Has a videogame ever given you a fear of something?

Has a videogame ever given you a fear of something?

I know plenty of early 3D PS1 games gave me a fear of claustrophobic caves and corridors.

also classic Sup Forums story time

Other urls found in this thread:





no but this was a good maga


Dino Crisis 1 (PS1)
As a kid I loved dinosaurs but this fucking game...


Is this one of the games?

Fuck off with your meme shit, EOP scum.

I remember renting a sidescrolling Jurassic Park game from blockbuster as a kid and absolutely terrifying myself. I wish I could remember its name.


Yes, the shitty graphics somehow make even more unsettling

Resident Evil of empty suburbia at night.



Was it on Sega?
Oh shit, I played the Rampage Edition one. Good times, it wasn't really scary tho but challenging for sure



deep water
being alone
dieng cold and alone in the darkness of the crushing ocean deep





The scary shit about this manga is that is read from left to right.

Not that I remember. May have been the PS1.











>tfw a collector of Rare Pepes


What a cute girl. I hope nothing bad happens to her.







That spiraled out of control quickly.


There's a lot of turns in this story.

>deep water
>dieng cold and alone in the darkness of the crushing ocean deep
ecco the dolphin fucked me up



>entry level jap horror




Is it a bird?

Chapter 2

is it a plane?





aww shit it's spiralman


>live at the end of this road
>leaving for work/commuting home





Any recommendations for Japanese horror beside Maruo and Ito?







what no why fuck fuck










>office books
>being there for anything but feng shui
Same with framed diplomas on the wall and phrenology models.




End of those two chapters.
Different story next

Looks fun, is there any game that let me become one with the spiral?

Let's have a nice ocean themed story.

Yeah, real life
you know what to do





