I'm becoming a dad Sup Forums. How am I supposed to balance vidya and a baby? Where do I find the time and money...

I'm becoming a dad Sup Forums. How am I supposed to balance vidya and a baby? Where do I find the time and money? I don't know what to do. I don't know if I can live without video games. Please help

Abort the baby, you fucking idiot. You can't balance games, a girl and a fucking baby.

you don't

your life is over for a while, the baby took it. deal with it

should have pulled out dummy

Stop playing online games for one. Stick to short single player games and play on easy difficulty.

>How am I supposed to balance vidya and a baby?

You don't.
If you attempt to then you're a shitty parent.

Your life now literally revolves around your child until they're old enough to care for themselves. And even then, it still does. Just to a lesser degree.

or at least until the baby's old enough to be left with a babysitter, but if you're going to use your precious time off for video games at that point then lol

go out for some cigarettes m8

dont come back

You pause your vidya whenever it cries. Keep playing once it goes back to sleep.
Not that hard. Your girl can help you with the rest

You wont game like you used to till the baby has a nap schedule. Maybe 6 to 9 months minimum.

Take up reading instead and read aloud to the little fucker. He'll grow up to be smart.

Don't listen to these idiots, you can do all three just fine.

Sure, if he wants to have a gay furry mtf trans otherkin son who has depression and frequents /trash/, /lgbt/, and /adv/.

Get a Nintendo Switch brah so you can game on the go, like when you buying dipers and shit.

I'd avoid exposing my child to this fucked up culture at that age. Just chill and do dad shit OP.

Your life is fucked for the next 18~ years. Good luck!

You've either never taken care of a baby or did an incredibly shitty job at it.

Nice delusion

video games suck now anyways


Don't forget about your interest. Especially if you were a big gamer before. There's a time and place. You'll know.

Why can't you play Vidya while your baby is asleep?

Unless your girl is horny and need the D. Why not?

It's ironic because you're obviously the shitty parent, no person, if you can't manage your time and priorities even slightly enough to do an activity that doesn't even require you to leave your house and take care of a poop factory that sleeps 16 hours a day.

You can mange a baby and plying video games just fine OP it's not either or.

Work harder and take it to day care. Don't put up with the whore if she doesn't agree and continue to ignore the jid when it is home. But for rere. Your gonna be a family man, so get all of your work and responsibilities done on the weekdays, sneak in jerking sessions on days you don't poop, and enjoy your weekends as much as possible, even if you have to out effort.

all these idiots. There are plenty of opportunities for vidya with a baby. Not much for online games though. Especially if you have a wife helping with it.

>he didn't play vidya with his dad
My dad showed me Doom, Goldeneye, and Perfect Dark. Make time for vidya and you can even involve your kids.

I got a 2.5 year old. He is starting to grasp basic Mario controls.

He is going to be a computer genius/gaming pro once I am done with him.

>Computer genius/gaming pro

You mean another Sup Forums poster?

Only exist is suicide. I'm sorry but you lost your life to woman's desire to have children. You are an idiot. You are now there to "support" your woman and the kid. You are nothing but a cash machine to them. You work your ass off while that lazy bitch does nothing but lies on sofa and gaining heft pounds of fat. The kid screams from the bottom of it's lungs 4am when you are sleeping, deadly tired from work... It's a living nightmare.


get the FUCK out of here you stupid normalfag

You don't, you're fucked.
Your life is going to be working and dealing with your child.
You'll probably eat and sleep less nevermind fucking squeezing in time for a game. If you do try and push for some free time of your own, you'll probably put a strain on your relationship as the woman begins to think you aren't helping enough.

Wait till they're a bit older then get the kid into video games that you used to play when you were younger

Listen man, you do it somehow. When you get used to it, if you really like to game you'll find time to do it.

Could just ignore your kid and play vidya, that's what my dad did.

Then again, I'm fucked up so don't do that.

Use your child as a sentient farming bot.

This post was made by someone who doesn't have kids.

I have raised two daughters to adulthood. When they were babies I still played video games. I had to get up with the baby many times during the night at first and played video games during that. The only thing I lost was sleep. Once they start sleeping through the night it gets easier.

The point where you are actually going to lose a lot of free time is when they are teenagers. If they are active at all in sports like my kids were you have to go to a lot of games and do a lot of driving.

The only way I could see you losing a ton of video game time when they are babies is if you are an MMO addict or some shit where you are required to play at certain times every week. That's not going to happen because your schedule will have to stay flexible. But if you play MMOS I imagine the odds of you procreation are pretty slim.

You're not a dad yet OP there are treatments you can have other people take that will correct the disease you've contracted.

please don't have kids
he might end up like me or any other person in this site and that's something a parent should never feel

Your fault, the girl probably knew and hid it from you so you couldn't just abort it. Women love babies and commitment.

abortions exist

I play Zelda with my wife's son all the time it's easy.

Kill yourself.

Let it starve while gayming

rip your freedom. next time think of all your vidya children you're abandoning.

Teach the baby how to play Nethack from the first week of birth.
By the time he's like 10 he'll be the most remarkable 10 year old in your town, easily.

>I play Zelda with my wife's son
>with my wife's son
>not "play with my son" or "our son"
fucking cuck


Dude I'm not going to say he's my son if he isn't. Also how is marrying a woman with a child being a cuck?


its pathetic to marry a woman who already has a child. its bound to cause drama later on when the kid actually starts to process it all.

>not being a wizard

What a loser

My friend married damaged goods with baggage. On a daily basis I told him to get the fuck out but it's too late he knocked the whale up twice and I have the strongest suspicion she's gonna eave him and start collecting alimony checks. Fucking idiot.

Oh fuck off you have no idea what it actually takes to raise children. I'm a better father figure than his real dad I watch him, make dinner for him and tuck him in at night whenever my wife is out on the town with her friends. He's going to be fine

>My friend married damaged goods with baggage
at least you tried to save him. no use now.