I'm thinking of hacking my 3DS

I'm thinking of hacking my 3DS.

All I have played so far on 3DS are the pokemon games, and I was wondering if anything else was worth grabbing.

Is there any way to get the games without connecting to Nintendo's servers? I don't want my account banned.

Why do people draw her so much younger than in the game? It's like the opposite of every othe pokegirl MC

she's like 10 in the games



She actually looks more mature considering 10 year old girls don't have round butts and child bearing hips

She doesn't look younger than 10 in op's picture you retarded fucking mouthbreather

>Is there any way to get the games without connecting to Nintendo's servers? I don't want my account banned.
Are you worried about getting banned while playing illegaly downloaded games online? Don't worry that was just a special case with the sun and moon games where some people played them online before the game was released.

You can avoid the freeshop and use fbi to install the .cia and thats what you search for "3ds gamename .cia". You just go offline forever

First of all, yes. Just don't do stupid thing like pirating a game before it's released like mentioned. I mean you can, just turn off your online.


Oh neat. I might do that. I just don't feel right pirating from their own servers. I feel it might get my switch banned as well.

fucked up


Of course you should fucking put CFW on your 3ds. You literally get all the games for free straight from their servers. There's absolutely no reason not to do this.

But one day they could ban everyone.

What is it about Chicken-chan that makes her the sexiest pokegirl by far?

>here's absolutely no reason not to do this.
There are some moral reasons bru

her hairstyle desu

>worth grabbing
Depends on what you like. Get an R4 card for free DS games, and you can install DS, GBA, NES, and GBC custom VC games and SNES if you have an N3DS. Emulators exist for it too.
>grab games
You can direct download from the e-Shop for free. Look up freeShop.

(not op)
I've forgotten how to get rid of the update nag. Which is kinda funny since it's literally the reason I cfw'd my 3DS the first place.

Monster Hunter is the reason to have a 3DS.

That's pretty retarded and tacky.

3ds hacking has more tutorials and guides than any exploit in history. Get off your lazy fucking ass and figure it out.

Due to the retarded way they set their account system up they can't even tell if what you are downloading is something you legitimately have the rights to download, and current methods on the 3DS have the store not even recognize that you have downloaded the games on your account.

I bought a 128 gig card and have a ridiculous amount of games downloaded to it from Nintendo's own servers and the only problem I have run into after all this time is that going into the official store sometimes deletes all the themes I didn't pay for.


I don't know if I want to mess up my account... is it possible to change the account without updating my DS?

Oh, that does look better.

nice ghost swimsuits

But that takes effort.

What sounds will she make when I lick her cunny?

If you don't care about ever using your real account on the 3DS again, then just delete it and make a dummy account.


She's the only protagonist from Kanto that looks like she belongs there.

It actually does take awhile. I hacked mine about a month ago and it total it took most of the afternoon. It's pretty foolproof at this point at least.

But will it force a download?

I want a rowlet

I want a Mimikyu.

I should catch one of those.

post more pokegirls

There are plenty of reason to mod your 3ds outside of hacking. You can put custom themes, homebrew apps/games and backing up your own games is a plus too. I had one game that was very finicky about working so I got it to work once and dumped it to my system.


How can one game have so many 10/10 girls?

ITT: pedos
Enjoy being on a watchlist you sick fucks.

dumb pedoNEETs

2D >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 3D
3D is truly pig disgusting

cunny cunny cunny~

I misspoke, reasons to hack your 3ds outside of piracy.

You're telling me you don't like tight smooth cunny?

how can one Sup Forumsirgin be so thirsty


I want my own little girl to hug and fug.


3rd suit is cutest
the others look way too slutty for her age

This thread is just... UFF!

This is a thread about the 3DS.

I think you might have a problem user.

Hop in.

I would kill to bury my face in her tight cunt

>my thread about the 3DS is infested with pedos
I just picked a random pokegirl christ

3DS is for numale faggots. I snatch them out of losers hands all the time and make them get it back.

It's a classic case of the OP's picture being more interesting than his topic.


tell little girls to stop being so attractive

You knew exactly what you were doing.

This please.

Nobody cares about their age.


The third one tries too hard to be different. The first two more like regular swimsuits. Those aren't slutty at all, regular girls wear them.

Fucking losers on your 3DS, fuck you. You look like a fucking faggot. Even 10 years ago you would have gotten rightfully bullied.

don't you have a few more years to go, Thad?

>falling for the loli jew

>Look ma, im pushing my moral views to strangers on the internet, aren't i kewl?

Thad was a comically retarded pedo, most are smarter than him.

Around the cunn'
Turn and run

I'm positive that the devs do some secret loli integration to the game just to get sales.

Specially Nintendo.

Thats ridiculous.

that was an almost word for word quote for something that he wrote on a public website


I don't know, I mean, call me crazy-tin-foil hat man, but I just feel that way.

Don't you all?

Uhhhhhhhhhh how old is this girl that they put her in such a skimpy bikini?


She's 18+, it's just that she's a midget.

Nice try Quentin this is a loli thread


link ?

Floridafag here, nothing weird at all about that. I see it all the time.

Maybe the middle one has a skimpy bottom, but it doesn't stop them from being hot.

Nice thread guys

What's that supposed to mean?





Which one? It's amazing there are people who still think thad dindu nuffin and the man is keeping him down.


Whats with all the crops?

>Why do people draw her so much younger than in the game?
Lolis are hot, user.


Oh shit, I'm sorry.


where did you get this picture of my wife