>ITT: Characters no one else remembers
ITT: Characters no one else remembers
From the New World was fucking awesome.
Not really
Worst in the series. The music was great though
I have the game she was in.
Not as good as the first 2 shadow hearts, but decent enough.
No problem op
on it's own it was pretty good without comparing it to the previous games.
I've been meaning to go back and try the first two Shadow Hearts. From the New World was the only one I played and I really liked it.
>Playing that whole game with the giantess cheat on
Yeah I guess that is true
What was that like
Terrible chapter. I, for one, don't even consider it canon(and it makes sense, since it was made by a different developer).
She was pure fap material tho, even if her character was hollow and uninteresting.
I wonder what his feet smell like haha.
It the WORSE in the series by miles.
Play Koudelka->Sh1>Sh2.
First SH is techically obsolete(literally a ps1 game slapped in a ps2)but the characters and the humor will cling to you. You will cry at the end.
SH 2 has worse sidekicks, plot derails a lot and you'll see a sense in everything only near the end. It has some of the most emotional moment in vidya, and its techically on an another planet compared to SH1.
Also, secrets in SH1 were way better.
Dude. Shania was fucking hot. Shame she never got much fan art.
Shania was a turbo cunt.
>>ITT: Characters no one else remembers- 21 posts and 9 image replies shown.
>muh mission
Yeah that's true, but she came around eventually
>her story just gets dropped after Disk 1
I'm still mad. Amarant was wasted too.
>tfw no lewds of ohatsu or best jubei from that onimusha
why live?
Her species gets dropped after disc one as well.
Muh dick remembers
>best girl has no route
Shit VN only bone I got was when you choke her out
He was a boss in ben 10: defenders of earth for the ps2, was like an assistant of Dr. Animo or something, looked like a total fucking druggy and lived in a swamp and shit but he was rad cause he turned into wasps and shit.
if only there was a way to choke her vagina out with your dick
>Tfw SA:O took .Hack's place as the MMO inside a vidya trope.
Shit sucks mayne. Blackrose will always be my favorite tsundere brown girl.
Blackrose is top tier waifu
Holy kek, I never noticed that dark skinned girl until now.
.Hacks each anime,manga,light novel, and video game being connected is insane
Best girl in that game.
I like how the guitar talks about her chest and the mc swats the guitar.
>ring around the big toe
I own all her LNs
Still need to fucking finish emulating Quarantine too but I got burned out trying to blaze through Infection -> Outbreak.
>You will never rent .Hack//Mutation and freak out at getting a full episode OVA on top of a fucking game ever again.
>open thread thinking "probably nothing but weebshit"
>nothing but weebshit
If I didn't actually forget all those unmemorable western characters, I would post them.
You guys are stupid. Falsetto was the real best girl.
You absolute bastard
Sweet pixel art though
You make a compelling argument.
Yeah, but Johnny is a cute fucboi
she's the best one
I have all the novels also and 3 of the original series still missing quarantine. last time I tried to emulate it my hdd I had my save on failed on me also so one day I'll get around to it
I love Burmecians.
>Tfw gamur girl coworker who can't even remember the spells from the game when she recently played them has all four fucking copies AND ALL G.U. COPIES.
She hasn't even finished Infection from what I recall.
Literally who?
>Tomboy attitude.
>Fights with fists.
>Dressed like a cutie
Freya would abandon her search of Fratley for your ass
I always remember her gigantic thighs and ass.
I'll never forget her fat ass.
And all her special attack quotes are dumb poetry
>By lightning and thunder will you be thrown
>By wind will you be scattered
>Heaven and Earth
I can't find a copy of 4 for a decent price anywhere its been slowly killing me
>Even being able to find copies.
I'm just happy I'm able to reliably emulate them for mostly the same experience.
>Tfw constantly get slowdown in Mac Anu near that comfy bridge.
You read my fucking mind. Such a great game, truly waifu material.
>tfw Verse time fuckery
MAYBE JEFF RETURNS TOO? (That's mostly wishful thinking on my part though)
I got the english patch of la puclle ragnarok 2 days ago and holy shit is chapter 4 of the demon prier levels HARD. She literally loses all of her allies and her purify power during chapter 4 ON THE GOOD ROUTE.
I think about this game more than I should
Priere is infinitely more memorable than pic related.
Is that also avaliable for psp and if so where can i get an iso file of it?
>"We want to talk wit you bro, just de way you like it."
as a teen I jacked it nightly to this slut in ff12
The Hermuda Triangle was the ported version that went to the PSP. Try Nicoblog for an iso, or psvitaiso forums.
Did they ever fix the weird graphical issues when emulating GU?
A top tier girl and yet so forgotten.
I haven't tried emulating G.U. yet since I'm still on Outbreak.
I'd hope so.
>Tfw as a kid couldn't find part 2 so had to skip it and just go with finishing Part 3.
Fucking shit sucks man.
>You'll never fuck Prier's footpussy
I wish they would at least acknowledge Lucia again. I know it's too much to ask to see her playable again.
I fucking love this game. Starting replaying it a few months ago and got stuck in the Aztec ruins.