DoW 3 Beta

Anyone else in the Dawn of War 3 beta?

What do you think so far?


How about you tell us what you think?

gameplay is kind of like a smoother version of the first game with some retarded additions like cover being occupiable building type things instead of just natural parts of the landscape

art style is horrendous

voice acting is awful

it's like the first game with all the flair sucked out of it

It's garbage.
Literally another fucking DotA clone.
DoW died with Soulstorm.

>VA is terrible
I fucking called it as soon as I heard Gabriel's voice. They have no idea what DoW is.

>voice acting is awful

What, really? That really rustles my jimmies. The VA was some of the best shit that came out of the previous games.

Isn't new Gabe actually Dobson's brother, and wasn't he also in DoW2 for some units?

Gameplay is essentially just a slightly more complex DotA, with you getting multiple units and illusion of actually doing shit in base.

Visuals are DotA2 tier vomit inducing.

Music and voice acting are so fucking abysmal it makes me wonder if the retards who made this game even worked on DoW2 let alone DoW1.

Seriously it feels like shit made by a bunch of college grads.

this is the game that they killed coh 2 support for

the world is a bad place user

the two of them did a lot of voice work across all the games. There just seems to be less of an emphasis on the VA aspect all around this time

In DoW 1 and to a lesser extent DoW 2 I genuinely believed the Space Marines were hyperfanatical warrior monks who genuinely wanted to cleanse the galaxy in the name of their emperor

In DoW 3 it's
>Yes, command?
>Orders understood
Every unit has like 3 lines and regardless of the quality of the voice acting itself it's all so sterile and bland. They could be generic Space Marines from any sci fi universe and it wouldn't make a difference.

Thats extremely depressing to hear.

I don't want this to be true but it sounds accurate

Fuck, I haven't played the beta, but it's another shit WH40K game, by the looks of it. Is the WH40K franchise cursed? There hasn't been a SINGLE FUCKING good WH40K game since DoW2. Might as well just switch to fucking fantasy and be done with it.

At least fantasy's doing okay

Yeah, ironically, fantasy is doing really well even though the setting is technically dead. TWWH, Vermintide and Mordheim are all good games. Why can't WH40K get a good game?


i blame GW. fucking jews just let anyone make a 40k game, and now there's little faith in the brand. how do they expect people to buy 40k games, when every game is disappointing?

>retarded additions like cover being occupiable building type things instead of just natural parts of the landscape





Sounds like Killing Floor 2 all over again

>Hey we got this game that people love because its different and has charm
>Lets remove the charm and make the game generic!
I don't want moba shit I want a good single player experience and to play an RTS with both personality AND a sense of scale.

The game is ok, but nothing about it excites me like DoW 1 and DoW 2 and CoH did at their time.

I like the idea of the elite units, i like that i can think "i'm doing 1v1 so i want to bring so and so" or "i'm against orks so i want this guy" and stuff like that.

I don't like the objective based game mode on 1v1, it's fine in 3v3 but it feels almost completely pointless in 1v1 and i feel like it just "artificially" forces the game to last longer.

I don't like how squishy things are, but this could just be a balance issues, some Elites are extremely powerful. They are not as tanky as heroes were in DoW 2(with some exceptions like Gorgutz and Gabriel Mangelos), but some of them(like the weirdboy) are EXTREMELY strong, they can literally destroy an entire army with 1 ability cast. Abilities don't cost anything either, they are just on a cooldown. And sure, you don't want to blob your armies but the problem is that some of these abilities are so fast that if they catch you by surprise you don't have time to dodge them, especially with the weirdboy who has a massive AoE that he can fire from beyond the fog of war.

Base building to me feels very bare bones, you have very few buildings(Space Marines have 5 i believe), of which 3 are just unit productions(one for tacticals, HB devastators, lascannon devastators, another for Scouts, sniper scouts and assault marines, and one just for vehicles), one is just for upgrades(which are mostly boring, 4 for infantry/vehicle damage/health, power swords for assault marines, mines for scouts) and a listening post.

The capturable cover i don't like although i haven't put any time into analyzing why i don't like it.

tl;dr: To me the game feels fine, there's nothing i find particularly wrong with it or that seriously annoys me, it's a 40k RTS. But it also doesn't have anything that i particularly like.

I haven't played much Eldar or Orks and i suck at RTS games so i don't feel like i have much to say about the gameplay.

No, can i still apply to join though?

I exclusively played DOW1 for the singleplayer and got into DOW2 way too late into its lifecycle and i had no idea what i was even doing

But i really want to get into RTS games again figured i'd start with DOW3 its the whole reason why i built another PC

WH40K looks cool on the surface but is a pretty mediocre universe, so it doesn't lend itself well to good games or attract many creative and skilled people to make those games. Warhammer Fantasy is the opposite, it looks boring at first glance but is a much better universe.

Oh, another thing i don't like is the lack of field upgrades for units. Like, in DoW 1 and 2 you could upgrade your tactical marines with a variety of weapons and sergeants and stuff. In 3, that can still happen, for example Tact Marines can choose from Plasma guns or a Flamer, but those are pretty much the only ones that have that choice. At least for space marines.

And there are no sergeants, which does trigger my jimmies a bit.

You can sign up for a public beta in the DoW 3 website, the one happening right now is a closed beta.

So is this closed beta some sort of pre-order bonus shit?

I'd probably be getting the game anyway

How is 40k bad? And how is fantasy better?

No. They just send keys seemingly at random for their closed beta, and obviously to some streamers and press and shit like that. Either way, it ends tomorrow so you probably can't get a key for it anymore, you have to wait for the public beta.

Yeah I've seen some footage from fucking wanker youtubers in my suggestion feed

Might sign up later because they wanted my details just to sign up to the fucking beta which immediately pissed me off

I have 6000 hours in Dota and I played the closed beta. They are nothing alike other than an NPC building that needs to be defended for one (1) of the multiplayer game modes.