Best Tank thread

Best Tank thread.

Post D.Va

desu I've fallen out with Overwatch. I haven't even done my season 4 placements. Is season 4 even still going on or did it end?

I'm just going to bump this because of the usual anti-PC shitposting on page 1 and this thread will probably end up being better


I want to have sex with this tank

i started using her because roadhog doesnt seem as good any more.

god shes boring easy trash.

actually fuck overwatch roadhog was the only fun character now to many babies complained about him and he has seemed to have fallen behind after most other characters got buffs

DVa is actually a pretty bad tank in the meta right now. She doesn't dive as well as Winston or block damage as well as Rein or save people like Zarya. She has precision mobility and can block certain ults but overall she's low-tier


DVA's Meka looks more feminine than Orisa







They're gonna have a cute sleepover and play her favorite games


Not until they do makeovers


cute is canon

D.Va is best girl. Winston is beat tank.

I want to lick that navel.

>roadhog dosent seem good any more

This is now a Mako Rutledge thread

Let me dip into my folder

Winston a cute!


Best pop

>The mirror shows us what we desire the most, but cannot have


I like dva because shes a young teen with a small frame and features she shouldn't have. Blizzard really knows their demographic.

get it? I'm saying you're horned up kids who still think with your dicks

I like this kind of jumpsuit

I want Hana to mount me like she does her meka.

Climb inside of you?


more gremlin pls

Does this count as a gremlin Mei?



What would her parents think of this awful behavior?


best tank best girl


Best gamurrrr

>yfw then announce that Hana Song is actually transgender

Fuug I'm just think bout how on the left is how when shes being a good girl and gets jacks attention but on the right its how you treat a spoiled brat who needs to be put in her place

"There's two sides of me: sweetest gamer gurl you'll ever meet,"
"And TWISTED FUCKING PSYCO-put me down!"

This is exactly like that one thing where the horrible looking rich fat guy buys an elf slave, then brings her home and gives her a nice life. Anyone still have that comic?

They're both going to the bedroom, regardless.

Holy shit please. I know someone has to have it

>she makes you beat her in Puyo Puyo Tetris before you can sex her



it's still going

>for some reason, ow changes the server I'm playing this season
>went from 2950 to 2125


that's not orisa

I'm more of a Battle Raper kinda guy.

You're missing the last part where she's putting a crown of flowers on his head while he sleeps.

>"You wanna play me in THIS? F-fine! I'll kick your butt anyway"

Is this from a video I may get the source on?

>haven't played OW in a few months
>queue into comp
>win and it was just non try hard friendly game
>no motivation to play another round

what is with blizzard games these days