Holy fucking yum. Imagine jizzing on her delicious sweaty A cups. Why do we hate her again?

Holy fucking yum. Imagine jizzing on her delicious sweaty A cups. Why do we hate her again?

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Sup Forums got picked on by Shaniqua once or twice in Middle School and never got over it instead of sucking it up and flirting with her like a social human being

Independant strong black women who dont need no man yass queen slay

>small ass



flabby jelly asses are disgusting

>Strong independent black womyn beating up two well-trained men in their prime

She's fucking absurd. If I didn't know better I'd call her a racist caricature of >hurr black people are gorillas


>In a series where the main character falls out of an airplane and doesn't die

I'd aim for her tits, but it would probably hit her 8 head.

Oh look a misogynist trying to get a pass by claiming racism.

Only Sup Forumsv/ hates her


>Why do we hate her again?
>Sup Forums is one person

I never said I hated anyone.

a jujitsu brownbelt or someone like Rhonda Rousey could probably take out more. there are tough women out there, theres no need to be a scared little beta cuck. there are women that clean and jerk 200kg nowadays.

leaf pls go and stay go

I played the collection last week and it's amazing the game is rated so high.

I understand it selling well since it's built 100% like a blockbuster movie, big set pieces with little interaction and nothing to do and the same bad guys to shoot over and over with one liners thrown in.

But for it to be critically praised? Is that really necessary?

Critics are drawn to spectacle; see: every fucking marvel movie in the last 10 years.

That being said, action movie is exactly what it sets out to do and it does a decent job of it.

Uncharted 4 is genuinely good in my opinion, but yeah, game journalism is a farce.

>a woman being able to beat a moderately athletic man

top kek

>Drake has fucked up countless mercs and other trained killers with his bare hands
>somehow this scrawny black women can dance circles around him and fuck him up no problem

The strongest women in the world can be restrained by an average, untrained man who is in decent shape.

>dat ugly curly hair

All thise girls say that until you have them bent over a couch while they beg you to come in their ass.

Druckmann pls

if I saw that in the street nowadays I'd be about 65% sure it used to be a man

>goku is the strongest being in the universe
>still gets his shit kicked in by chichi

Don't dig the fro

Straighten that hair out and I'd be happy to make some interracial half black, half asian babies with her.

I missed my opportunity to do this. I then got my ass handled.

>That weakling at the bottom

>Why do we hate her again?
cause she's mary sue

She's let Goku's saiyan semen soak in her every chance she gets, not to mention was directly connected to two other saiyans for 9 months each.

looks like a fucking poser render 0/10 wouldnt play

Beastiality is not my fetish.

Thats me

go force that shit in tumblr leaf

No, because the strongest women in the world are on testosterone.



pick one

Africa prove you niggers can be hot, you just need gasoline.

Fo sho, im down.



>Uncharted gameplay is so braindead that the player just keeps spamming the attack button even after she's down


How? Its a bug?

Yes please.

I wanna ejaculate in her mouth after she climaxes me with her tongue , if you know what i mean.

Same reason why Sup Forums likes Persona. People like movies that pander to their tastes. Plus Uncharted has decent MP versus and co-op

I don't, can you please rephrase?

Go away shlomo, bestiality doesn't fly here.

Even black men are repulsed by their women.

As a black man, Sup Forums has convinced me to only date whites and Japanese. Easier to sex than black girls, so it's a welcome change.

>Imagine jizzing on her delicious sweaty A cups.
>engaging in bestiality
I bet you'd fuck a dog as well, faggot.

Why did you post that image user? Now my entire room smells

Fuck you

>no tits
>no ass
>no curves
What's the point?

>tfw beautiful black qt in my class
>tfw too autistic to talk to her
>tfw the only time she noticed me was when she caught me looking at her ass
>tfw i will never bend her over
>tfw she will never beg me to come
>tfw we will never cuddle after
Fuck me and fuck my autistic lack of social skills. Fuck me, just why.

You're not autistic you're just a beta

This is a man I would trust with my cargo.

Grow some balls, idiot.
You are not going to get your dick engulfed in chocolate by being a beta.

>a woman being able to beat a moderately athletic man
I'm a 110 lbs un/fit/ manlet and even I can easily win a fight against a daring woman.

>a handful of outlying, pitifully weak males

>not a single outlying, exceptionally strong female


I don't even remember this being in the game desu

t.i didnt play the game

Kind of sucks that women simply cannot be as physically strong as men.

I mean, I'm a lazy fag I don't deserve to be stronger than a woman who actually tries because my genes gave me stocky leprechaun strength.

Women's bodies are just focused on giving them the ability to create life.
Ours don't have to worry about anything like that, aside from our balls, which I don't know why they are hanging instead of inside our bodies like ovaries.

>which I don't know why they are hanging instead of inside our bodies like ovaries.
Temperature reasons

It would be too hot inside our body for sperm to survive?

>Why do we hate her again?
Because she could be a bit more buff to reflect her in-game physical abilities.

hahahahahahahaha go back to your /r/the_donald and /r/redpill playpens

>user really believes this

yes it's the games fault the player is spamming like an idiot.

Yeah basically

That's why your balls shrivel up when they're cold and get real saggy when they're hot.

The colder they are, the most fertile they get.

>A cups

You answered your own question. A black woman without an ass or tits is a crime.

This, their appeal is the curves.

Beastiality is repugnant.

I would breed the shit out of her just so my kids would inherit those delts


wtf i love black women now

Stop trying so hard to fit in

man shoulders and waste.

It's still odd that a such a vital part of reproduction can't handle the average internal body temperature of the species it's meant to reproduce.

She looks alot like the woman they used in last of us.

Not even close

pretty weird, huh? considering there are tons of mammals with internal testicles. it's almost like the reason our sperm can't survive inside our body isn't the cause of having external testicles but an effect of it. e.g. something else caused the evolution of external testicles, then the sperm became less tolerant towards internal temperatures. must've been something pretty important too, considering having external testicles is a pretty fucking dumb idea that lets any old asshole around drop by to rip your shit off and sterilize you, the way chimps will do to each other if they get pissed off enough (or to you, if you're lucky enough to enjoy the furious embrace of one that doesn't want to kill you but just fuck you up a lot)

That's blatantly incorrect.

shes a mary sue, but I didnt really give a shit

is this the beastiality thrread