ITT: Post your unpopular opinions

ITT: Post your unpopular opinions
>lower resolutions such as 720p look just fine with proper anti-aliasing
>upgrading a PC periodically is completely unnecessary unless you have money to burn, all you need is 60fps and good graphics
>the xbox 360 controller is shit
>singleplayer gaming is superior

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This game is my sin

I honestly really enjoy the look of a lot of older games, especially some of the earlier 3d games
They feel comfy and look just video gamey enough where I can forgive them
I honestly get don't understand when people say Mario 64 looks bad or that the 3ds Zelda OOT and MM look better than the console

only thing i disagree with is the 360 controller, but i've seen lots of people say that

not sure how your opinions are unpopular

the gamecube is overrated as hell

>world of warcraft has always had a multitude of problems in terms of balance and game design, and even though those problems are worse now, the game is still fun for raiding

Turn based combat sucks dick and is inferior to all but the worst of real time combat systems.

Exclusives are a retarded idea and the industry would be better of without them.

Dark souls 1 is horrendously overrated and easily the worst in the soulsborne series.

Trails in the sky was boring as fuck and I couldn't force myself through it, I'm pretty sure all the hype came from autists that were really smug they could play it cause it took forever for the series to get an English translation.

Final fantasy 14 is easily better than any single player ff since 9.

Handheld consoles are awful and I hope Nintendo never makes a handheld only console again.

The amount of rehashing pokemon gets away with is insane, I don't understand how people haven't gotten bored of a series that hasn't seen a substantial overhaul of it's gameplay in more than 20 fucking years.

American game developers are talentless hacks and the only reason they seemed somewhat good last generation is because Japan went full retard over HD.

Video games are the worst form of escapism ever created and they have devoured the lives of most people here.

>SC:V Is a good technical fighter
>The indy dev scene release some pretty good games
>Hitman Blood Money is more fun to play guns blazing
>PS Vita has the most potential of any handheld on the market and more devs should support it
>Timesplitters Future Perfect was a great game and I would way even better them TS2
>Controller innovation is stagnant and needs a new iteration

Zero Time Dilemma was good

why is this unpopular opinion?

the x360 controller isn't the worst ever but if it feels uncomfortable for you idc.
you can hook everthing up to your pc anyway so go with what you like

thats not very unpopular.
if you really want to get in a fight go tell somneone that just bought a 1060 from nvidia that his card is shit 3gb is not enough memory and he should have bought a rx 480

botw is overrated has bad graphics and you dont even take your switch outside.

Demo Invasion of Gracemeria was better

>>the xbox 360 controller is shit

Pretty much, I can't justify spending the money anymore but I still enjoy reading about it, development/programming and stuff is cool.

>Hotline Miami 2 > Hotline Miami
>Bioshock 2 > Bioshock >>>>> Infinite
>Max Payne 1 > MP 3 > MP2

>heavy disagreement
good post for an unpopular opinion thread, but you wanna explain why?
The game lineup, controller, and accessories /were/ some of the best we'd ever seen. Many of the games that were released on the gamecube were arguably classic milestones for the nintendo franchises. Personally, the titles released on the gamecube outshine every iteration released on the wii.

stop with all the meme arrows I'm getting confused

The Witcher franchise is not very good. The combat is fucking atrocious and inexcusable.

id agree that its trash in witcher 1 and 2, but 3 is pretty fun

I still think questing and dungeons are fun and there is absolutely nothing wrong with flying.

I agree with these OP
dualshock master race

>>lower resolutions such as 720p look just fine with proper anti-aliasing
100% agree unless you have a huge ass monitor

4:3 is the best aspect ratio, fuck widescreen shit.