


Get off my site

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I'll show you "getting off" m8 *unzips dick*

>not making a Phan-site thread with a strawpoll
Can you believe this? Kek

fuck off revali

I can't bring myself to finish this game. It's so boring. How did you all get through?


Is this unedited. Does Futaba think he's a loser?

>How did you all get through?
Meeting my wife Takemi

Wouldn't you? You don't actually say stuff like lel and cuck irl do you?

They are followers of kek

nah this has to be an edit, the Kek is uneven as fuck

I'm sure they say something like "Lol" though, which is equally cringey

It's not edited, it's in the actual game

This man is a redditor

Futaba is a memer too though

Yeah, it's game recognize game.

>Futaba keks too


Memelords hate other memelords, you don't put two beta fish in the same tank

What is Sup Forums though? I thought we were all friends.

I'm getting conflicting responses

Target spotted, your ded kiddo


My friends say “LOL” and “ROFLKARTOFFEL” ironically but that's about it

Anyone else notice the chan leaf on Ann's hoodie?

Everyone thinks Mishima is a loser, even you at times.

It only stays ironic for a while, I introduced the word cuck to normies a few years ago, and I regret it deeply

Does he get better at the end of S link? I already confronted his shadow in mementos

literally does it for free

>one of the dialogue options is "Savage."

Is futaba's entire fucking s.link just a spray of diarrheaic twitter memery?

Mishima doesn't deserve all the shit he goes through

Nah it's also getting her to leaver her room and become a socially functioning member of society.
So pretty much to stop being a NEET.

>stop translating teenagers to sound like teenagers i really hate it

Huh, didn't we go to the same middle school? You little faggot coward bitch I would fuck you up but I can't even remember your face 2 seconds after you leave.

>It only stays ironic for a while
Been going stronk for a few years now

Kinda. He at least realises that he fucked up.

Dude, he pretty much goes ax-crazy with how much he abuses the website and PT brand for his own personal gains / delusions; to the point of actually committing crimes (donation fraud).

Fucker deserves every amount of flak he gets. He's a worthless waste of space and honestly no better than ryuji, madarame, etc.

>honestly no better than ryuji, madarame, etc.
kek, so true

I haven't beat the game, but I assume mishima is the one who sells you out to the cops at the end/start of the game, right?

My money's on either him or ryuji. Both are absolute assholes and the first on my list of loose ends to be tied off



Isnt that the kid from durarara?

Really, nigga, not the Detective who was going on about catching the Phantom Thieves? No of course the Sup Forums admin sells you out.

Wait, that detective asshole joins the PT or something?

If so then holy fuck the MC is honestly even dumber than I thought, which surprises me since I didn't think you could possibly get worse at character judgement than him.


>play as thieves
>final party member is a detective
>final party member is never shown in any of the advertisment
I wonder who it could be, this truly is an enigma.
They couldn't have made it any more obvious even if they tried.


He's certainly better than Ann or Ryuji

Did you even look at your cover?

>holy fuck the MC is honestly even dumber than I thought
Dude pancakes lmao

It's pretty obvious that Goro is the traitor if you think about it since he appears on the cover but isn't in the opening, the prologue or really in any promotional material.

>April 30th
>Finally reach the Treasure Room of the first palace
>Forced to leave and sleep
>May 1st
>Learn about Calling Cards
>'Once decision is made...begin the next day at the Palace.'
>"but that's the deadline"
>think activating the Calling Card will cancel out the deadline
>it doesn't
>game over
>restart to a week earlier

This is the second time I've had to go back a week, fuck this shit

Shouldn't have left everything until the last second.

Did somebody mention cakes?

fuck off normie

So retarded

Why dont you do palaces on the first day?

Are there really people who didn't learn their lesson after Pervert Castle? Its your fault nigga

I began on the 24th, decided to fight most enemies in the tower. How early do I need to fucking start

Very quickly looking at this image made me think Goro had a fucking orangutan arm.

literally me

Nigger I'm on Pervy Castle

They all knew he was going to betray you, which is why they let him join and raped him with a spicy takoyaki

As soon as you get access.

Complete the palace as soon as you can.

The minimum amount it takes to defeat Madarame's palace is 3. Kaneshiros is 2.

Madarame's palace actually has an obstruction stopping you from going further until you see him in real life.

Goro looks creepy whenever he isn't doing his Adachi impression. You notice his all out attack portrait?

As soon as you can so you have the rest of the remaining days to jerk off and do other shit without having to worry.
You need to save at least 2 or 3 days extra after you clear it because of plot reasons so it's better just to get them out of the way.

Oh well, good luck, you didn't miss that much that can't be redone by that point

Ideally you want to be completing palaces in a few days to maximize your free time. It's best to just do them straight away.

I'll take that into account. Round three no death run back to normal difficulty

This is off topic but, Anybody getting these "Hamster" captcha or just me

Get Death up to Rank 5 and you can buy accessories that auto regen SP. Once you've got those you can complete palaces in a single day unless they kick you out for story.

what's wrong with it?

I was doing it backwards; wanted to upgrade first then get to the palace with a few days remaining.

Who the fuck is the Devil Arcana, I keep getting shitty devil demons and I'm tired of this

Big ass eyes

It's a reporter lady that you form a link around the third dungeon.

You first see her after she questions you outside Madarame's shack

I want to love Shiho! Anally:-D !

Sup Forums is a hacker in steroids.

HOw many palaces do you use him for before he betrays you?

No. I generaly try and ignore as much material as possible before the first time watching something, for the same reason I skip the OPs. The very beginning of a story is usually the best part to me and knowing ahead of time who ends up being in your party sort of makes it pointless.

Oh I just got to the Bank. I assume I can do her events now. But her being Devil Arcana is kinda strange

>You notice his all out attack portrait?
You mean the best one?

Thirsty cake. That's pretty devil

That's fair but still, he doesn't show up in the Yuri on Ice-esque thing anyway, or I didn't notice him if he did

It's probably just me, but his huge ass eyes freak me out

Ok so the fishing mini game shown in the trailer doesn't exist huh? I haven't been able to find it

When do frenchie and NEET show up?
I'm not a princes

Well thanks anyway, at least now I can suffer slightly less during mishima scenes because I don't have to worry about him selling me out

Incidentally, what was the reason for why goro catches on to you in the first place again? I forgot the exact circumstances that made him suspicious of you, but I'll bet ryuji talking in public had something to do with it

You have to hit 200 baseballs before 5/20 to get a book on the fishing spot

I haven't got to the point yet, I just think it's obvious Ada- I mean Akechi is the trailer

0, he betrays you on the same one he joins in.

Where can I buy the items needed to make lockpicks?

Get off my cloud
You don't know me and you don't know my style

That's gay. Stupid to do that. Was Atlus scared he'd get too popular? Even if he is already.

I think you can buy them from the same place you buy animal nutrients from (store in shibuya iirc)

Also, can I buy the materials needed to make the golden lockpick anywhere? I know they drom in mementos but fuck farming that place. I've only gotten 1 of the 10 required mercury, and only 7 or the 20 required aluminium

is he popular?


Praise Kek!


It really is

so when is this coming out for us xbros

Fujos are literally shipping him with the MC to no end
He's that popular