List ten games you want to see on the Nintendo Switch

List ten games you want to see on the Nintendo Switch

All I want is a port of Doom 1993.


a better Paper Mario game
Bowser Army SRPG
a proper Mario Kart
another one of those Pokemon Colosseum games
Nintendo girl dating sim x4

>marvel vs capcom 2/infinite
>guilty gear xrd
>pokemon stars
>kirby air ride 2
>bayonetta 3
>project X zone 3
>soul calibur 6
>a pokemon pet sim
>a ps:o style nintendo crossover game

Elite Beat Agents 2


Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing

Gotcha force 2.

Waluigi time

>temp email in the name field


This thing honestly has the potential to be the greatest console of all time.

I want RE4 with a waglan option

Don't be racist.

Animal Crossing
Metroid Prime
Story of Seasons
Persona 5 Crimson
Zelda RPG (Made by Square or Level-5 or IntSystems)

Can't think of any others.


I want the following franchises on the Switch
Kid Icarus
Wave Race

literally the perfect platform for Animal Crossing

Does the Switch have a stylus? I can't imagine trying to frantically tap the screen with your finger in the way of the action. You'd wear out your finger skin on the spinners.

I wouldn't want RE4 again because Capcom would charge way too much for it.

postal 2
jackie chan stuntmaster
cory in the house
depression quest
Kao the Kangaroo
Goat Simulator



user, it's time to let go

Pokemon Snap 2

Super Mario Sunshine 2
Who am I kidding it'll never happen

Dude, the game is in BETA now.

>New Fire Emblem (and no, I'm not talking about Warriors)
>Pokémon (a main game that doesn't end being rushed as hell like it usually happens)
>Bayonetta 3
>Ace Attorney 7
>Animal Crossing
>Kid Icarus

There some other games I'd like, but I'm trying to keep this as realistic as I can be.

*it can be

>people saying f-zero when no analog triggers


Persona 5

They better not fuck it up.
Hope I can use my amiibo cards to make my town all gators if the release new ones with the amiibo cards, which I'll buy.

>New main series Metroid
>Pokemon game that is like the Coliseum games
>An actual Animal Crossing game that isn't a shitty spin off
>A main series Final Fantasy game
>Smash 4 with more characters added

Persona 5 seems like a perfect fit for switch. How do I make this happen?

Do you know japanese? If you do sent a letter or an email to Atlus Japan.

Monster Hunter 5
Senran Kagura 3
Etrian Odyssey 6 & 3U
Rune Factory 5
Project Mirai DX 3
Golden Sun reboot
A Castlevania
Devil Survivor 3

A real Wario game
no more ware stuff. Make a proper platformer

>New Fire Emblem (and no, I'm not talking about Warriors)
Boy do I have news for you

1.Animal Crossing
2.Bayonetta 3
3.Grand Theft auto 6(lol)
4.punch out(perfect for joycons)
6.super Mario Galaxy 3
7.south park. Fractured but whole. I know it's confirmed to not be happening. But I still want it
8.a new good tony hawk pro skater good ip good ip

i want 10 new ips.i seriously cant even name 10 good 3ds or wii u games that were new ips

1. A third entry in Retro's DKC series to conplete a trilogy

2. A new 2D Metroid game set after Fusion

3. Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE 2

4. Xenoblade Chronicles X 2

5. A sequel to Kid Icarus Uprising

6. Monster Hunter 5.

7. Marvel vs Capcom, any of them or a new vs Capcom crossover.

8. Smash 5 / Smash Bros for Switch

9. Contra (Bomberman's success might prompt Konami to come back to videogames with lower budget middle market games again now that Kojimbo is gone)

10. A new Megaman that is a timed exclusive (because we know people will be salty if it doesn't get announced as "first on Switch" as opposed to being completely exclusive)

This is all it'll take for me to purchase a switch

We are lucky to get ten good games from Nintendo a generation and you want ten new ips? I know this is a anything goes post your hopes and dreams thread but that's just silly

it happened with the ds and wii

You gotta take their heart

Bayonetta 3 definitely and if platinum games can port nier automata that would be cool.


1. A new first party FPS IP

2. A Paper Mario with the same level of story as TTYD

3. BotW followup sequel

4. Smash 5

5. Bayonetta 3

6. Okami 2

7. Soulseborne game made specifically for Switch, sci-fi cyberpunk and colorful setting in contrast to BB and DaS

8. A timed exclusive One Punch Man action-adventure game where you make your own hero and go on missions in a hub-world after choosing your own city

9. Some Kojima game, doesn't matter what it is

10. New Ace Attorney game as good as the original trilogy (and maybe a localization of Dai Gyakuten)

Everything else I haven't mentioned like Pokemon, Animal Crossing, etc all have either been announced or are simply likely to come to the system. .


-Pikmin 4.
-A new proper Metroid Prime like game.
-A new Yoshi game.
-A new Kirby game, hopefully they finally try a 3D one like they have been wanting to do.
-A new, proper, no control gimmicks, Star Fox.
-A new Donkey Kong Country.
-A new and highly improved, Super Mario Maker.
-The third installment for Pokemon Sun and Moon being on the Switch instead.
-The resurrection of Custom Robo, complete with online battles as well.
-A good new impressive IP.

F-zero collection.

I want FIFA on the go, like on par with consoles, 3DS was shit and Vita cucked me with the 14 version of the game with just a roster update and no online.

I know you faggots don't like sports but FIFA on the go would push me even more towards the Switch.

They got the message


Nice idea

The %1 bought Wii U's, MK8 is a new full game for everybody else, it doesn't discount a new MK though


Maybe someday

>reddit reaction images

>7. Soulseborne game made specifically for Switch, sci-fi cyberpunk and colorful setting in contrast to BB and DaS

Fuck I never knew how much I wanted this

Monster Hunter
Persona 5
Hearthstone/Overwatch maybe
Kingdom Hearts
Animal Crossing
Smash (Not ported 4)

I also want it because the salt would be glorious.

>Okami 2

Don't remind me user it hurts

>More classic IP's
>A Wario and Waluigi RPG about hoarding riches. the final boss is a duel to the death between both heroes.
>Bloodborne 2 (Bayonetta 2 all over again)

That fucking 3D Kirby game that they keep fucking showing but never comes out and we get the sidescrollers instead.

Holy shit can you imagine the asshurt by PC players even above Sonybros? A Sci-fi game not on PC, and it's cyberpunk?

I want upcoming games to be on Switch, not old already released games I've already played more than enough.
Skyrim being on these is meaningless, but if TES6 was I might buy one just to have portable TES6.

f-zero or proper metroid


>8. A timed exclusive One Punch Man action-adventure game where you make your own hero and go on missions in a hub-world after choosing your own city

Could the switch bring the sims back to consoles?

They should try to convince EA to give it another run. this real?

Is the Sims even performance heavy? If EA really wants to work with Nintendo and Sims turns out to have decent demand, I don't see why it couldn't be ported.

Animal Crossing is boring as fuck

animal crossing

Animal Crossing
Luigi's Mansion
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
Mario and Luigi rpg

>A new first party FPS IP


Metroid Prime 4, please.


Aside from Super Mario Odyssey,

1. A real Paper Mario game, like 64/TTYD. I will accept a console M&L game however.
2. A new Kirby. I liked Epic Yarn and Rainbow Curse, but no gimmicks this time, just straight Kirby like Triple Deluxe and Planet Robobot.
3. A new Animal Crossing, not that board game garbage for Wii U.
4. A new Super Smash Bros. Maybe not made by Sakurai this time, I'm getting tired of 120985908234 Fire Emblem and Kid Icarus characters. Not looking for a port of the Wii U game either.
5. Metroid similar to Metroid Prime.
6. Pokemon, but not gimmicky like Snap or Stadium. A real game like they release on handhelds except in 3D. I haven't played Pokemon since Gold/Silver, but I know it's popular and a Switch game could revitalize my interest.
7. Another Kirby, can be a spin-off/non-standard game like Air Ride. I don't want just one major release from each IP.
8. Kingdom Hearts 3. I don't really care about this, but I want to see Switch getting the major releases that people are looking forward to.
9. Full version of Grand Theft Auto VI same day as on other platforms (also DLC same day as on other platforms). I'm not too interested in GTA6 but I want to see multiplat support for Switch.
10. Full version of the new Call of Duty, same day as on other platforms, and DLC same day as well. Again, I don't care about this but I want Switch supported as any other console.

I want f zero to be announced for a summer 2017 release then delayed until holidays 2017. Then cancled just to watch Sup Forums get upset over this awful game

1) Metrod
2) Good Paper Mario
3) F-Zero
4) Melee, or smash bros that's like melee
5) Good StarFox
6) Worthy successor to Kirby 64
7) Animal Crossing
8) Viewtiful Joe 3 (PLEASE)
9) Rhythm Heaven/WarioWare
10) Something new

>new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon
>Okami 2

Metroid game. Either 2D Side Scroller or Prime 4.

Sinnoh Pokemon Remake
Kid Icarus
Animal Crossing

Is Kojima actually working at all with Nintendo? I think I don't remember hearing anything about it.

Grand Theft Auto Faggotville - Shift graphics kiddy gameplay version

The Wonderful 102

A sequel to Tsubasa's game.

Advance Wars
Project X Zone 3
7(Fuck You, Nintendo)

And this

Throwing in The World Ends With You 2


for you

Atlus is a partner for the Switch, so if they make a special edition (like Persona 4 Golden), it'll probably be ported for the Switch. I guess they're just seeing how it'll do, since it's still a new console

>ace attorney
>English mother 3
>more rpgs (keeping it open)
>mainline animal crossing

I honestly don't care at all about Persona 5, I want them to make an SMT that isn't overshadowed by the fucking spinoff series for once.

>Pokémon Stars
this x1,000,000


God, why haven't they localized Dai Gyakuten? I forgot this game existed and now it hurts.

Most likely, the new SMT game is Atlus' contribution. The main Persona games have always been Sony exclusive. But it's not so bad, the Switch gets to have the main series while Sony has the spinoff.

SMT hasn't been treated like a mainline game in years. It's been mostly released to a handheld console, had abysmal sales compared to Persona, and has barely any fanbase compared to the spinoff series.

Honestly, I get secretly kind of pissed about how things have gone with the series. Here's to hoping Atlus doesn't phone it in and makes SMT blow Persona 5 out of the water production-wise and it sells comparably.

SNES, GBA, and N64 handled it fine.

P1 was ported to PC, but other than that it's Sony only.

I wouldn't be so sure. Handheld gaming is very popular in Japan and companies always want to make more money. I wouldn't be surprised if they announced Persona for the Switch if it becomes popular.

Zelda Maker
>without Miyamoto's interference
An original Mario Kart
>they should take chances and do something different like they did with Zelda and soon Mario, like maybe implement an overworld like Diddy Kong Racing has, or something
2D Metroid
>basically make a new game exactly like Super Metroid
3D Metroid
>so prime fags won't bitch
Super Mario 3D Maker
Pilot Wings
>but like the fun N64 one, not the shitty 3DS one
Gamecube VC games
>just in general
Jumping Flash
>Sony doesn't want it, I'm sure Nintendo could get their hands on it somehow

>Zelda Maker
Excuse me, Luffy, what the fuck are you talking about?

>1. Animal Crossing.
>2. Pokemon Stars w/ Pokebank funcitonality to Sun/Moon
>3. Metroid game with multiplayer similar to what Hunters offered
>4. new Smash with non-floaty trash gameplay like Smash 4
>5. DK64 remastered for the Switch
>6. side-scrolling Kirby game
>7. Starfox (take a long dev time for this since the one that came out is probably still has left a sour taste in peoples' mouth)
>8. Mario Party Switch
>9. Beetle Adventure Racing 2
>10. idk, new IP

There's very few games that could entice me to buy a Switch.

>New Sin and Punishment
>Full Engish translation of original Sin and Punishment
>New F-Zero
>They fund a new Bayonetta or other Platinum game

That's it, that's all that comes to mind. The only reason I got a Wii U was for Bayo 2 and W101. I don't regret it but I didn't touch the piece of junk after I was finished.