Sup Forums'a Fallout ideas

What are your ideas for a new Fallout game?

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how about a 3-d fallout in california

this one's set in north dakota, which no one remembered to bomb

Nawlins or south Florida

Most of the midwest is too dull for Fallout, the west coast/Rockies have been done several times already, the northeast coast has been done multiple times, the only really unique spots in murrica left are nawlins and Miami/Orlando/Tampa.

Oklahoma/texas area. Cowboy/Indian/Mexican Why not?

One that isn't horrible and bugridden?


I heard that people from new orleans really, REALLY hate it when you say this


Washington, Seattle especially

>Central FL
>Giant mutant gators

Hawaii. Diving, spooky flora and fauna, luaus.

Fallout Palmyra Atoll

Fallout Oregon when?

Florida's flat as shit though.


Fallout Atlanta. Imagine it, a Nuka Cola vault where the formula is kept, a southern racist faction, a civil war type mission, a college with actual technology instead of The Institute bullwhip, this practically writes itself.

>anywhere outside of the US

Way to totally miss the point of the setting.

Fallout Upper Peninsula

Base game in Alaska, expansions in Washington, Wyoming, Minnesota and Toronto
Base game in Florida, expansions in New Orleans, Kentucky, Alabama and Texas

chicago/milwaukee area. but it's just part of the lake now

been longing for this forever now

>trek across the ruined Mackinaw Bridge
>fabled giant turtle island, no technology present on island to maintain Victorian image
>everyone avoids the trolls to south
>huge November gales from the Gitche Gumee


Canada, great white north, you play as a wanderer from michigan. Giant Supermutant Moose, burhs, maple junkee ghouls, super polite mutants that apologize after murdering you.

Takes place in Idaho, contains remnant KKK faction that has strayed from it's beliefs. Commentary on how the democrats and republicans don't really resemble how they were when they started.

>fallout appalachia

>redneck mutants
>huge untouched forests
>mountains as far as the eye can see
>the largest connected underground cave system in the world
>military bases hidden all over
>civil war sites/weapons/clothing

Who cares anyway, the next game will be even more watered down than 4. Enjoy your trash

Alaska would be fun as hell

>Russian spies
>Chinese spies
>huge animals
>spoopy skinwalkers

pls pls

Fallout games need some culture to work off of.

New York


hahaha because meeems rite? :^)

Detriot, except nothing is really different and at the end of the game you learn its actually 2017 and not 200 years after the great war

Spotted the Canadian

Frankly I don't see how the Midwest is any duller than the D.C. area
A Fallout based in the Twin Cities or Milwaukee could be very interesting.

>ends his sentence with a preposition
I'm guessing you are from American """"""""""""""""""""""""""culture"""""""""""""""""""""""""", right?


Some of my ideas:
>Alaska w/ survivalism, US/Chinese military remnants, temperature mechanics, predators that actually attempt stealth on you, sea monsters, fishing towns dotting the coast with military technology frozen and preserved all over the place
>Hawaii, still Americana while being different
>Fallout set in the midwest where the eastern BoS and NCR have met up

>Giant mutant gators
They already did that in Nuka World, actually. Gatorclaws.

China, it's time to tap on chinese large consumer market like Hollywood already does.

Don't give a shit where they set it. Just make the next one hard. Like the Dust/Frost mods, make the game more about scrounging for resources and fighting hobos in the subway, not sprinting around in power armor minigunning deathclaws by the dozens.

Genius. I'll buy two.

>there's only one forest, it consumes the entire western half of the map and there's nothing of interest there, it just looks nice
>there's exactly one path up any given mountain, exploration is limited due to invisible walls or unscalable surfaces
>some mountains don't even have path, if you want to reach its summit you just go through an enclave secret bunker and boom, you've reached the top at the end


>you will never explore the inside of a post-apocalyptic rusted out Statue of Liberty

>You will never find an old missile silo and talk to the AI who's been sitting there since before the war

>You will never see how post-war people interpret shit like Mount Rushmore

>muh latin

>make the next game about scrounging for resources and fighting hobos in the subway

but that's not what fallout's about at all, that's what dust/frost is about.

fallout is an RPG, getting stronger is the core of it

Alaska. Way up there in the frozen north dealing with one of the larger remnants of those Commie bastards left on American soil, not to mention big ass mutant moose and polar bears, scatterings of the Brotherhood of Steel, everyone scrambling to get the best homesteads to survive the brutal winters, or digging up big pieces of weaponry like artillery or tanks buried in the snow.

You're from one of the nice warm vaults and you gotta protect your claim, cash in on some resource rush that has people from all over causing an economic boom, or find a way to contact the more fertile powers to the south so you can begin trade and make the place survivable for everyone you love.

Fallout West Virginia, see that mountain you can go there, in fact thats all you can go to is fucking mountains.

Remake of Fallout 1, with a complete 1:1 replica of every single thing (all gory death animations, all skills, all speech, etc) but with New Vegas gameplay

Yuropeen spotted

>Remake of Fallout 1, with a complete 1:1 replica of every single thing (all gory death animations, all skills, all speech, etc) but with XCOM:EU gameplay

It will be shit no matter where it's set

Someplace that actually has a diverse landscape and isn't just a flat, samey looking wasteland with a major city plopped down in the middle for good measure. Give me mountains, give me canyons, give me lakes and rivers that aren't shitty little creaks and ponds with radiation slapped into it for no good reason, fuck man give me tribals and factions that aren't generic fucking raiders, ghouls and mutants all over the place without any real thought put into their placement and purpose besides "shit to shoot and shit that will shoot back".

Basically what I'm saying here is, yes Todd i want to fucking climb that mountain. These boring flat shitholes with muh iconic historical landmarks in the middle of it all aren't doing it for me.

>Fallout game with BOTW's climbing mechanics
>Also you can shoot from the cliff

make it happen

So basically a longer Honest Hearts

Fallout: Oregon

Snow, rain and gold

I still want Fallout: Louisiana

based Hawaii

Florida, I-4 corridor.
Imagine miles of long-abandoned theme parks and rollercoasters, and GatorClaw-filled swampland.
But as a Florida native, I'm a bit biased. Me on the left.

North Dakota has a large nuclear arsenal, it would undoubtedly suffer many direct hits.

Idaho, on the other hand...

>New Jersey
>old jersey

Not necessarily, I just used that pic as an example. But I do love me some kooky post-apocalyptic tribals, even though i'm probably a minority in that way considering how many people shit on Fallout 2 for that reason.

wtf is porbo?

i'm afraid of the results i got from google

>for Idaho life continues as normal
>no one ever finds out there was an apocalypse

Forgot Kennedy Space Center area. Fits the Fallout theme perfectly

You're an alligator?

>washington state

>game set in Florida
>you dont come from a vault and you get your pip boy from a dead person
>there is a war between spanish, cubans and americans
>you must choose which one will dominate Florida, either through war or by peace
>cubans hold Miami, Spanish have Orlando, and Americans have Tampa
>the swamps are populated by hunters and monsters
>there is a wall in Orlando that he spanish built so nobody enters unless they pay or are arrested
>there is a city in the middle of the area built by wastelanders as a trading zone and has a vault underground
>normal money instead of caps
I have another one for Alaska, but I dont know if I want to post it

a misspelling of 'porno'

Midwest would have to be more a survival game
hunting in the woods, supernatural shit etc.

>fallout: race war

i'm not sure i see this happening

Shave and get a better haircut.

Fallout: Iowa

It's just a field

ah... thanks

Oh shit, I never noticed that, the same thing can be applied to my Alaska idea, but its the cold war instea

>North Carolina
>Generate character
>attempt to use restroom
>asked for birth certificate by BoS
>don't have one
>main quest is obtaining a birth certificate so you can take a piss

>california in another game or movie
oh yeah how exiciting

what's wrong with your haaaair

I was growing it out at the time. I have long hair now.

Fallout Tactics 2: Manhattan Project.

>fallout erie
>takes place around lake erie, ohio, detroit, bits of canadia
>northern ohio relatively untouched because shitty weather managed to divert nukes
>everyone pissed at northern ohio so they try to take their shit
>northern ohio full of people who don't want anyone to have their cool shit
>this lasts for 150 years
>dlc to go to detroit to either level it to prevent shitter canadians from funneling invading forces through detroit, repel the invading force, or compromise
>dlc to go to southern ohio to make southern ohioans fuck off from invading northern ohio
>dlc to go fend off them fuckin troglodytes funneling out of philadelphia

Find a fucking flaw

Oh, I came up with this one in a "Pitch a fallout game based on your home city" thread.

Fallout: Big River
>Set in Kansas City
>You start as a traveller from upriver whose boat gets sunk by titanic mutant catfish called River Kings
>You scramble to safety by climbing a repair ladder on a bridge only to find it in the middle of a violent battle
>Choose to flee to safety on the east or west side
>On the east side you've got KC, a fortresslike city with a working electrical grid and a wealth of pre-war tech, ruled by the King of Power and Light
>On the west you've got the Plainslanders, agrarian nomads who ride the flats in mad-max style scrap-vehicles
>The KC want the food and space on the west side of the river -their territory is more heavily irradiated and can't support a large population
>The Plainslanders want the weapons, tech, and the fortifications on the east -their open lands make them vulnerable to bandit raids (and the implication of Caeser's Legion further west)
>Only one bridge, the Pass, remains intact, and the River Kings make crossing the water dangerous and unsustainable
>Battle ensues

Fallout: Dog Town

why are lions always mad?

one set in Asia.
Burgers have Fallout
Chebureki's have Metro and STALKER
Let Asians have some fun

The way endurance works is that it only increases your HP at even number levels, so by leaving it at 5 instead of dropping it to 4 you effectively threw a SPECIAL point in the trash.


I've had this picture saved since 2011 when there was a thread on Sup Forums talking about where the next Fallout should be.



No more meme cola

Fucks sake why is Bethesda so obsessed with it it's not even funny

>95% of everything that was supposed to be used in Van Buren will never see the light of day outside of some offhand references and maybe being reworked into other stuff like Big MT
>we will never go to the ghoul reservation and meet the first ghoul-born child
>we will never re-establish the railroad with the help of crazy train worshipping tribals
>we will never crawl around the rooftops of Denver with the streets below being infested with packs of huge ass cybernetic dogs

That's because I have the gifted trait

You still could have lowered it 1 and put the point somewhere else

The Midwest is empty as shit though, what kind of locations would you even have? Empty-ass plains and nuked out suburbia don't make good locales.

>difference between trees and wood

god damn cali.

you already have your fallout, slanty

>first ghoul-born child
Ghouls can fuck or get hard in the first place?

Asians get Shin Megami Tensei though.

Who gives a shit about Bethesda's Fallout anymore.

Wasteland is where it's at now.

You're a goddamn coastie retard.

>missed Fallout Tactics

Please never talk about Fallout's lore again, thanks

>empty ass plains and nuked out suburbia
>literally 90% of what the fallout games are

Some, maybe not all. Depends on how decrepit they are I imagine.