This triggers me on a molecular level.
This triggers me on a molecular level
Can you fuck the cat?
what's wrong?
I haven't played P5; does the cat just obnoxiously tell you to go to sleep, or does it force you to sleep?
It's even worse when he blocks you before stairs so you cant even water the plant
That sure is a lot of blocking for a game about freedom.
I really hope in the next Persona they allow the MC to romance guys. Persona 5 has some really great guys in it. No homo or any of that gay shit though.
Forces you to sleep
He gently puts you to bed.
They removed the second person
>You feel tired; you should go to sleep
thing. So for the first part of the game, all of the narration is in first person. Then when you get Morgana, he does all of your narration.
Or when you have to return a dvd
I don't know why it's so much more annoying to have a character say these things to you
>consoles can now take screen caps
>use your shit phone camera instead
Because it's fucking imposing you?
Actually this game blocks you from doing so, at least in my experience. Every time I earn a trophy the game says it's in a part where screenshots can't be taken.
Fatlus doesn't allow you to screencap. You been under a rock or something? There's a whole controversy.
Nope : (
I've been playing for 12 hours, I guess it is Morgana....
I cant clean and make lockpicks the same night thanks to this fucking cat.
this the game should have just told you if you do dungeons you can't do shit after or take you straight to sleep instead of seemly giving you back control only so you can't do anything
Give the teacher enough of your love sausage and she'll start giving you massages that let you do stuff after a dungeon