This game looks like your typical weeb shit...

This game looks like your typical weeb shit. Is it actually that good or it's just another case of pc userbase starving for any japanese vidya?

It's weebshit but it's actually really good.

Perhaps Call of Duty might be more of your thing.

babby's first metanarrative
Japanese Undertale

i started off not really liking it, but it does pick up and i did enjoy it. don't expect it to be the GOAT game that fags on Sup Forums say it is

weebshit is rarely good, but somehow nier makes it work

It's weebshit so it's automatically good.

It's combat is alright, but as far as Platinum titles go, it's on the lower rung. Definitely lacks the depth that titles such as Bayonetta possess.

How can a game made by Japan be weebshit?

I have the money and I want to buy it but i'm worried about the performance on my 4gb 680 gtx.

actually, given the pc announcement was close to release, it's pcbros get a rare slice of normally ps4 exclusive Kino

>hard is so hard it's no fun
>normal is too easy

The fuck do I do?
Also, yeah the games good but it's no bayonetta.

Everybody I personally know who fawns over this game is a massive PCfag so yeah probably.

For the record, I own this game as well. It's pretty decent, being a Platinum game and all, but it's nowhere nearly as good as some other games that have been released this year and it's not even close to being in the higher tiers of Platinum games.

wew lad nu-Sup Forums has a pretty distorted idea of weebshit is.

if you honestly think nier constitutes weeb shit you have absolutely no fucking clue what real weeb shit is.

unless this is all postmodern post-ironic bait shitposting and basically im fucking stupid in which case fuck this underage board

that's what they said about p5.

Combat is repetitive, shmup sessions are too easy, hacking minigame is easy AND repetitive, half the boss fights are extended cutscenes, there's no replay value besides doing the sidequests, soundtrack and writing is bretty good though.

Keep in mind this is an action RPG and NOT a cuhrayzee action game a la Bayonetta.

P5 is not good?

Check the games steam forum.
Someone made a fix that lets the game run even on shit PCs.

Have you actually played the game? Both the stylism and the entire plot play out like a super generic anime. The game reeks of weebshit.

Mainly the story and design are good if you're into that sort of thing. Also the OST.

Its 30+ hours game so replay value is not realy an issue.

Its a combination of both.

with some of the combat glitches already found i think thats debateable I think its definitly higher than mgr and close to bayo 2

This to be honest. Automata isn't a bad game but it's certainly one of the weaker Platinum titles.

no, it's supposed to be an rpg but it's on rails for most of the game and allows you barely any freedom. the combat is repetitive, the characters are lazy archetypes and are annoying, the story is lame, the world lacks things to do outside of listening to random conversations, etc. it's an overrated piece of shit.

No, that makes it anime.

Weebs are wanna-be japanese (taken when the woord Weaboo was used to filter out "Wapanese" on Sup Forums.

Something made by Japan can't be wapanese.

I don't think you understand what people actually mean when they say "weebshit".

sounds just like persona 3 to me

>writing is bretty good
Close but no cigar.

have you actually finished the game? you can make as many retarded generalizations to anime as you want, but compared to other games taro games aren't even close to being "weebshit" games. The game in no way panders to weeaboos, the only people it tries to appeal to were those who enjoyed previous yoko taro games, but for some reason a few idiots saw ass and assumed the entire game was waifubait.

>hurr durr the game isn't happy-go-lucky bullshit therefore it was obviously trying to appeal to edgy weeb teenagers haha

kill yourself

Hard is kinda more annoying than hard.

Don't tell me you didn't cry when toobie said nines for the first time.

Ignore the sidequests so you're underleveled?

It has serious flaws. I dont know why it received so many 9s

Its inferior to practically any other platinum game combat wise.
The map is empty as fuck and it only serves as huge loading screen between actual levels. Might as well be a regular beat em up like Bayonetta.
Graphics are kinda shitty but its expected from a low budget game

Frankly it feels more like a 40 bucks title. Not a 60 full price. Music is great tho.

Meme personality directed it and its all dark subversive and fanservicey like anime fans love so it gets massively blown out of proportion by its audience. Its still a good game though if you lover Platinum action stuff but ymmv on the rest depending on how much you like anime and making memes around personalities. Honestly though just play the demo, that's what I did to see if it was all just purely noise cause of memes and shit


Its basically every thing that's trendy in anime right now much as its audience tris to make it out like it'd somehow subversive. I mean it's by the biggest publisher in Japan who have been whoring it out in everything from FFXV to Valkyria Profile

For 60 bucks you better be damn sure I will ask for the whole package. Also, nice way of dismissing the other criticisms.

The high specs listed are only if you plan on cranking up AA.
MSAA is hardware intensive. As long as you keep it turned down to a reasonable level you should be fine.

play other taro games, faggot

he's been doing this shit since 2003

This game has strange flaws, and it's really empty in places, but god damn if it isn't just fantastic. I love it so much, and this isn't my typical game. I play just about everything but my bread and butter is shooters.


I literally can't do that though. I've been trying but it's hard to just ignore sidequests.

Gee I wonder if people absolutely spamming memes about the MCs ass for weeks leading up to its release and her outfit starting a pixiv trend and people still kind of posting ass threads had something to do with that. The guy who directed it even joked on twitter that based on fan feedback apparently a sequel should just be a platinum game designers ass model on screen for 30 hours gyrating. Its like people don't actually realize the guy was joking about the whole fake screenshot controversy and have run it completely into the ground and you can tell he's sorry he ever made that comment cause people won't stop spamming his twitter feed wth bad jokes about it. It seems to be dawning on him that his fanbase is kind of fucking retarded

seriously though the reason why it doesn't look as good as it could be is to keep constant a 60 fps rate on the PS4

Scoring Nier lower based on its technical pitfalls is like giving a super awesome single player game a lower score because the multiplayer is shit. It misses the point.

It's like what July's said in Pulp Fiction, "whether or not what we experienced was an 'according to Hoyle' miracle is insignificant. What is significant is that I felt the touch of God. God got involved"

The game is technically competent and that is enough to deliver the experience. An experience that leaves a greater impression than the sum of its parts.


Meant Jules.
Fucking auto-correct

Yeah except then it was actually kind of subversive and counter culture, now it'd in keeping with anime culture trends which is large part of the reason it's doing way better than any other game he's ever been involved in. That and not having dog shit gameplay for once. Seriously every other trendy Japanese anime style thing trying to be all nihilistic and subversive had actually gotten kind of old this decade so much stuff does it. I can't wait for the next wave of stuff being ironically subversive of stuff that's trying to be all dark and depressing, now that'll be some real next level meta

If you ignore the sidequests you not only miss a ton of important info about the plot but you also miss many of the materials you need to upgrade everything. Much of the unique items needed to upgrade your weapons and pods can only be found by completing specific sidequests.

I did like 6% of them and still beat the game fine. You can do them later with chapter select.

Well excuse Yoko Taro for not keeping up with the latest anime trends.
Or taking part in starting them

>ironically subversive
Literally Drakengard 3. Self-parody in it's highest form.

You obviously have no idea of Yoko Taro's thought process when making games. And if you interpreted this game as being nihilism, or of any of his games as being that you're a fucking retard.

Also bonus points if you employ some sort of awkward and convoluted story telling methid's like "backwards storytelling" and branching paths and endings like a visual novel. Otaku/Weebs love to praise that sort of shit. It can be trendy and keeping with all other popular trends but mess with the storytelling and perspective a little and point it out in marketing and the weebs will always go apeshit and call it "genius" every single time

I didn't say you couldn't beat the game without them i said you miss story and upgrade items.

You speak as if every VN ever were a huge critical success.

Do normal on Route A, then hard going forward

It's basically an anime with strong themes and only partially-realized characters blended with a below-average Platinum game. YMMV, but I liked it. If the characters and plot itself were stronger it could have been legendary.

Jesus christ how fucking full of yourself are you. I suppose Dishonered is weeb shit too, since the canon ending of the multiple ending is the edgiest, and it panders to weebs by giving you multiple endings?

Admittedly I'm not as much of an expert on Anime Culture as you are though, so maybe I should stop arguing with you now.

>people calling it a Platinum game
Lol it's a yoko taro game the fuck u on about?

>writing is bretty good though.
I think you're confusing "writing" with "concepts". The writing is mediocre as fuck. The concepts are good, the execution is what you'd expect from typical anime shit. The only thing really amazing about the game is the soundtrack.

>The only thing really amazing about the game is the soundtrack.
I guess that makes it the best sequel to Nier

Oh come on don't tell me the Popopla and Devola backstory novel thing wasn't well written.

user stop feeding the troll.
Just ignore the fag, they're only interesting in shitting up anything that other people like.

except for all the jackasses that into pod canceling, self destruct canceling and understanding layers of frame cancels. This is why the action genre suffers. All action games are approachable to everyone that's the point after all to have that arcade feel, but there's designs in the depth that allow high skill to shine. But it leaves open to shitposting of under not understanding the basics of why action games are easy to approach hard to master.

None of that has any purpose outside speedruns though,

>well written
I'm talking the game in it's entirety and how it handles it's characters. 2B, 9S, A2. It doesn't convince you these are real relatable individuals, they come off as cartoons aka typical anime characters.

>criticizing a game means you're a troll
End yourself. I don't even hate the game, I just know it has shortcomings that kept me from rating it over an 8 at best.

I don't know, I thought 9s was relatable as a naive child and 2b was kind of a cold bitch.

>typical weeb shit.
Define 'typical' weeb shit. Typical weeb shit to me is Nep-shit, this looks nothing like that.

You are the problem with action games.
>I don't have to be stylish so why should I bother.
Because that's the whole point of this genre otherwise they wouldn't make combat like this.
This is also why the action genre suffers as a whole is because of people like you. So they make the game approachable, but still leave in depth so that people that do enjoy the action genre get what they are looking for. But overall it's gradually hurting the genre, because it requires constant attention on the systems in place to ensure that the casual player can still enjoy the game, because a casual player isn't going to search for mechanical set ups they want them to be spoonfed to them and if they aren't "useful" IE kill efficiently then it's not worth using. You can't teach a casual to by a stylish player, they have to want to learn it or have the mind set to want to be stylish in an action game. But revolves around boring fucks that go for full efficiency I'm going to spam one move the entire game, because that's all they know or care about. The cancer killing the action genre.

I'm not some grim serious asshole who thinks jokes can hurt or something but damn would I feel weird taking a picture of a child's grave because LOL MEMES

It's OK if you're the type that is a bit of a competitionist, if you like to explore everything and finish every sidequest. If you're the type that just wants to make it through the main plot then call it good the game is going to appear to be boring and empty.
I liked it enough to complete several playthroughs and it's the first time I've actually unlocked all the trophies on any Steam game but it does have some flaws. The story has a few too many plot holes and the game has the looks and performance of something from 2010.
I'd recommend it overall though, it's good enough to justify the asking price.

NieR 1 came out in 2010. Fuck off troll.

Same. I think of barely functional grind/collect-a-thons with moe artstyles.

9S is probably the only solid character in the cast, granted he still comes off as a cartoon and not a believable person with his mental breakdown.
2B is basically a non-character who's motivation is her feelings for 9S and practically nothing else. Everything important about A2 doesn't happen in-game and she shows up for too little too late to really establish anything about her as a character. I wanted to like the characters since I like their designs, but the game never gave me a real reason to. I ended up liking the NPCs more.

I appreciate you input.

Rationality and believable get thrown out when you come to grips that it's androids and machines dealing with existentialism for the first time and learning that shit isn't all that it seems making you lose your entire grasp of the reality you have set for yourself.

IT's weebshit, but only at first glance. If you stripped away all the assets but gave the general story, gameplay loop, then the "Endings" hook and point to another developer, Blizzard, for example It would be lauded as a revolution in gaming. It is to gaming what Pulp Fiction was to movies when it came out. While it's not for everyone - it fundamentally changed the artform.

I bought it because I'm not a poorfag and wanted to support a developer that told SJW's to go fuck themselves (the butt thing). Turns out the game wasn't just good, or great, but really hits you hard of you follow through. The different gameplay types don't feel disjointed, believe it or not, largely because of the soundtrack. Oh, and the soundtrack is fucking amazing, not just the soundtrack, but how it is executed and weaved into the gameplay.

If you have doubts you could probably wait for a sale - but I highly doubt there will be a game this year that offers more value than Nier: Automata does. It's not perfect, not at all, but whatever faults it has is overshadowed by the innovation and what it gets right.

I just approach it from the angle that the game isn't about 2B 9S and A2 as much as it is about the world, setting, and general conflict itself. So I thought Ending E wasn't really all that necessary.

It can be hard to identify with something that is merely emulating human behavior.

Im playing the game for the first time right now, but how do I tell what route im going for?

Shit, it actually does have a full alphabet of endings.
I just finished C and I only have like 5 of them.

A is automatically 1st, followed by B. C/D comes down to a single choice at the very end of the 3rd continue. After that, you can chapter select that spot and pick the other option to get the other ending which will automatically be followed by E.


Is this your first Taro game or what? Automata doesn't do anything different from the first game, in terms of how it handles the medium, other than get Platinum involved to help it's quality in the gameplay department.

this game isn't that good.. most people say it's great but they only got as far as the first ending the game has multiple story branches and they're all shit after 2b except A2 but that's shorter than fucking nixon's presidency

Yorha is essentially the pot calling kettle

>I dont know why it received so many 9s
okay fucker you got me there

Having so much publicity made this a lot of people's first taro game. It's a fantastic sequel and not a lot of people played the first nier so they are jumping on this for their gamer cred status, it just brought a lot of the shit done in prior games to the light better.

delete ur save faget

No it wouldn't. Take the whole Taro Yoko meme away and all people would do is bitch even more about things like how they suck at the first boss and can't save till after it or the graphics or having to replay multiple routes and without ass posting that also just gets replaced with more stupid bitching I bet. That's the main reason Nier Automata doesn't entirely get subjected to the usual bitching as it makes sure to pander extra hard to degenerates and make them feel extra special important and recognized by the staff while almost nobody else really gives a fuck.

It has many of the symptoms of weebshit but the weeb level of it is green or maybe yellow. It's nowhere near weeb level red.

Also the game itself isn't actually very good but it's so well designed that you really don't mind the shitty gameplay.

>it's just another case of pc userbase starving for any japanese vidya?

Are you just gonna ignore how hard this game was getting shilled by people who played it in the weeks it was only available on PS4 and the PC version wasn't even out yet

she looks amazing. if I wasn't busy with persona I might've gotten it.

It actually took me one full playthrough to notice that all equipment associated with 2B is white and even her flight unit changes colour to white while all 9S equipment is black including his own pod.

Holy shit it goes so in line with Virtuous/Cruel weapons and background of 2B/9S trademark fist weapons.

I'll never stop loving this retarded correlation between the whole send me pictures of asses joke he made months ago and people somehow thinking that's him even remotely telling SJW's to go fuck themselves like that's a thing he's concerned about let alone even aware of. The mental logic leap is just incredible people have this SJW thing so ingrained in their heads as a thing everyone apparently cares about. Especially since it isn't even remotely a thing in Japan because their culture is uniformly Japanese.

Going to, but have been trying to get through it without asking for help on the second time. I think I can do it.

not that user, but I deleted my first save and now i'm going through the game again to have a 100% save for debug access

How do I find the quests I missed?
Chapter select says almost every chapter has a quest or two missing, but I get nothing after loading it up. Also considering I only need 4 quests (and I know one of them is collecting Unit Data for 4S) it shouldn't really show it on every chapter, especially chapters like this one where all side quests are locked out.

pick 2B for that chapter and look for red dots

>it just brought a lot of the shit done in prior games to the light better.
In terms of gameplay quality, sure. In terms of narrative, I think that's debatable. Also, Ending D had a way huger impact on me in Nier than Ending E in Automata. I also think it had a better narrative purpose.

>The different gameplay types don't feel disjointed, believe it or not, largely because of the soundtrack.

This is the part where you can really tell the guy is just spewing random shit and trying to fit in anyway possible. It's like fuck I'm making memes, how do I work the soundtrack thing in there...fuck I don't know...oh got it gameplay, some vague thing about how the soundtrack makes the gameplay less disjointed between character modes. How? Fuck I don't know I'm just making this post up as I go along.