Assassins Creed


it's missing the black woman assassin

A great concept for a game, shame that it had to be Ubisoft that came up with it.

Decent games dragged down by Ubisoft and the stupid overarching "future" plot that pulls you out of the real game every half hour.

Used to be genuinely great, then went straight into mediocrity. Is supposedly gonna make a great comeback this year.

And I'm waiting for it with excitement.

first three games acceptable, then stop playing

nothing gets resolved - not in a good way at least, and your mind would conjure up better alternatives for it anyway

in terms of gameplay, it's the same tepid shit every game

pirate creed is overrated and probably only enjoyed by people who have an affinity for the setting and/ or naval gameplay; all the parts that are AC-related are the worst the series has ever been

The Assassin's Creed parts are always the worst parts in the games.

The series grew and peaked with Revelations

Then it all went to shit

Armor of Brutus is the best, closely followed by whichever was the best one in revelations.

Black Flag was the best, would have been even better if it wasn't an AC game

2, Brotherhood, Revelations and Black Flag were good

1 was underwhelming

Rest is shite

>i'm a stealth assassins who blends in with the crowd to avoid detection and generally likes to be invisible out in the open
>literally dress like a buff Roman fucking warlord


Killed by a lack of freedom.

Starting with II there was some story overriding gameplay bullshit, and Brotherood and Revelation got a bit worse and worse, but once III hit it just went fucking shit inhaling bad. IV was fun if you speedrun the shittastic main missions so you can just sail the seas but everything else is just cursed by how much Ubisoft wants it to be a specific "cinematic experience".

Ideally these games could have been Hitman in History and allowed the player to explore beautiful historical sandbox environments to assassinate a specific target in them the old fashioned way. This seemed to be the direction 1 started and 2 sort of expanded a bit. But from Brotherhood onwards and culminating in III they went the complete opposite direction and chose the path of directing the player instead of setting the layer free.

I mean from 3 onwards you're literally not even allowed to swing your weapon without the game's permission. Really fucking think about that. Then there's the glorified obstacle courses that are "chase" sequences where you can't actually catch the person until the dev's scripted point when you're supposed to and you can't just shoot them in the back even though there's a gun strapped to your arm. The main mission structure even became so controlled that there are specific goals for each mission.

And then there's just straight up retarded shit like having an entire level be riding around on horseback knocking on doors. Or playing hide and seek. Or walking around a fucking boat. Or having the first six sequences be a tutorial. There are really few games with as much wasted potential as what was established by 1 and 2.

>Implying the other outfits are anything but stupidly noticeable
besides who gives a shit, the stealth mechanics are dated and boring. I'm talking pure design appeal, Brutus is where it's at

Ubisoft has really great ideas for videogames.

It really is a shame that they completely forgot how to make games fun.

you forgot pic related

>i'm a stealth assassins who blends in with the crowd to avoid detection and generally likes to be invisible out in the open
>literally dress like a fucking statue soldier from India

Most aesthetic armor.

AC probably went to shit when ubisoft began to see it as a cashcow - which was right after the release of II - and assumed full control of the series instead letting Patrice Desilets work out his plans.

IIRC, the intention was to have each game have its own self-contained story, one era, and one ancestor-character. That quickly changed when the reception for Ezio was noticeably positive.

>in the same room as Charles Lee multiple times across the events of the game

>armor automatically trims ezios beard in cutscenes

truly most aesthetic

Liked them before then it turned to shit. Black flag was good and unity had customization so that was cool but it's still shit, hopefully empire is good