>they actually did it
>they made someone more of a fucking retard than Junpei and Yosuke put together
Bravo Atlus, always out doing yourself
>they actually did it
>they made someone more of a fucking retard than Junpei and Yosuke put together
Bravo Atlus, always out doing yourself
Effing you
Whatever do you mean, Tuh-Kah-Muh-Key?
And he's still better than them
Junpei > Ryuji >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Yosuke
I just beat Kamoshida and he's been way better than both Junpei and Yosuke, what are you smoking?
>bitch as hating nigga who fucked you over for a ugly goth chick
I was laughing when his girl died
>anyone better than Junpei
>not Death arcana
Junpei is Persona's best boy.
Nigga play more of the game
He fucking shouts and acts like a retard every second and blatantly screams out they're the phantom thieves on the phone.
He literally won't fucking calm down
>Junpei is Persona's best boy
>go to a crowded restaurant
>oh yeah, it's totally awesome that we get to eat this well and it's all because WE ARE THE PHANTOM THIEVES!
Which is better than Junpei? The one who loves balls or pic related?
t. Alberto Barbossa
>As the person who creates the characters, it’s only natural that the ones most dear to me are the ones I had the hardest time constructing. It’s always tough to come up with the characters who set up the game—the ones who help give the players their initial motivation. In Persona 4, that was Yosuke, Chie, Yukiko, and especially Teddie. In Persona 3, it was Junpei, Yukari, Akihiko, and Mitsuru.
>He likes Yosuke
No wonder Persona is an awful series.
I can't help but think that him and Kanji probably experimented later on.
>tfw p5 doesn't have a tough guy to balance the faggots like the 3 OP mentioned
We haven't had a good tough guy since P3 though, Kanji was a fag, closest thing that game had to one was fucking Naoto
Also, Ryuji is still based from time to time
Akihiko is best boy objectively
I want to fuck Akihiko
Fucking hell Ryuji is truly /ourguy/
Isn't it tah-kah
That's how they say it
he's a loudmouth sperg
but still total bro tier also,
>trying to get you laid with a call-in maid
It's goes Junpei > Ryuji > Yosuke. Very few games, especially RPGs, get characters down as well as Junpei. Looking back on P3 years later I can say that he was one of the strongest characters in the game from a writing and character arc standpoint. Rather than sucking the MCs dick he gets jealous and complains but still wants to get stronger. Over the course of the story he matures and puts his petty jealousy behind him. He learns what it means to love and what it means to lose someone close to you. He has to grow up really fast to deal with the situation at hand, but it doesn't happen over night and he does it mostly on his own.
That one dialogue doesn't make a character
He's still a fucking retard
Kanji was even more relaxed than him which is hilarious
Does he take more dicks up the ass then Yosuke?
Kanji was best boy though. It's just that he was also best girl as well, and that's what makes him even better.
Ryuji is great too and really passionate, but that passion is also a vice for him as he can be a bit too bullheaded.
Kanji was pretty cool, especially compared to Naoto. Naoto was such a dumbfuck it's unreal when you think about it. For someone touted as the brilliant Detective Prince, she sure fucks up a lot and bases a lot of her claims on assumptions and circumstantial evidence. The way she tried to handle the decision of what to do about Namatame when she's supposed to be the most level-headed and logical of the group permanently scared her character for me. Still mad cute though.
what he's a flawed fool but he tries his best
lost his waifu (saving her is non canon) and still going on
>get characters down as well as Junpei
This is why i can't take personafags seriously
They honestly think Junpeis character writing is marvelous and something thats iconic. They see someone with a standard token character development which anyone could see coming from a mile away and then fan wank over it.
It's a shame Persona Q had to end in a way where nothing really made a difference. Kanji ended up being a pretty good role model for Ken.
His English VA was great, but his JP one was phenomenal and added a lot more nuance to the character. In English, his VA runs into an issue wear he keeps the thug voice and abrasiveness on too often, whereas his JP VA gets it just right for certain scenes.
Oh Ryuji my dude.
Junpei is really well written for what he is and his character development is less hamfisted than what you'll find in most RPGs. He's nothing to wank over or call iconic, but he's one of the better written characters of Persona 3 just because his simple character arc was carried out so well. In comparison to Yosuke, he's certainly amazing at least.
Ryuji is what Americans call a spaz.
He's also what Europeans call a spaz.
I don't get this meme. Morgana is the one with a thing for Ann. Ryuji is just a friend and even encourages you to go for Ann at one point.
The main problem is that the games still haven't moved on from making someone the stupid butt monkey that wants everyone to mock.
Junpei was an annoying piece of shit for a lot of the game, even if he was relatable. He only got development because of his "romance" with Chidori, and even then it felt half-assed.
The problem with Ryuji is that he has an arc set up for him right in the beginning and then it gets hijacked by Ann. His social link is tragic, but it's focused more on the track team and has some really big values dissonance given that he blames himself for everything that's happened to him. And then the game just decides to kick his development off a cliff to make way for waifus.
>To duke
This, id never dream of getting in the way of Morgana fucking Ann.
Yosuke was the worst by far. I can't understand how people called him Brosuke for a time, he's such a fucking tool. That said, Kanji was best boy.
honestly, cucking that annoying piece of shit is probably the main reason I would go for Ann.
Kanji got a lot of development in PQ and I was really happy with his characterization and how much screen time he got. It's a shame most people miss it as they like to play on P3 route over the P4 route.
It's because on first playthrough you don't realize what a tool he is. At least for me. I was too busy managing shit to notice what assholes everyone was.
>I don't get this meme.
Projection and self-inserting as the wrong guy.
Ryuji is the one with a huge beef against Kamoshida along with Ann, so defeating Kamoshida and getting a weight off Ann's shoulders, that along with Ryuji and Ann being bros, makes some think Ryuji should gotten Ann or something.
>when Kanji told Rise to fuck and not call him by his first name as if they're familiar
I honestly couldn't stand To Duke after a while because he just seemed liked a constant dick rider, but that's true for a lot of the characters in P4. Almost of everyone was incompetent and needed the player to solve all of their problems. It even reversed their character development at times so that you could be there to help them or calm down the group.
>Tfw i never played it because i'm not an eq fan and that art was offputting.
Honestly Ryuji is worse
He keeps fucking shouting
He's the EXACT character you wouldn't want in a criminal group
>tfw put off playing it for a long time and ended up enjoying it more than both P3 and P4 when I finally played it
Everyone knows that Makoto Yuki is best boy.
Kanji "I'm gonna renovate your ass!" Tatsumi.
You didn't miss much then. The gameplay was fun if you're into EQ stuff, but a lot of the characters were written as flandarized versions of themselves (ie more meat related shit for Chie and more gay jokes about Kanji from Yosuke). Kanji was one of the few characters who were written okay in Q.
Who cares, in the end none of their victories were through sneaking, they are pretty much forced to take shit down by force, and force is what Ryuji has.
>Saves the team on the cruise with last real ''run'' as a jock
>Dumb but still bro tier
Fuck you OP he's the realest nigga
This. He's dumb and acknowledges that thinking isn't his strong suit, but he knows how to keep it real and can be surprisingly passionate and tough when he needs to be.
Meh, he's not as bad as you think, at least he has his moments
Da Man > Ryuji > Yosuke
Yikes, can't believe people willingly defend a brainless hot headed fag
I'm not saying he's not a hot head or that he's anything special in the intelligence department, but he's got a lot of passion and he works hard for his team. When push comes to shove, he's the kind of loyal guy you want fighting by your side.
He´s not that well written but compared to the rest of the p3 cast he´s extremely well done. P3 cast felt like a bunch of lifeless robots and Junpei seem more human than everyone else so he shines more which most personafags mistake as a well written character
Lifeless robots? Even aigis felt passionate about her shit and she is literaly a robot, most of the time shit wasnt cheary and people were relatively calm but akihiko and company were never stoic or anything
I'd argue that Yukari was decently well written as well, which is why she comes across as a bitch to some. The game is about a group of people who are forced to band together and don't always get along. Some friction is to be expected.
>he's the kind of loyal guy you want fighting by your side
If i ever had a organised group where i want my identies to remain unknown retards like him can fuck off with his passion and fucking the group over with his yapping
The keyword in that sentence you quoted was "fighting". He's great in a scrap and he can be reliable. Outside of that he's at least fast acting. This can lead to some poor decisions, but it means he can at least make choices in situations where you don't have time to stop and think. Good guy to have in the dungeons at your side, but not so much in meetings around other people.
Because we can see a real dude who can work with what he has, I think the fag here is you.
Only popular P5 thread I could find, so does anyone have any advice on beating Madarame? I'm getting my fucking ass beat.
Is there anything Ryuji DOESN'T think is bullshit?
You know how Junpei and Yosuke slowly mellow out over the course of the game?
Ryuji doesn't do that.
He gets LOUDER.
Focus on the eyes and nose first. Hit him with AoE physical skills to knock them out fast and then kill the mouth separately with your strongest magical skills.
Do you know the gimmick with the mouth and eyes?
If so, then fuck up the eyes first, don't worry about healing the mouth.
Then kill the mouth real quick.
His normal form is weak, just maximize damage (i.e. rakunda).
Why would he be Death?
Literally nobody picked Daisuke's link.
Nobody's saying he's an example of marvelous character writing, just that he's probably the best written character in the series. When most of the characters are shitty one dimensional stereotypes that's a low fucking bar.
I am on 10/1 and Ryuji is absolutely unbearable.
Honestly the worst thing about the game. The thief shit is just wrapping paper.
Imagine if they did a FeMC route for this game.
>artist loser
>your guardian perving out on you 24/7
No thanks.
I'd fuck Yusuke, no homo.
>new version of P5 we all know they're going to make has a female route
>they heard westerners bitching about no same sex relationships so FeMC can only date women
This is why voicing in rpgs is cancer
I like you
Post >yfw there won't be a portable Persona 5 because PSP and Vita will be 100% dead in a year or two
P5 is already on vita with remote play :^)
Morgana using media
Ryuji spamming rampage
Ann healing when need be, otherwise doing attacks
Get Shiisaa to spam rampage, use Rakukaja on yourself if you have it
Literally been the most use of my Vita in probably 2 years. And it's absolutely incredible
>tfw I pirated my Vita so I can't use Remote Play
At least I can play Persona 4.
>not ditching Morgana for Yusuke as soon as you can
The guy is a god of Phys damage and crits. He's also slippery as fuck and keeps dodging shit.
>>tfw I pirated my Vita so I can't use Remote Play
I mean, it was worth it but fuck, I want to get comfy with P5
>he guy is a god of Phys damage and crits
So why not ditch Ryuji, at least Morgana has heals
There are very few posts in these threads where I can tell someone actually played even a little of the past 3 games but this is one of them.
Ryuji is great for DPS as well. The best way to keep your health up is to kill everything before it can kill you.
But i'm better than everyone in the team
Several people said the same thing. Yosuke is generally called the worst.
True, but I like to have a safety net just incase
Guys i've unlocked the church (finally) but it won't let me talk to Hifumi?
I usually handle mass healing myself and let Ann handle single target heals. I replaced Ann with Makoto though because she has better heals.
Just a reminder to people who don´t know, you can make lockpicks and shit the night you send the calling card. It´s the only thing you can do so take advantage.
Kanji was okay but his writing was mired with him being a literal fucking neanderthal, they dropped his IQ to double digits.
But at least his characterization didn't get gangraped and left in an alley like Teddie and Akihiko did.
Yeah, and you only need like 3 per dungeon, so that's all the crafting you ever have to do.