Hey faggot, mom said it's my turn to play, so move over

>hey faggot, mom said it's my turn to play, so move over

what do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Haha I would have sex with her haha

she's a kid man...

Throat fuck her till she was dead and ask her corpse how the fuck she got into my home

She's adorable so I'd let her play vidya

looks legal to me

McMichael claimed this post was a joke

what website do you think you're on right now?

Thank my parents for making me a chad and let my little sister play my games while i go party with my friends on a Saturday night

Sit on my lap.

Play what?

All I do is fucking masturbate, speaking of which, what the fuck am I doing in your room?

Let's play a multiplayer game

sorry sweetie but i don't have barbie installed on my machine you're gonna have to play terror from the deep


Kill yourself

You faggots killed Sup Forums. Raping a child used to be the most peaceful non-aggressive thing said on this site.

I remember when the average response to this question would habe been to walk out of the room and start lynching niggers.

Lets play pic related.

Wonder why my little sister is white and trade her in for a qt black loli.

I would fuck this little girl, especially if she was my sister.


Name her Clementine

She said something offensive, so it's perfectly legal, reasonable, and just of me to thrust in and out of her until she renounces her filthy alt-right ways.

I would definitely use her dirty panties if she was my little sister.

Hello, newfriend.

Not sure how you got here all the way from our mother's place. But if you stop calling me a faggot I'll let you play a game. Wanna play something with multiplayer, or would you prefer a single player game? Grab whatever you like from the cabinet while I make us a smoothie.


Don't miss out on having a fun time with your siblings and building a bond while you still can.

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ______ ____

I personally never saw a pedophile here, nor anyone distributing child pornography. This is against the law actually.

Dude, what? "raping a child" is not a normal behavior anywhere, you're crazy...

I'm sorry total stranger, i have to report you.

>Reddit spacing

Good night.

Fuck off, reddit.

Hi fa/tv/irgin.

Umm guys for real what are we doing here?

Normal people actually saved Sup Forums from basement dweller pedos
Not that we care.

I want to fuck this little slut.

Did I win?

And I thought spring just started

>Normal people actually saved Sup Forums
God no.
Normal people ruined the internet as a whole.

Sis why the fuck are you white?

>I personally never saw a pedophile here, nor anyone distributing child pornography.
That's because you only got here when this place was already a sanitized normalfag infested shithole. I unironically want to increase the creep density back to 2007 levels, this shit really sucks.

Eh they pop up from time to time, usually deleted real fucking fast though.

im going to die virgin ha ha ha

is he still in prison?

Can I buy an "I" please.

Consider yourself lucky. This place has changed a lot over the years.
Sup Forums used to be well known for cp.

Didn't he get released not too long ago

Does this count as a little girl?

who do you call a faggot little bitch you want me to bully you with my penis?

Am I right to think that you are a pedo?

no meme, please lurk moar.


Creampie is the only solution.

She'd bully you over your penis.

3DPD loli just can't compete with 2D.

>Normal people actually saved Sup Forums from basement dweller pedos
I don't even know where to begin.

Bullfucking shit. Not a single pedophile has ever actually posted here


Looks like those deplorables vanished for 8ch, the trash is all there now.