Your favourite weapon is shit

Your favourite weapon is shit

Shit i tell you

i main hammer.

But lance is the best weapon in the game

ma nigga

it is

you're right

i don't even use the shield in sword and shield

TFW just waiting for monster hunter 5 on ps4/vita

I like my SnS, fuck you, user.

>tfw no mhxx on vita

>tfw main sns
>kinda bland, but it just works
>lance looks cool
>too shit to play lance

How is it in XX? I saw some videos of brave gunlance and it was pretty much raping a monster

I gave this game an honest fucking try, and it's clunky, uninspired, and downright abysmal. Not only does it provide a poor intro, leaving you wondering what the hell you're doing, the actual game starts with tedious and uninteresting gathering of mushrooms for hours on end. I endured, thinking "surely things must get better". I couldn't have been more wrong.
First off, these random people told me to kill these little jumpy dinosaurs who kept flinging around and dodging my sword strikes, and it was annoying but was eventually doable. The terrible gameplay was showing through at this point, but didn't become apparent until the bossfight, the "Great Jaggi". The big sword it gives you is literally impossible to hit anything with, the moment you get even set up to swing it, you've either missed or the boss jumps away. When you need to heal, your character does a stupid little victory pose so he can get hit again for free. And finally, it just runs away, I ran out of time and failed the quest because he just KEPT RUNNING AWAY AND WAS IMPOSSIBLE. Fuck all of you, I sold the game because it was shit.
P.S. I play Dark Souls so I'm not bad, ok?

Probably bait, but I'll bite: what game did you start with?

>I play Dark Souls so I'm not bad, ok?
Yeah, ok.

thanks, i only have 1 other shitpost saved

Where would each weapon be on a chart placing them by the order of most amount of skill to least amount of skill to use?

you replied to bait

Is a pasta

Don't call it pasta. I made that one by hand.

Probably need two charts, one with skill to be competent, and another for skill to be good with it. Doesn't take much to be a shitter with GS or Lance, but it takes a lot to do well.

>not pirating XX and using the English patch
Step it up

>the series will never have the atmosphere of gen 3 again


>Main DB
>Constantly feel like a shitter
>Realize spinning around like a beyblade is too fun for me to care

>Weapon types you main
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
>Favorite monster
>Game you started with
>Your biggest fetish


- IG, Bow, LBG, DB
- Charge blade
- Tama-chan
- FU
- heart-shaped pupils

>Weapon type you're utter shit
Bow or Lance. Probably Bow.

>Favorite monster
>Game you started with
FU for a few hours years ago, but got into Gen

>none, i got good
>MHFU psp
>I enjoy traps.

Bow, IG
Gore Magala

>tfw no mhxx on switch

>Also heart-shaped pupils, good taste user

>Wii Tri

Great Sword Corps reporting for duty


I'd say Gunlance is up there at least in terms of skill needed to not get fucked by its mobility, mechanics and sharpness. Once you get good it's the best weapon in terms of fun_____ though.



I want to put my penis in Seltas Queen.

GL, LS, SwAxe, HBG, Bow, DS, Hammer
>Weapon I'm shit with
>Favourite monster
Chameleos in terms of design
Silverwind Narga for fighting
>Game I started with
>Biggest fetish

its good. actually fun to use now

>Weapon types you main
Insect glaive, greatsword and charge blade

>The weapon type you're utter shit at
Hunting horn , dual blades, lance

>Favorite monster

>Game you started with

>Your biggest fetish
Inverted nipples

>GS, CB, Switchaxe, LS, LBG
>Gunlance, Lance, DS
> Paizuri and Mating press

Yea boii fuck the ls autism

How do you deal with the new monsters? Trying to golfswing mizu is total cancer imo, hard as fuck to aim for its head

>playing casualized mh on a 3ds.
I'll wait for a switch version so I don't count the pixels.

What other brave mode is total sex?

LS broke my mind.

-GS, Hammer, SnS, switchaxe, HBG Ig for the few hours I played it before the 3ds was giving me wrist issues.
-Male:mind break

>Light bowgun, Dual Blades
>Great sword
>Can't decide between Kirin, Nargacuga or Mizu
>gauged ears on hairy cute guys

I been used to be a gunlance user for long, i know, the trash is where i belong, its my place.

Please tell me it got a small buff on doboru cross

>lance, gun lance

>LongSword, LightBowguns
>GreatSword, Bow
>Either Lagia or Gobul
>gender swaping

I know LS is shit but I like the way its shit, and since it's shit that just means I'm challenging myself.

is not doe
brave LS is bananas

>it's a dude with random pieces of armor and no skills joins your hub and posts a quest episode

Bonus point for an event quest with super hard hitting monsters.

>join gens pub
>we're all HR2
>guy picks the event USJ Glavenus quest
>tell them to complete the subquest and ignore glavenus to get the tickets
>guy says no
>they proceed to all get one shot by glavenus and fail the quest twice
>they leave afterwards
I already had the set and yet they didn't listen to me. the shitters probably skipped village and didn't have access to glavenus to farm materials

Fucking people man. I don't even mind people carting or whatever, i go online because i got nothing else to do in the game. It's just how greedy and rude everyone is online. It's hard to find a decent group of people

>Weapon types you main
Lance, Hunting Horn
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
>Favorite monster
>Game you started with
>Your biggest fetish


>tfw mained Lance in tri, HH in 3U, Swaxe in 4u, then tried hammer in Gen
This thing makes me fucking hard.

>Weapon types you main
LS, SnS, Hammer, SA
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
>Favorite monster
Gore and Shaggy
>Game you started with
>Your biggest fetish
Modest traditional clothing on girls

>Weapon types you main
HH, Switch Axe, Hammer
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
>Favorite monster
>Game you started with
>Your biggest fetish
Long hair and monster girls

Post room.

>SnS, SA, IG
>lance, hunting horn, bow
>ceadeus, nakarkos, or jho
>you're better off not knowing

>first time playing a MH game in 4u
>excited about the weapon variety
>try out each one for half an hour
>end up hating every weapon except for greatsword
I feel boring liking it, especially after gen came out and I like guild style GS. but it's just too satisfying compared to any other weapon.

he has plenty of openings

killed him in 6 mins with HH, and I was doing poorly

as long as you're having fun, who cares you boring piece of shit

excuse moi coming throuhg

>ywn raise a puppynogre

apex is a fucking beast

it's ok to like greatsword user

it's a simple yet satisfying fun

back in the day of monhan 1/freedom, there wasn't even a charge and that made it so much more simpler and fun

ironically because of this I never got into the habit of using the GS charge for anything but sleeping monsters until 4U

>i have poor taste

>Weapon types you main
Hammer, HH, SnS, GS
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
literally everything else
>Favorite monster
>Game you started with
>Your biggest fetish
Toss-up between thighs, midriff, and forced leg locking

sorry, not HH, meant GS

>frontier in charge of consistency

Spirits, not Frontier.
Spirits just is silly.

Frontier only has this sucker as a baby monster.

>Weapon types you main
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
Great Sword
>Favorite monster
Zinogre and Teostra
>Game you started with
MH4U (don't bully me pls)
>Your biggest fetish
Werewolves or just beastmen

>main weapon types
>weapon you're utter shit at
>favorite monster
Seltas Queen, although that new bug in XX is up there
>game you started with
>your biggest fetish

>Weapon types you main
Swaxe, Bow, and I dabble in Lance and HBG
>The weapon type you're utter shit at
Hammer and GS
>Favorite monster
Zinogre, but Diablos is fun when you have a party who knows how to chain all the disables for free damage
>Game you started with
3U on Wii U I'm still on it
>Your biggest fetish


>forgetting zaboomafoo


Shit, how could I forget the baby you get rewarded for murdering.

Will capcom ever make it so the only two viable kinsects aren't the worst looking ones?

Will capcom make it so you don't have to restart your bug when making a new stick unless you want to?

Yes, XX lets you swap kinsects between glaives.

Neat. Now it just needs to get localized because I'm too lazy to do a gen to XX transfer.

>Freedom 2

if u didnt quit as soon as mh left psp i feel sorry for u

>MH styled game made by MH fans
>always super bland in terms of combat and weapons
>Monsters have no thought or care put into them
>almost always has at least one gimmick that people say they want in MH but shouldn't be added
>focuses too much on story

about fucking time

>chicks with horse dicks and big healthy balls

>SA, Hammer
>Monster Hunter on ps2
> damsel in distress bondage

I know, I HAVE to bring Evade Extender online to hunts or I never get to hit monsters.

This frontier or stories? I find the small feelers on baby Gore rather cute

I want to pet Zinogre and brush his big hairy strong chest

>>Weapon types you main
Hammer, Hunting Horn
>>The weapon type you're utter shit at
>>Favorite monster
Zinogre / Mizutsune
>>Game you started with
3U barely, 4U Mostly
>>Your biggestfetish
feet and /gfd/

>DB, SnS, new CB

Is it okay if I literally only use the dual swords because everything else I try to use doesn't suit me?

What siege monster is your favorite one Sup Forums?

>sns hh ig kitty
>everything else
>zamtrios when hes not in his fat form
>freedom unite for a couple weeks and stopped playing cause I was shit, never came back until 4u
>futa on futa

Yes. If you like the moveset of a weapon then fuck the haters.
But it doesn't hurt to branch out so you have options if you ever get stuck on a monster.

>tfw abandoned MH after playing Gen
>heard XX wasn't much of an improvement
>played dauntless' technical test
>enjoyed the shit out of it
>waiting for them to shit it up with F2P nonsense

I like giant enemy crab.