Resident Evil check this 5 isn't that bad.
Resident Evil check this 5 isn't that bad
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the first title that really fucked up the horror in RE...but i admit one good idea this game have is to actually show the world changing with the last game events.
If some shit like a nuking a city because of a Bioweapon actually happens creating a group like B.S.A.A. makes total sense...its not like romero movies that the military is always dumb,always ignorant .
Its always been a fun coop game at least.
>the first title that really fucked up the horror in RE
Refer to 3, 4, Code Veronica, Survivor, and Dead Aim.
they still have one e or another gimmick that keeps some semblance of horror
RECV-the idea of Steve being greenlight
Didnt actually put the other two since they have the excuse of being spin offs
One of things they fuck off is good part of the game being in daylight in Africa...also some enemies being unispired(Resking of some Re4 enemies,Ooga Booga tribal majini...fucking really?)
when the lickers actually show up are one of my favorite parts tough
Good taste, my friend
>finding the village scary
>finding novistators scary
>finding 4 in any way scary
It's fine. As a single-player game, it doesn't touch RE4, but as a co-op game, it's fantastic.
>enjoyed Survirvor Code Veronica
>but not Dead Aim
>no separated reaction for online and offline of Outbreak
What the fuck
>playing Outbreak offline
It's like playing an MMO on a private server you made with nobody in it.
I was neutral on Dead Aim because I didn't like the TPS+FPS style it had, but I enjoyed everything else.
And I never got to play Outbreak online.
look out guys, we got us a real internet tough guy here
4 is a b-movie horror game. It's like getting scared by Plan 9 From Outer Space
giving people shit over what scares them is ridiculous. You don't choose to be afraid of something.
I can give people shit over being scared about something. If a guy was scared of Gremlins, unless they were molested while watching it, I'd give them shit
>not horror
It was more dramatic, yeah, but it was still horror. They ramped up Nemesis in ways that were focused on making the encounters more stressful, and the Raccoon City design was still moody and dark. Also, still had jump scares like 1/2 had.
I wasn't even scared of 4 when I played it on release, I was like 12 or 11.
Too much ammo. Everything outside of Nemesis was basically just a shooter because you didn't have to worry about conservation. Empowered the player too much to be scary.
Talking shit on Sup Forums, MEET ME SOMEWHERE MUTHAFUCKA, QUIT TALKING SHIT AND MEET ME SUMWHERE. Bring any god damn artillery ya need, cuz i got plenty meet me sumwhere. My whole family on the police force bitch, you think I give a fuck what I do to you?
You're alright then. you can play Outbreak online again btw
Yup, AI fucks up more than it helps
>liked both 5 and 6 more than 4
You don't really have to conserve ammo in any of them. That doesn't change the fact that the art direction and certain changes to the engine are clearly horror focused.
Teach me how to play Outbreak online
And the servers better have more people online than Umbrella Corps
5 and 6 had tighter gameplay and didn't shit all over Leon and Ada's epilogues
6 was a trainwreck, don't even get me started. They gave the zombies guns ffs
5 sucked ass because it forced you to either play with another person or rely on an infinite-ammo fuckdoll NPC who completely removed all the challenge
Sheva/Chris didn't have infinite ammo
you have shit taste m8.
Regardless it was still a step in the wrong direction for the series to force an AI combat-ready partner on you for the entire game.
4 was much more tense because Ash never did anything, you were protecting her. In 5 you get protected by your partner, and in online co-op the entire atmosphere is shot because you're just goofing off with your friends the entire time.
As far as niggerkilling simulators go yes, it isn't that bad.
It also was the turning point when "main" RE games turned to steaming piles of shit though.
>they gave the zombies guns ffs
Don't see what's wrong with that, as at that point, the series had been action oriented since 4
>implying the nps had infinite ammo
>implying 4 was tense because the fuckdoll npc didn't shoot things
>implying any resi past cv had any atmosphere
>implying 4 with giant robot statues, machine gun turrets, one-liners, and midget napoleon was scary
>with giant robot statues, machine gun turrets, one-liners, and midget napoleon was scary
>implying punching boulders is on the same level as "your right hand comes off?"
are you even trying?
Seriously though, the garden was decently tense, the right hand battle was cool, the caged timer boss was awesome, the krauser knife fight was atmospheric as fuck
It would have been okay generic action schlock, but it was a bad RE game. It should have just been 4 again but with less action. What we got was 4 with even more action, and a James Bond plot to boot.
>They gave the zombies guns ffs
Meh. That was never a concept that bothered me much.
>punching boulders
>happens at the end of the game
>the garden was tense
It was just dogs that went down easily
>the right hand battle was cool
It was 'run up to canister, click button, shoot, run to other canister, shoot, end'
>the caged timer boss
That was pretty fun
>the krauser knife fight was atmospheric as fuck
Button prompts flashing on screen during a cutscene is not how you do atmosphere
A senior moment, perhaps?
Remember the Humvee in 5?
>it was just dogs that went down easy
>it was just run up to canister, click button, shoot, run to other canister, shoot, end
You can literally describe every boss battle in history like that.
>Button prompts flashing on screen during a cutscene is not how you do atmosphere
did you happen to play it years after release when QTEs became a lot more popular? I could see you hating them if you played all the other stuff with QTEs after, but at the time it was hype as fuck.
Zombies should not have guns, it breaks realism. You can believe that Leon survives an axe slash to the arm after spraying it with a first aid kit, it's hard to believe he survives a bullet to the chest after doing the same.
4 contained some seriously ridiculous shit, but it still emphasized atmosphere for at least 2/3s of the game. It was really when you hit the military complex that it all went to shit. Even then, though, they went out of their way to remind you that you were still playing a Resident Evil game:
Reminder that REVII ripped off Voodoo Squad.
4 went to shit after the village and halfway through the castle the game just began to be a drag to play through.
>you can literally describe every boss battle in history like that
That's why it wasn't memorable, realize you are destroying your own points
And yes, I played 4 years after release, I played it's PS4 rerelease as my first playthrough.
Also, your comparison is autistic
>hurr, he could survive an axe but not a bullet
Remember the machine gun in 4? Or the enemies that used chainsaws.
And guns don't kill realism. If anything, the enemies should be able to use guns as 6 was the point where the outbreaks were starting to go to the enemies we see in Vendetta and VII, where they are controlled
>Zombies should not have guns, it breaks realism.
I hate to break it to you, but zombies aren't real to begin with. Unless we're talking voo doo zombies.
It's as scary as you want it to be, just like any game/movie/book. NONE of the RE games are scary, unless you intentionally let your self have fun and get scared a bit.
>That's why it wasn't memorable, realize you are destroying your own points
What is your favorite boss battle of all time?
It's not memorable because all you had to do to beat it was X, Y, Z.
>Remember the machine gun in 4?
>Or the enemies that used chainsaws.
both of these would kill you VERY quickly, the chainsaw was a one-shot.
Okay, let's give Leon the ability to fly and shoot lasers out of his eyes next time, because it's just a game after all and nothing within it is real.
It's not as if the zombies have great aim.
>implying 4 shits all over leon and ada's epilogues
WHAT epilogues? At the end of 2, Leon says "you're right, this isn't over", then continues to deal with BOWs
Ada is revealed to be a spy at the end of 2, and viola, in 4 she's still a spy. What are you complaining about?
Implying the game that enabled you to make tons of ammo with the gunpowder wasn't a shooter.
>movie 6
>not kino
You're a trinity of bitches
So it didn't throw your realism off when Leon dodged all those lasers? Or killed an entire village single handily? Or that he never showed any fear or got freaked out by any monsters and always had an action movie hero quip to dish out?
I just don't think you can argue realism too much when it comes to Resident Evil.
Say what you want about RE 5 but Capcom put in that production value.
This is the most beautiful game in the series, at least graphically.
>So it didn't throw your realism off when Leon dodged all those lasers?
Actually no, he does a similar acrobatic feat in the Krauser knife fight. He's a trained special agent and he got lucky, I can totally justify that. What I can't justify is him getting shot in the face and being fine after splashing some green herb powder in it.
>Or killed an entire village single handily?
He didn't kill the entire village, he just held out for 7 minutes or so. In fact, he could have completed that section without killing anyone.
>that he never showed any fear or got freaked out by any monsters and always had an action movie hero quip to dish out?
This isn't exactly Leon's first rodeo with zombies, he was in RE2.
There's more to most boss fights than just that.
My favourite boss fight is MGS4's Screaming Mantis fight. If you don't know what that is, just look it up as I don't feel like explaining it.
>the machine gun killed you very quickly
Yeah, because it was a huge ass machine gun. Chris could tank bullets from Wesker as well.
The RE3 Epilogue files that you get from beating the game on hard multiple times.
Seriously, have you even played the classic games? I'm guessing not as you misquote one of Leon's most popular quotes besides 'You're small time' and 'Your right hand comes off?'
In the RE3 epilogue, Leon is grim as fuck and is being an agent to protect Sherry, meanwhile in 4 he's cracking jokes all the time and just goofing around.
In Ada's epilogue, they showed Ada had some hidden character development we could possibly see in a future game, and how her real name wasn't even Ada, but here comes RE4 wanting to ditch any story to have a fun action game shouldn't be apart of the series for how little it actually contributes.
I didn't like it cause it ditched the cosplayers
I'm guessing you played it on Easy where they gave you majority of the weapons and a shitton of ammo and gunpowder at the start
>Properly got into Resident Evil last year
>1 plays pretty badly
>Haven't played 2-3, waiting for the remake of 2
>4 feels bad at first, but when you master the controls, it's so fucking fun and rewarding
>5 is fun, I like Kung-fu Wesker, Rood Chris etc
>6 is genuinely fun, plays so well and has a fun story
>Athough ammo is far too scarce for RE6 which makes no sense when the game is an action game and not survival horror based like older games
>RE7 feels like one of those cheap, "horror" movies or TV shows you'd find on AMC, absolutely devoid of life or personality like the older games
Call me crazy, but I prefer Metal Gear Solid, with zombies, not shitty horror like RE7. I'll treat the RE Vendetta as the true RE7.
>MGS4's Screaming Mantis fight.
That fight was god awful, but
>inject yourself
>knock out meryl
>shoot mantis and grab red doll
>shoot mantis with red doll
Now how is that any different fom
>run down corridor away from moster
>tip over nitrogen canister when he is close
>shoot him until he thaws
>run away
>tip over another canister when he is close
>shoot him some more
My point is that any fight can be trivialized, it doesn't make them trivial.
>I prefer Metal Gear Solid, with zombies
You're in for a treat then.
>ammo is too scarce
Use melee, dumbass.
>1 plays pretty badly
Understandable, tank controls haven't aged well, but it's fun when you get into the groove of things.
>haven't played 2-3, waiting for remake of 2
Play 2 first. It improves a lot from RE1, and you won't really notice the changes or improvements if you just jump into REmake 2.
Also, 3 is a game you can play multiple times and never have the same experience because of how varied the Nemesis encounters are based on your decisions.
>opinions on 4-6 are cool
>opinion on RE7 is cool
If you're into the series, I suggest you go back and play Outbreak 1 and 2 as well as 2 and 3, as they all take place at around the same time and it's pretty interesting to see multiple perspectives and stories during the Fall of Raccoon City.
Also, CVX is essential (but Steve and its difficulty may stop you), 0 is optional and Sup Forums is divided on it, Umbrella Chronicles gives you The Fall of Umbrella which is fun, and the CG movies and Revelations fill in the gaps between the later more action-oriented games.
Not him, but
>generic crafting shit
>4 player co-op
inb4 "f-fun with friends"
Find a fucking flaw
>Actually no, he does a similar acrobatic feat in the Krauser knife fight. He's a trained special agent and he got lucky, I can totally justify that.
You have to admit it's still a pretty ridiculous moment. I don't know if there's any trained government agents that can pull off the shit Leon did to avoid those lasers.
>He didn't kill the entire village
You seriously could've fooled me with the massive body count Leon racks up in this game.
>This isn't exactly Leon's first rodeo with zombies, he was in RE2.
He felt more like an actual person in RE2. They really went full on action hero with him in RE4. He's definitely not the same character at all.
I knew that was coming, I should elaborate more. RE reminds me of MGS because they both have that cheesy "action film" feel that only the Japanese can do right in games.
I do, but I can't always do that, especially on max difficulty with infected shooting at me.
>Understandable, tank controls haven't aged well, but it's fun when you get into the groove of things.
It's the aiming that bothers most.
>Play 2 first. It improves a lot from RE1, and you won't really notice the changes or improvements if you just jump into REmake 2.
Also, 3 is a game you can play multiple times and never have the same experience because of how varied the Nemesis encounters are based on your decisions.
Might consider it then. Love the sound of the Nemesis system.
Might check out those others too. I played Umbrella Chronicls when I was younger on my Wii. I didn't hate it by an means. I might get it on sale on the PS3.
Except the Screaming Mantis fight actually requires you to think. Mantis is controlling people through nanomachines, so use your injection, then you have to figure out which doll to shoot, the correct doll being Mantis as he was the one who had the ability to control people, but you can optionally get the sorrow doll for when you replay the game.
Once you actually get the doll, the fight is straightforward as the doll description tells you what it does, but the journey to get there is fucking great.
Now, while you oversimplified the Mantis fight, you over complicated the right hand fight, which is
>knock over canister with button prompts
>repeat once more
The fight was trivial as it came almost out of nowhere, all you get is 'I'll send my right hand to finish you off' and a few small cutscenes. I didn't even know it was supposed to be a boss fight until I ended up watching a guy play through 4 and call the right hand fight a boss fight.
Her only flaw was being in a mediocre Resident Evil game.
>They gave the zombies guns ffs
You mean like 4 and 5?
She should have her own game
>tfw RE5 is probably my overall favorite
I haven't even played it in co-op. Yeah, not much of a horror, but the game was great fun, really playable, great enemy/level design, fantastic graphics (and ridiculously well-optimized on PC) at the time.
I can't, potnah.
>You have to admit it's still a pretty ridiculous moment.
Of course, but it's no more ridiculous than being chased across a bridge by a giant robot or wading through a sewer filled with invisible bugs.
>You seriously could've fooled me with the massive body count Leon racks up in this game.
You can beat the game by killing less than 50 zombies IIRC
This is a joke right, have you played 4 and 5?
>Except the Screaming Mantis fight actually requires you to think.
It really doesn't. I bruteforced it on my playthrough and it took me maybe 5 minutes. The Ocelot fistfight was more intense, hell the fucking microwave hallway was more intense than the mantis fight.
You completely missed my point about trivializing things though, way to go.
>The fight was trivial as it came almost out of nowhere
this is not what trivial means
This. I hope they use her in another game.
it was tons of fun and was great to co-op
Mercenaries was also one of the greatest parts of any RE game
Lost in Nightmares was GOAT
Those weren't zombies, idiot.
>aiming that bothers me most
Doesn't the original auto-aim? I know 2 and 3 do, and it's easy to shoot at enemies, so long as they are on screen (but if they aren't, auto-aiming automatically aims at them)
>love the sound of the nemesis system
The Nemesis system is basically QTEs, and there's about 7 of them, the first having three outcomes:
>run into the police station
>fight nemesis
Option A:
>run inside and find Jill's police badge to get the code for the STARS Office Key
>fight nemesis
>get Brad's badge meaning you don't have to backtrack as much
>if on hard, you can down Nemesis for gun parts
Not choosing anything:
>same as B but Nemesis lands a hit on you
The attached image explains all the variations for the most part, there are some differences that seemingly happen at random I believe
So... did they?
>Starts out not providing any input, is ready to cut and run when shit hits the fan
>By the middle she's more vocal about things, saving Chris's life at every turn, making choices for the team and by the end even willing to sacrifice herself to kill Wesker
>yfw you realized she has some of the deepest character development in the series
This is horrible taste.
Potentially bait.
>RE3 being rated higher than RE and RE2
>RE6 not being removed from the image because of how bad it is
>RE4 just average but RE Survivor rated high
>RE1 live action movie rated lower than any of the other live action movies even though its the only good one
I'm convinced this is bait and it worked
Her and Josh probably did because they flirt like fuck all through RE5's DLC which made waifufags butthurt
Fuck off, RE6 is fine. Better than VII, at least.
>1 plays badly but I'm waiting for REmake 2 to play 2 and 3 even though they play exactly the same.
If you don't enjoy the tank controls REmake has an option to make it normal controls
It isn't, friend
>re3 being rated higher than re and re2
It's equal to re2 but definitely better than re1. The Nemesis system is fucking amazing, story is great and it's peak survival horror combat on the PS1.
>re6 not being removed from the image because of how bad it is
I thought it was pretty fun as I didn't walk in like an autist thinking it was going to be focused on horror after many action centric games, including 2 main series action games
>re4 is just average but re survivor is rated high
RE Survivor didn't ruin RE3's epilogues
>re1 live action movie rated lower than any of the other live action movies even though its the only good one
Neck yourself if you think that. What about the first RE movie is good? There are no memorable moments really and it's generally dogshit all around.
To be fair, all the movies are dogshit, but I fucking adore Afterlife and Retribution because of how bad they are. They also have best Wesker and those amazing cosplayers.
It breaks the game, but yeah, it exists
Pffhahah nope go fuck yourself
Take your own advice, kiddo.
I haven't played 7 yet, but shove it up your ass this game is terrible.
>dat bulge
>I haven't played 7 yet, but
>only played 2 hours of 6
Neck yourself, underage.
>HUEHUE'd by Carlos
>BLACKED by Josh
what did Jill mean by this?
I'm 22, what are you even talking about.
I only played 2 hours of it because it was SHIT.
>even including the movies
not one of them except the first is worth watching
RE 1,2 and 3 should all be rated highest but RE6 is 100% garbage. RE4 changed the formula but it grew on me and soon enjoyed it but still prefer the survival horror of the original games. RE1 movie is the only one that Alice isn't some badass zombie killer that has no fear and isnt all action micheal bay explosion.
>Nu uh answer
>Muh everyone is underage
Shit answers,shit taste,shit everything...good fucking thing they goes back to horror and the shitstain that was RE6 will be always cosidered the black sheep of the mainline franchise
enjoy eating shit
>doesn't play even 1/4 of the game before judging it
You're a fucking moron.
>i'm 22
somehow that makes me even more disgusted
Fuck off Leonfag
Stay mad, nu-fan. VII is already nearly forgotten.
Oh shit really?
top kek...that why as aways prefer Chris x Rebecca
Not that guy but I played RE5 and RE6 with my brother co-op style and we couldn't even finish RE6 because of how bad it was we finished Leon's story and put it down they really need to make another RE5 style coop game it was really fun
Oh boy, the good ol'
>You CAN'T hate (game I like) you haven't played it enough
>You CAN'T hate (game I like) you played it for way too many hours
The game was complete ass, just accept it.
Please elaborate
And RE6 will aways be hated...except by retards like you
Stay Wrong,shithead
meant to grab you, not myself
I really liked 5. Fuck all ya'll.
>I'm 22
Nigga please.