What games let me play as the bad guy? I'm tired of saving the world or whatever

What games let me play as the bad guy? I'm tired of saving the world or whatever.

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tfw no new Gargoyle's Quest

Are you implying spiders are bad guys?


Gears of War

>tfw you wish you had a cute pet spid but parents wont let you


you're kinda saving the world, though


You're a faggot and if your game has bad guys it's a faggot game

alien explorer slaves and nearly drives to extintion the race of the pikmins

Yeah but you have the option to be a bigger bad then the big bad. Actually you the have the option to be the biggest fucking douche.
Sucks the "good" ending is Canon.

That's because scorpos are better.

Every WW2 game

What's it doing

I would take a Scorpo too, arachnids are best.


this looks fucking cool

the previous exoskeleton looks like pants for an eight-legged person at the end there

Metal Slug.

it just gets out like that

Shedding its skin, they need to do this every so often.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

TIE Fighter

every game where you have to save the world

>tfw no good insect-based horror game with shit like this in it

Bully or GTA V.

There aren't any, all the games where people say you are supposedly the "bad guy", inside the game you aren't or you end up doing a good deed anyways

Does it hurt it? Why is it spazzing out?



it's just pushing it off itself with a lot of force, and then afterwads stretching its legs a bit

What the fuck happpened there? How did they both die?

Nah, I imagine its just a bitch to get out of.

It's not spazzing out, the video is sped up.

i just finished tyranny, but i went for the "good" ending, meaning I united the Tiers against Kyros. Had to bully Barik into submission, but he developed into an amazing tank.

Destroy all Humans (and 2), obviously

rules of nature

Fuck you
But it is true

Thanks, that makes a lot of sense.

Metal Gear Rising

Borderlands 2

Imagine being human and trying to tear apart your skin which surrounds you completely and a size too small.
Sounds pretty hard, right?

didn't play it but there was this wii game that let you play as a tarantula and scorpion and fight other shit

sometimes, I grow so big, I rip the skin!


I lost my fear of spiders because of tarantulas. They are pretty cute actually and don't do much.



This game which is super old was one of the best back then.
Also in flash games, infectonator is good even if it is an indie.

>Out dad told us not be ashamed of our dicks
>Gets killed by gigantic scissors

Crusader Kings 2

the newest update lets you sacrifice children to Satan for the luls.

Also Stellaris let's you eat aliens and roleplay the Imperium of Man purging every xeno.

And also Medieval 2, you can play as a fantasy Dark Lord with how much murder you can do.

Most of Tales of Berseria


Oh shit, I'm sorry.


What exactly is that?

I'm not clicking on the webm because I've seen it before and im pussyole but what is that bit?

Why are spiders so nasty? Why are they so fucking nasty and ugly I just don't get it?

Microsoft vs Sony. PC wins.

>What exactly is that?

The skin the spider has just burst out of. It's its previous exoeskeleton.

>Why are spiders so nasty? Why are they so fucking nasty and ugly I just don't get it?

Because God does not exist.

>Gets killed by gigantic scissors
These youtube poops are funny sometimes.



>What exactly is that?
That's the shedded spider exoskeleton, the empty parts are supposed to be the body of the spider.
>Why are spiders so nasty? Why are they so fucking nasty and ugly I just don't get it?
Because they're not the superior arachnid, scorpions.

Even if it's not the way most people experience the game plenty of RPGs allow you to play as a completely irredeemable piece of shit.

Because there needs to be contrast for us to vary in taste and character.

microsoft is pc though.

They poisoned each other

>Because they're not the superior arachnid, scorpions.
this post seems awfully familiar

Dungeon Keeper 1+2

This...... this has made me...... think...... hmmmmm

Hmm, I wonder who could be behind these posts.

damn it, you know what I mean.

On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog/scorpion/spider/Mozart

chaos legion

These are nasty as fuck, but I can see why people would hate them, it's because they have many legs. But honestly the irk against many legs is really misplaced, imo. Take centipedes for example. People always give them shit but they really don't deserve the hate. Spiders and scorpions are really dangerous though, not centipedes.

>you're a Mozart
Wasn't aware there were more than one, Spider-Dog-Scorpion Hybrid Mozart

Now, who could be behind this post

Hmm I wonder.

Is there a centipede posting image yet?

Fuck off Centipedeshitters, Scorpions help rid the world of your venomous kind.


Why do these shits even exist, jesus fucking christ? It's like they went out their way to make this shit as hellish looking as possible. Everything but ants should be killed on sight with fire.


>Kaim and Angelus hiding in grass

>everything but ants
I wonder who could be behind this post

Wonder who made this post.


Berseria my dude

Big talk, for an ugly human


God I wish I could get my PS2 back. I miss the grind for weapons. I loved that fucking Damocles Blade.

"Good" in tyranny actually means that you choose to genocide less people.

>You will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18.

Exactly moths are much better user

Not only are moths extraordinarily diverse in color, shape and size they will never hurt you, if you find a moth in your room just open the window and let it escape.

Also turn off the lights in your room

Moths are adorable. Post more.

The only thing moths are good for is for sucking BSS (Big Scorpion Stingers)

I really don't have any moth pics

>The only thing moths are good for is for sucking BSS (Big Scorpion Stingers)

Can a scorpion do this?
Didn't think so, take that!