeboxes

Oh, boy...

>Peter Moore told Sonic creator Yuji Naka to "fuck off"

when you put it that way it makes marginally more sense

>was even called "Uncle Al" by people in the industry.

Sega of the early 90s was a thing of beauty in how they capitalized on all of Nintendo's mistakes and fumbles. Shame they started shooting themselves in the face starting around 1994 and just kept going downhill from there.

Virtually nothing matched Sega's attack ads on Nintendo during the 16 bit wars. I had a SNES before I got a Genesis years later and I still thought the ads were hilarious.

How early was that statement? Nintendo was basically a monopoly back in the 80's, so that reaction wasn't too farfetched.

you never been to the arcades before senpai

Holy fuck. Based as fuck.

How are there people that still idolize Yuji Naka?

>Okay, that's a way to instantly lose respect for me.
respect is how nobodies take solace that they have at least some imaginary power over more important people.

Protip: This is why Sega dropped out of the console race. Peter Moore is a scumbucket but he knows his fucking business.

w-wrong kid still died


Let me clear up some confusion
I, me, am not the guy who said they lost respect for Peter Moore

I'm talking to you--or that other guy--that respect is not important

If you disagree, you're devoid of morals; devoid of being a functioning human capable of reason
Respect is everything--if you don't receive respect, it's because you don't show it enough
If anyone isn't worth shit, consider it as a fact that it'd be yourself as you lack respect--respect for yourself

You keep throwing around how "if you're not worth anything, your respect means nothing"
I'm explaining that you need to take yourself, the being that lacks respect for oneself, out of the equation
You are the problem, there's nothing wrong with the reasoning I'm attempting to get across to you
You need to be corrected on this and if you desire to ignore it, let me end on saying that I am trying to get through to you on a personal level and not as some intelligent blue box on on your screen, giving you a (You)

You don't even have to respond to me, just acknowledge what I'm saying

It's important

Too bad I'm 20 and not blinded by stupid nostalgia.

remember friend, this was back in 2001/2, when they were GOOD

>Peter Moore
>same shitstain that killed Sega during Dreamcast era by blocking tons of Japanese games and not doing anything about piracy
>same shitstain that used the Dreamcast to test the waters for when he moved to Microsoft
>Same shitstain that purposely killed the dreamcast to help Microsoft's new Xbox console

>Is it just a money-laundering operation?

most of their income comes from cash registers

It's safe to say the Japanese killed Sega, because they completely were full of themselves


Japan and NA branches were in constant slap fights. Just look at the mess behind Sonic X-treme.

>SEGA's arrogance and refusal to listen to anyone not from their Japanese headquarters is what got them into the mess they were in after the Genesis
>Peter is hired to try to turn things around in the west
>Tells them SEGA is fading into irrelevance
>SEGA's golden boy who has been pampered to hell accuses him of being a liar
>SEGA gets out of the console business shortly after

>in 2001-2002
Funny how you say that.

EA was never good

that really doesn't sound like a Japanese thing to do
you should watch any fighting game tournament

Your opinion is worth shit kid

It was the Trump era of marketing success