>Play Torb, the greatest DPS in the game
>Carry team through Masters
>Some faggot still has a hissy fit anyways and tries to get the world to report you
Fuck this game.
>Play Torb, the greatest DPS in the game
>Carry team through Masters
>Some faggot still has a hissy fit anyways and tries to get the world to report you
Fuck this game.
>playing nu-BabbyCuck
report them for being assholes if they threaten to report you
Sorry about that, maybe you should play 76 so your teammates don't get salty and throw.
Your team can be really fickle about hero picks and not give a shit about poor teamwork, ult coordination, etc. Sometimes I feel like I've gotta babysit when I play Overwatch.
How to fix Overwatch:
Solution #1: Invite 5 friends to your party before queuing up
Solution #2: Disable voice and text chat and grind through all of the unavoidable losses set up by the poor matchmaking
Well it's a baby game for casuals so that males sense
What are my alternatives if I enjoy the game, tho?
and you can't say suicide
>plays Overwatch
>calls someone else a faggot
>Playing attack on a non-payload map
>Someone goes Torbjorn
>"Don't worry guys I got this, I'm a masters Torb"
>Constantly throws his turret up in the open during combat, it dies instantly
>Misses all his shots
>When he finally gets a turret up and upgraded it's nowhere near the battle
>Only throws armor packs at himself
>"It's your guys fault for not protecting me!"
And that's why everyone reports Torbjorns.
Then you are a normal person who can enjoy things. Not just hate the game for a meme
oh it's another overwatch thread
urgh, someone is talking about a video game on a video game board again
>thread about a video game
>on Sup Forums - Video Games
>Playing attack on a non-payload map
>Someone goes 76
>"Don't worry guys I got this, I'm a masters 76"
>Constantly throws his biotic field in the open during combat, he dies instantly
>Misses all his shots
>When he finally gets helix rockets up he tries to hit a Genji in mid-air with it
>Only fires at Reinhardt's shield
>"It's your guys fault, I have 4 golds!"
And that's why everyone reports Solder 76
Your post is garbage.
I've never come across a situation like this unless the guy playing torb doesn't say anything.
If you use voice chat with the people you're with they will trust you,
Or even if you type somehting like
"hey, i got to masters with torb,if i don't do shit i'll switch"
>greatest DPS
>does 116.9 damage per second assuming 100% accuracy
Wut? Fucking Sombra does more damage, dude.
>not being 100% accurate
You forgot about his turret, it's not much but at least allows him to match Sombra in damage. Still nowhere near the greatest DPS.
Is that his left click or right click? Is that with or without headshot multiplier? I know he does a shitload of damage with right click.
>pick widowmaker every single game whether I do well or not
>don't give a fuck about points
>trigger manlets and children in literally every game
>unmute all my shit at the end and say "ez" regardless of whether we lose or not
>tfw making others mad is more fun to me than actually trying to win
oh well
Fuck you, don't tell people what to-
>Hanzo at the absolute bottom with 0 use
You ought to try cheating, then. I remember using 100% legit transparent material mods in CS:Source and going to every server, buying an LMG and just spamming niggers through walls. Probably the most fun I've ever had in CS because people got irrationally angry.
Anyone got any tips for a torb-newbie?
That's what happens when you play a console game on PC.
I've thought about it, I don't want to lose my account though, iirc, blizzard is pretty strict regarding cheats, not sure about Overwatch but WoW gets regular banwaves
I like when people rage at me in overwatch because I like the attention. :D
Dont use torb.
OW is extremely strict about cheats. They do regular ban waves as well.
i love the game, and i'm good at it, thats why i hate it when some fag comes in and ruins the game >:( thats why i get peeved if a dude is hacking, but i never throw a fit i just leave or report depending on what game im playing
What if I only have three friends tops and none of them want to play?
I wish this game didn't have snipers at all. I'd fucking love for any first person game to have a focus on close and medium range only instead of always having that one faggot that absolutely refuses to contribute or even do anything at all unless he's 100% guaranteed to never be in harm's way no matter what.
best way to play him is to run up to tanks and spam right-click into their face. spam armor to heal yourself, and when you have your ult dump a turret on the objective before using it so it shreds the enemy team.
>months of nerfs and buffs and ana/lucio/rein continue to dominate
ur in masters? better than most people
>tfw all the fun characters are the worst
Lucio is disgustingly overrated.
Why do people shit on hanzo though?
His scatter can do around 430 damage, he can kill 200hp heroes in 1 hit, his ult charges too fucking fast, well placed sonars are as useful as widow's ult, has good mobility and doesn't even need to stay at range to be good.
Why is reaper so bad...?
Range. Reaper can only do damage close up, and a competent team will fuck him up the second he tries to get in close
Because he only works against idiotic teams with no communication or positioning
>been playing Lucio since the beginning
He's a lot of fun to play
He's the only character in the game that can increase movement speed, and that's a big deal in a game where the default move speed is about as fast as a 100 year old man with arthritis and one leg
Because he has a relative high skill floor.
Because he's useless
What does he offer other than "heh look at my kills" I mean half the reasons you listed for him being good have to do with how much damage he does
Not to mention a monkey can dodge his ult and if you desperately need a sniper why not just pick widow
He is either a carry or mediocre.
When he is mediocre he is fun to fight against. When he is a carry he feels unfair and OP.
A vocal minority shits on Hanzo because they want to play x hero but insread get cucked into playing y hero because that's what the team needs. So they take out their frustrations on Hanzo players.
>he can't shoot far
Wow, and I thought it would be difficult for me to learn about matchups and stuff, but it was this simplistic all along.
Because the vast majority of the time he does absolutely nothing of value for the entire game. He can get random kills, sure, but he's weak in a team fight, he can't capture or block an objective because he hangs so far back, and he's COMPLETELY shut down by any tank with a shield, and pretty much every team has one.
The worst thing is that most hanzo players are completely delusional about their own skill. Every single hanzo thinks they are the exception and they will win the game with their amazing skill but then a the end of the game the only have kills from random shots that weren't during an important fight.
Always remember; in Overwatch, if a death doesn't occure during a major push for the objective, it is worthless and might as well not have happened at all.
As he should though. Damage wise he's bortherline op
>What does he offer other than "heh look at my kills"
That's what a dps should do, also it helps a ton for your team if you can see half of the enemy team with a sonar. monkey is his direct counter, but a good hanzo should be prepared for something like that
Basically this
He just has no range and mpst of the tanks can outgun him straight up.
And then there's Roadhog, who just does Reaper's job 10x better.
>that guy that plays Overwatch
Short answer: He isn't.
Long answer: He requires teamwork to work well, at minimum a Lucio who's coordinating his speed-boosts with a team. There's a fat fucking chance of that even in GM games. Zarya's also nice for him for the same reasons Winston likes her.
That said, even if you build your team around reaper he's still not gonna do near as much as Roadhog. He can't 1shot people from arbitrary ranges, he can't hook and 1shot people, he doesn't have 600 health, he does fuck all damage to Rein/Orisa shields, and he can't heal himself for 300 health every ~8 seconds. There's honestly not a whole lot of reason for reaper to exist with Roadhog being as completely fucking retarded as he is, has been, and probably will remain.
I mean there's probably more too it, I'm not a GM level player or anything, but that is the main reason I believe. He might see more play on defense if teams keep using dive compositions.
You can always farm kills to stagger the enemy spawns and get ult charge, but if you die in the process you fuck your team over.
You are right though, shitty players pick hanzo and don't do shit and good players end up using other dps for consistency
>Roadhog exists
>Blizzard has the audacity to release a tank as shitty as Orisa
This user nails it. It's not impossible to do well with Hanzo, but the character just happens to be designed in such a way that it's really hard to get him to work as a part of a push. Practically anyone can give better utility to the team 99% of time.
I've been going beastmode with Orisa, she's pretty good at least at a diamond level
Yeah. The problem with Hanzo isn't a result of him being inherently weak or bad. The problem is that almost everybody who ever plays him is shit and brings their team down. Every time I try to play a game and have hanzo on my team, it really feels like we're trying to play a 5v6 because he's so worthless and unhelpful.
You can't blame people for learning the pattern after seeing it a few times. Somebody picks hanzo, and they do fuckall and ruin the game.
I think the main problem is that most people who are actually good at sniping will pick Widow. I frequently see very useful widow players that actually help a lot
Hanzo is inherently weaker than every other ranged DPS though.
See though, I play Lucio/Zenyatta all the time with my team on the main account. Why can't I fulfill my dream of being a Gm Torb on the other account? As a medic main and engie secondary from tf2, I love being able to heal and keep everyone alive but I also like the satisfaction I can shut down annoying flankers with a well placed turret I don't have to watch simply due to good placement. There's a science behind good placement for players alone, a good sentry placement from torb can be an annoyance at worst and a nightmare at best.
>I've been going beastmode with Orisa, she's pretty good at least at a diamond level
Orisa's main problem is her fuckhuge head hitbox which makes her a lame duck at higher ranks against really common shit like S76/McCree/Widow. Her inability to do much of value against Genji/Pharah really doesn't help things.
This pretty much. Ontop of everything else, most Hanzos are god awful. Even getting random kills is an improvement over the average Hanzo. Most couldn't hit the broad side of a barn with scatter arrow, let alone without it.
Projectiles are harder to hit than hitscan.
Mostly at long distances
The good thing about hanzo is his ult can build so fucking fast it's insane and annoying.
Everybody in Overwatch, even if they're in Bronze, thinks that the same game theory that applies to the top world level coordinated tournament teams applies to themselves. "If the people on the prize money tournament stream did X, then we have to do X!"
They don't realize that, even at GM, it just doesn't work that way. GM is still full of shitters
Been playing Sombra for a while now.
Why is she shit?
Yeah, I love Orissa's kit, but it's unreal how fast she dies if any hero capable of scoring headshots starts shooting at her. But that's no wonder when the head hitbox is so huge that hitting it requires literally zero skill.
Damage per second maybe. But his damage per hit is fairly high. Even higher if he scores a headshot or a scatter arrow.
That said, doing reliable damage is kind of the problem with Hanzo players in general. At best you can hope they can reliably land a scatter arrow.
Not really. The dps from the turret is crap and even if bjorn gun is not bad there are much better damage dealers.
Hack sucks because it's broken by damage
Invis is useless because he decloak is loud as fuck
Her gun's spread is fuckhuge so it's not very effective at range
There are two things you can do to be useful in Overwatch. Kill the enemy or prevent the enemy from killing your team. She isn't particularly good at either of those things. Her niche is "be a minor annoyance". Pretty much anything else is better.
I feel like she can easily hack Rein after cloak and that will get him killed very fast and destroy the opposing team's push.
You're right about those points though.
Shes not quite shit, but shes not good either. She has a very very small niche she fits. Mainly in shutting down very specific problematic characters. Outside of that though, shes very iffy at best.
Shes amazing if you can hack a Rein or Dva for instance, and handy for shutting down most flankers for instance too.
>pre-order the game
>get used to all of the release heroes in quickplay until competitive came out
>season one was pretty fun besides the coin-flip mechanic
>then they add ana to the game and don't nerf her until literally a month ago
>season two is an absolute shit-fest
>season 3 was pretty fun overall, i started playing later than one or two
>season 4 has been just an absolute fucking shit fest
I got to GM and not two games into it started to derank down. I played game after game this season trying to have fun but I just.. I just couldn't. From the constant retard teamates who never actually use teamwork to the ranking and MMR system to just everything...
Why make a "competitive FPS shooter" and make it the least competitive thing around? I wish I could go back in time and take away all of the hours i've spent on this hollow piss-poor excuse for a game
She's good in the current meta, it's just a thing where no one's willing to try her after months of getting shit on and having their teams throw just because someone picked sombra.
Her hack's fine. You're a flanker, flank and engage with the hack. Don't stand in people's faces doing nothing.
Her decloak got buffed down to a 15m audible range recently which is actually a pretty small area.
Her gun's fine. Learn to aim, track, and hit headshots. You're a flanker/disruptive support not a mainline DPS. Dive the enemy supports and squishies.
That's practically what happens with every competitive game that has character picks. It gets especially ridiculous in fighting games when every beginner wants to play some character that is currently the hot shit in tournament level play, when they are incapable of actually doing the things that make those characters hot shit.
Generally ultra high level meta has nothing to do with what works in casual games (unless something is REALLY broken), but people just think that they perform better with trendy picks.
She's the biggest gimmick in the game.
All the effort it takes for both sombra and her team to win can be achieved with much less communication and bortherline luck with almost any other dps
Also, for the love of fuck. Coordinate your EMPs even if your team are a bunch of assholes. It's the only ability more important to coordinate than Lucio speed boosts. If you don't coordinate then don't complain that nothing happens when you ult 9/10 times.
I wouldn't say her hack is fine honestly. It needs buffs bad. If someone's used their abilities already, all you're doing is maybe holding off their ult for like what? 6 seconds?
Also the hack being interrupted by damage is a bit dumb. Hack is fast, but still a time investment that you can't do anything else while its happening.
That said shes not bad, its just shes very niche in what she can do.
sombra can be really good on certain maps with good big medkit locations, and if the map allows for sneaky hacks since you can't be hit while doing it
the only downside is she has such ass damage to even be good kill support you have to have pretty good aim to even be able to think of killing most of the supports
she's been used randomly in some tournies, and her ult can be a huge pain in the ass, you just have to play her really well
Not a serious FPS so it doesnt matter. Just join a new lobby
Sad thing is, despite many games on Lucio and Zenny, I have a much higher winrate with Torb. Don't get me wrong, I'm not wanting to be a one trick, I understand the value of having the different DPS. There are just certain maps I find I do amazingly with Torb on. Particularly, the second point of Volskya comes to mind. Setting the turret in the middle of the open area on the left side of the point near the stairs (when your back is to the defender spawn) tends to ward off a lot of flankers for me while maintaining LoS of the point. If the flanker isn't detered, I am alerted to their arrival anyway and know to check the small health pack for someone going to top themselves off. Of course, I also know to alert the team so they can be on watch for them. As well, the enemy team has to either go on the flank or get onto the point to even deal with my sentry which means if they are distracted with it, leaves me and the rest of the team to deal with them while taking less rounds.
I view the turret as a disposable seventh team member, not something to be babysat but something to aid our damage. It's autoaim, I feel, makes up for it's lack of damage simply because it has an extremely low chance of missing it's target. As well it allows me as Torb to put my attention elsewhere such as the alley or front choke.
But I really like Torb as a character and want to make him work, so I'm biased.
If you could hack and shoot at the same time Sombra might be scary. But as is she's weak as hell because you can only do one of the other.
That would be the ultimate buff. Bam! viable.
>Playing Torb
>Or Bastion, Reaper, Winston, D.va, or Sombra
>Bastion got buffed a lot
>still 0% usage
What wen't wrong?
He got used a lot when his buff was new, but then he got renerfed and everyone figured out how to deal with him
she should honestly be able to hack while stealthed, it's not like she's damaging them or anything, it'd make her much more viable/annoying i think
it's kind of bad enough that you can't shoot right away while stealthed, in 1v1 arcade it's hilarious when you see the guy trying to come out of stealth to shoot and you just plow into him for the second or whatever it takes
2 loud.
Just needs silent footsteps and Tracer/Genji walking speed
so what characters do you approve then?
the entire time he was buffed his usage was like 100%, but once the damage reduction got reduced people just stopped using him again
he's not as unused as he was before, but he's still super situational
Winston and D.Va are both really good, Sombra and Reaper are both fine niche picks, and bastion is an okay pick in the right situation.
The only hero that's not worth picking is Hanzo. Even if you're a god at hanzo you'd still be doing more for your team if you were a god on most other DPS heroes.
The ones that people actually use.
play what the fuck you want most people here are shit even though they play meta