Some retard who couldn't be bothered to even do a decent cut earlier today inspired me to do this.
Yooka Laylee Mosaic
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice try OP but only the same retard would forget to label the tiles. You and Playtonic can go ahead and leave.
I'll take 2 over, 5 down
Yeah uhh... can I get a cheeseburger and an Oreo Mcflurry?
I'll have a McChicken with extra sauce
I knew I forgot something. Thanks.
lemme get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh jontron with uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh extra woke
Dibs B7
That'll be 3.25 Ech.
what is this mosaic shit about
lurk moar fag
TL;DR: for retards who don't visit Sup Forums or /vp/,
>Mosaics are cut-up versions of game covers or other promotional shit
>Anons claim tiles from it, redraw them/add memes and garbage, then the host takes them all back and put them back together into a single new abomination ranging from pretty good to "oh dear god why"
>We also got a Booru we put most of them on
At-At Attuoroy mosaic user here. I'll repost the finished result of that when the original thread goes bust.
Until then I'll take E1.
That thread was dead as fuck honestly surprised someone upload my Persona 5 one cool
Gimmie c1
Claiming E8
claiming e6
B7 finished
Claiming B6
That's a pretty fuckin' well drawn peepee
Knew you were going for that when I saw you claim it
thats one nice looking cock
no homo
Ho boy this shit is gonna get good
gimme e3
Claiming D7
Sorry about the delay. Was trying out a game from the Humble Monthly.
Also nice donger.
im going to shamefully fap to this
Dibs on f2
Taken,, my man.
Hate to rain on your parade, but I'm getting some wrong dimensions on these tiles.
Row 1 is 237 pixels tall, and Column A is 301 pixels wide. That makes Column E 299 pixels wide, and Row 8 235 pixels tall. Everything not on a border I think has the right dimensions.
>They are fucked up
Wow. Fuck. I usually don't do that.
I probably forgot pixel 0,0 in calculation.
I know this screams autism, but I think OP should be prepared for submissions with the wrong dimensions.
I guess I'll take D1
Oh yeah, I can trim things to work. It's not a huge deal, but did take me by surprise.
>Good crop-work and/or layering
Shit I meant e2. Was it taken?
Nope, you're fine.
A1 Called?
Gimme c7 cuh
It is now, steak-sauce.
Also mis-removed E1, fixed.
B5 is done
b1 here
Here's C7
it's already ruined.
D1 is finished.
I decided to take the honors of the inevitable JonTron mosaic so hopefully others can be more creative when creating theirs
If you think it's too shit, give my square to someone else
Gimme B8 op
Could I get E7?
Took as much effort as the developers on the game
Ehh. I'll float it because there's been so many good ones thus far.
No. At least put some effort into it.
I hope this one doesn't looks like shit when put together like most Sup Forums mosaics but I know it will
claiming 2C
The one just before this one was pretty damn good.
Please don't remind me of the buyers remorse that I'm probably going to endure soon.
>Want to claim some other spaces
>Don't want to be that guy that does like 3 spaces in one mosaic
I just wanna make the tie a british flag and throw Chip Skylark in the teeth panel.
give me d3
I can't believe none of you have done this yet
C6 finished
finished E3.
i know its shit its the first time i ever did one of these :/
Eh heh heh heh!
fuck I was literally about to claim it
so I'll claim D2 instead
Terrible. You could have at least put the jew in the mouth. Do something creative or don't do it at all
i kno. im sorry give it to someone else
I'm taking B2 and A7
Don't worry man. At least you can admit it.
how does this take you 10 minutes to make
the quality of the edits has somehow improved with this
better than mine
>want to do a mosaic
>doesn't approve people who has different ideas of what they wanted to put in
how progressive
Took me 2 minutes, eight of them were wasted in another tab
Alright this one's looking fucking good already
They were shitty edits and if you don't have some level of quality control, you get awful crap like this.
Lurk moar, faggot.
were you the guy who drew oskar on this?
claim a4
Taking A3
E8 here, I lost progress on the grass and I'm too lazy to remake it, hope this is good enough
i call c5
d3 done
easiest idea ever
This already looks better than what we have in the thread.
That looks fine
ayo give me d8
Holy shit
Does this actually line up?
e7 finished
no not perfectly
wait, fuck, i meant to claim A7 but I claimed E7. I guess I have Down's. Sorry OP
Where the fuck is OP? Did he abandon the thread like the massive faggot he is?
ruh roh
They both suck.