>He's over the age of 18 and still plays childish E rated games
He's over the age of 18 and still plays childish E rated games
>he's over 18 and he plays video games
E is for children like G is. M is for manly men.
i only play mature games full of tits and gore and everything that tweens love
video games are for manchildren, accept what you are and own it
M rated games are acceptable for adults to play. Playing your 3DS making faggy little Mario sounds makes me want to beat your numale ass.
>He's over the age of 18 and still plays video games
M rated games are for men, I bet I could kick your beta ass.
sorry, i have a life and can't be wasting my time being a manchildren.
You're a numale and girls are disgusted by you with your mario t-shirt. I play sports regularly, all the girls love me, and don't play children's games. This is why you'll always be a loser.
>Having time for sports
>Not working 80 hours a week, making 400k a year minimum
>Not using Sup Forums as a means to analyze a potential market
You my friend, are in fact, the Beta.
Sports makes you money numale. I have the skills to kick your ass and snatch your gay childish 3DS you fucking pathetic loser.
calm down autismo, don't you have any pills to take right now?
>supposed to give up gaems at 18
>favorite mongolian finger painting forums is for 18+ only
>two sets of rules only leaves a few months of vidya before being excised from society
explains why so many opinions here are so shit, it's barely grown children
gtfo (((quentin)))
>muh quetin boogeyman
Sorry numale faggot, but I'm one of the few alpha males left. Everyone around me is a pathetic beta loser. What happened to men, it's a dying identity that needs to be revived by bullying losers till they man up.
Manly men do things productive and outdoors, not play video games.
Sports games are acceptable for adult men, not muh mario beep boop faggotry.
those are rated E, faggit
I fucking love Mario Tennis.
The rating doesn't mean anything, all games are for children.
No user, they're for quentin terentino to tell you you can't spend your money on frogger 3d.
Quetin was the hero Sup Forums needed.
Childish games are actually a misnomer, as they're not just E-rated. Tons of games can be childish, like these:
>call of duty
>god of War
>Gone Home
>final Fantasy
do you know what makes them kiddy? It's not their graphics or their tones, but rather their gameplay philosophies, namely that they need to be watered down as much as possible to be palatable by children.There's no upward difficulty curve or good game design that rewards skill and tactics. You can mash the button to win, and feel no less shame. they're essentially there to appeal to people who think that sex and tits and gore and violence and swear words are somehow the mark of a "mature game". And such a thought is laughable.
On the flip side, many Mario games aren't kiddy, because he doesn't need to validate himself with mature cursing and attempts at being "deep" or "cinematic" in his story. It's a simple tale, rescue the princess. only a child would clamor for more story in a game than is necessary.
>caring about what ESRB rating a game gets
>caring about "muh childish things"
Teenager spotted
>mash the button to win
fuck you
>He's over the age of 18 and still plays childish "mature" games that give him the illusion of being his chronological age
>it's ACfag again
mother of fuck no FUCK OFF
It's called being a man. A FUCKING M A N. Somebody you'll get your ass kicked by sometime who gets laid and you'll quit your pathetic children's games.
>Being over 18 and falling for bait
I miss quentin, he kept this board on the right path
>muh books
>clinging to toxic gender norms and masculinity cliches
You will learn soon how little being a "man" means in the real world. A gentleman is a far better idea.
>Brain-age is still 12
>toxic masculinity
Die in a fire SJW