Filename Thread
Filename Thread
I don't think Blossom would get a tattoo.
>that URL
happened to me once
went to bed, woke up and the house had about 10cm of shit-water because it rained so hard that the pipes got clogged up, thankfully the pc still worked
Dunno, but I'd fuck the shit out of that Buttercup
jesus wtf ahahahaha
Why don't Americans celebrate Easter?
This is why I put my pc up. My window is at ground level and I don't trust the drainage here
>Filename not PpG
One fucking job.
nigga didn't even flinch
>robbing a gun store
Do you seriously not get the reference?
>Inb4 "hurrdurr niggers"
We can't see their skin color.
Whites commit more crime than any other race in America.
I want to like this, but my autism won't let me let go of the fact that the piano is a baroque invention.
Why the fuck would anyone care if it was a white or black guy?
>in after "hurr durr how do percentages work"
I've never seen a fast food place like this in a white neighborhood, even when I was in West Virginia, an area with lots of impoverished white people
Okay that one got me
Except this is a well documented case, it was in news reports, and they were black.
Why did you have to bring race into this thread? You retards are a thousand times worse than Sup Forums-shitposters
We do.
Even niggers don't deserve that kind of treatment.
>this desperate to make a point
I live in a place that is 99% impoverished mexicans and I have never seen a fast food place like that.
>no refills
Why don't they have a soda fountain? :(
>he doesn't know
Figures you can't count things like per capita
There are more whites than any other race in America dumbass
If 1 guy commits 10 crimes and 10 guys commit 10 crimes it's not the "same"
>flip off the police
>they try to kill you
gotta say it's pretty accurate for a game set in the US
The reason for this is that people will keep the same cup for days or weeks and take it back in to ask for a refill. When it's just one guy, no problem, but if you're general populace consists of freeloaders and scam artists, you have to lay down dumb rules like that.
I haven't been to a fast food place that didn't have the fountains in the kitchen and the dinning area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Whites commit more crime than any other race in America.
but thats the truth in absolute numbers
>not having one
hurrdurr niggers
Probably because you haven't visited one in an area like that.
why does that matter more than per capita?
Now adjust it per person
the lid falls on his hands
If it works, it isn't insanity
(Non Illegal) Mexicans has a moral compass and family tradition and respect.
detroit is a complete hellhole
Oh shit, Hispanic people are streets ahead of the blacks. Soon they will adapt to look like us and act like us, Terminator style.
>Why don't they have a soda fountain? :(
Why the fuck you think, white boi? Fuck you you stupid ass mothafuckin honky bitch I fuckin cut you. Fuck you lookin at? Get the fuck over here. You kinda sexy you can suck my titties if you want. Fuck you mean "no"? Fuck you then, bitch. Fuck outta here while I drink my mothafuckin gallon of Fanta. You got five dollas?
Free Soda is why usa is so fat
It genius. Insanity is farming the same trash mob until you get that loot you wanted, and the drop rate is like .00000000000000000009%
>detroit is a shithole
wow, breaking news. this is definitely indicative of a higher crime rate for blacks. Every city they touch essentially becomes detroit.
shitting wherever you want is why india is so filthy
> tfw you'll never find actual sauce or more images of these people.
nice video games thread
totally not stupid Sup Forums shit lul xd le
>adapt to look and act like us
Well desu they're halfway us already since they're just whites mixed with natives
Unless you count things like "black hispanics" which is just stupid, because those are just blacks living in South America, not the same thing as Hispanics
Im not indian you fat burger
>being so whipped by national health service that you can't enjoy an occasional treat
Considering the entire continent they are from is one big mess of AIDS, civil war, ebola, ethnic cleansing, famine and mud shacks it's not like Detroit is an unfair representation
Buttercup is best PPG, as usual.
On a related note, which is worse: The remake, or PPGZ?
I hope the ones on the left were all at least apologists to the rightmost graph and not innocents who actually hate crime
If that was the case this whole thing would be fine
The remake.
At least PPGZ resulted in some decent porn.
Name it
This will make you feel good
That's good
>having killed somebody doesn't makes you a killer
Baroque is an artistic period, not a technological one.